High recommended reading. ..he said it better than I could have done. Here is what those opposing Obamacare forget...and we should remember.

WELCOME TO THE BLOG This blog reflects my views of current political issues.. It is also an archive for columns in the Sky Hi News 2011 to November 2019. Winter Park Times 2019 to 2021.(paper publishing suspended in 2021) My Facebook page, the muftic forum, posts blog links, comments, and sharing. Non-political Facebook page: felicia muftic. Subscribe for free on Substack: Blog postings are continuously being edited and updated.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Call me a pragmatist; we have a problem; a solution; GOP wants to unsolve it
The shouting match between left and right on health care
reform roars with the hyperventilating right calling anyone who supports
Obamacare ideologically insulting names. Just call me a pragmatist.
Earth to ideologues:
we have a problem here and whatever you call the solution, you want to unsolve
it by replacing Obamacare with nothing
that protects consumers from bad insurer practices or makes insurance affordable for the uninsured.
Leave it up to the free
market system, you say. That is returning to the same that has refused coverage of so many for pre-existing conditions and screwed its customers lucky enough to even
get coverage. There is a good reason medical bills are the leading cause of
bankruptcy. Insurance had
small print clauses capping
dollar amounts of coverage or with impossible
to pay high deductible while raking off
more than 20% for overhead.
Legalized monopolies
extended across state lines s that make
true cross state free market competition a farce, permitting price and benefit collusion. The only free market
place, ironically, is in the Obamacare exchanges
where multiple carriers compete for your business with coverage and premiums compared side by side, and all meeting at
least minimum standards. See
Heads up: your neighbors know we have a problem and need, want,
and appreciate a solution as polls running in this newspaper this month have
revealed .. More support Obamacare than want to repeal it; only 41% responding
had employer provided insurance. Surveys
taken by Colorado Health Institute 2013 confirm the similar numbers: nearly 20% of your Grand County neighbors do not have health
insurance, 82% because of cost , and an additional 13% are underinsured.
Why?. In order to
make a living in this county many must have one day job and two part time table
waiting, drywall, ski instructor ,
maintenance, hamburger flipping jobs. Few
employers of such have ever provided insurance.
The newest fear hyping prediction from the right is that no young people will sign up so that only
the sick and infirm with pre-existing conditions will be left in the insurance
pool, causing Obama to self destruct. That did not happen in Massachusetts , the
only testing grounds for a plan similar to Obamacare. The young and healthy had more
sense than what the old folks comfy with insurance credit them with. It is not just the fines that got them into
the system: though losing 1% or $95 of
your income this year and much more in
future years with no insurance to show
for it, too, is no joke. What gets them
into the system is the ability to afford insurance thanks to subsidies or to
qualify for the expanded free Medicaid or for
those under 30 to get cheap catastrophic insurance.
Bike crashes and ski wipeouts happen The cheapest knee replacement, per recent Aspen
Times and Vail Daily surveys , costs $55 thousand in Denver. Either you have cash, good credit, or bankruptcy.
Young people are able to stay on their parents’ insurance
policy until they are 26, thanks to Obamacare. An unemployed 19 year old I know well tore his acl/ ncl and chipped a
bone and his parents said that since
Obamacare let him stay on his parents
insurance, the coverage saved $40
thousand out of pocket.
More at
Sunday, November 17, 2013
What a difference a year could make in the GOP's war on Obamacare
What a difference a year could make
In the GOP’s war on
Obamacare, Republicans are taking a
risk if they rely on anti Obamacare
messages in the November 2014 midterms. The issues today will not be the same a year from now. There is time for a significant number of their voters to realize
while Republicans want Obamacare to fail, they also will begin to realize that
the GOP also wants them to fail to be able to get good affordable insurance.
While the GOP has had a field day attacking the administration
for the
botched web site rollout and shaming the President’s failure to live up
to his alleged “promise” to allow “all to keep their insurance if they liked it”, these are short term jolts. A year from now the federal web site will have been up and running for months. .
Enough customers will have signed up for Obamacare by mid term elections in 2014 to have heard good things from friends and family and realize the GOP fear hyping predictions were more hot air than not. After four years of trying, the GOP
still would not be able to propose a comparable alternative and have concluded that it is political suicide to repeal benefits many already enjoyed.
The President’s
administrative fix , allowing consumers to keep their substandard policies for
a year and to allow insurers to sell substandard plans to existing customers, takes the wind out of the sails of that issue .
All holders of cancelled policies will
have had a year’s chance to seek better, cheaper policies. In fact, in Colorado ( )and in
fourteen other states, they have the opportunity now to shop in the state run exchanges that are
functioning well.
The President’s fix shoves
the responsibility to reinstate cancelled policies to the insurers and
the state insurance commissioners. However,
as insurance executives complain
about administrative hardships and a few state insurance commissioners sided with insurers, other commissioners,
including Colorado’s, announced they would cooperate with Obama’s plan.
During the shaping and passage of the health reform law, President Obama had studiously avoided bad
mouthing insurance companies whose anti consumer practices were the reasons for the reform law in the first
place.. He needed their participation in
the exchanges. But Democrats in Congress feel no constraints. Democrats have
already indicated they will go on the
offensive, threatening to hold insurers’ feet to the fire for excessive rate increases in advance of the
health care law taking effect as a way to pressure them to go along with the
President’s “fix”.
The GOP overreached and lost a chance to override a veto
promised by the President. Some
Democratic members of the House facing re-election in unsafe seats, voted for
a Republican bill, but not enough of them
to make the bill veto proof. In
addition to allowing individual policy holders to keep their old policies, the GOP
proposed that even new customers could buy substandard policies . This was a subtle time bomb. It would cancel out Obamacare’s purpose to protect consumers from
insurer’s unfair practices and divert the healthy from buying insurance through
the exchanges, undermining the law’s
financial soundness that depends on a diverse pool of healthy young and
others that are all paying in.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Twisted grammar and changing vocabulary are the stuff of the GOP anti Obamacare crusade and Obama's stumbles
Twisted grammar and ever changing vocabulary are the stuff of which the continuing GOP crusade to destroy
Obamacare is made and the Democrats have
their stumbles, too. The anti Obamacare
talking points get the present tense of verb mixed up with future tense. Some words, like “replace” disappear from the talking points, new ones emerge like “repair”.
Old words, like “lie” get new
One GOP approach is to
turn present tense into a future
certainty. The lines go like this.” No
one has signed up for Obamacare now, they will not do it later”, ignoring that.
a working web site and penalties have
not even kicked in yet..Another line is.. “ No young, healthy will sign up so
it will collapse of its own weight”, though 98% are insured in Massachusetts, the state system after which
Obamacare was patterned. If “the tech surge” succeeds in fixing the web
site , their verb tense will become past perfect.
Since Rep. Joe Wilson
interrupted President Obama’s 2009 State of the Union speech with,
“You lie”, “lie” has also become a
standard GOP phrase. Mitt Romney,
interviewed on NBC’S Meet the Press Nov. 3, used the less inflammatory words,”fundamental dishonesty” instead of “you lie”, but the meaning was the
When is a “lie” a lie ?
When it is true at the time when it is told but it is not true now? That seems to be how the GOP defines it. When Pres. Obama made his
statements before mid March 2010 when the law was passed it was true at that
time, that” if you liked your insurance, you could keep it”. Not explained then ,if the individual insurance
you had then is not the one you have now or your policy terms changed in the
meantime and it does not meet new standards,
you may have to get a new policy.. Pres. Obama’s sin, for which he apologized November 7
was not qualifying his statement with
the adjective “most” will keep their insurance, and then doing
nothing to clarify then or later.
The President has
promised to fix the problem for those who have hardships because of the
cancellations. What would happen
without changes ? All would get better, more comprehensive insurance, about half would even qualify for a subsidy and pay less and
others would pay more. It is the
latter the President hints he will take administrative action to help.
For the most apolitical, factual explanation of how
Obamacare will impact you personally, go to What's up with Obamacare and my
health care? - at . It is a good way to get real in future tense. Remember Colorado manages
its own marketplace and web at:
and it is up and running. Do not go to the federal site.
In the Nov. 3 interview, Gov. Romney did add a new word to our health care reform vocabulary: “repair” . “Repair” should not mean a “fundamental change”.
“Repeal and defund”, the “throw the baby out with the
bathwater” approach, will be only a whisper by March 31, 2014 when many have signed up. Taking away better understood and valued benefits from so many will be a tough sell . “Delay”
will still be on the tips of some tongues, but expect no action unless the federal web
site is not “repaired” by the end of November.
There is still plenty of time between December 1 and before the end of March to sign up customers.
“Replace” used to be coupled with the word “repeal”, but
it has disappeared from the GOP lexicon.
Nothing Republicans ever proposed
in the past four years “replaced” what
Obamacare offers: insuring 30 million uninsured and protecting consumers ,
while providing a plan to pay for it without adding to the deficit.
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