WELCOME TO THE BLOG This blog reflects my views of current political issues.. It is also an archive for columns in the Sky Hi News 2011 to November 2019. Winter Park Times 2019 to 2021.(paper publishing suspended in 2021) My Facebook page, the muftic forum, posts blog links, comments, and sharing. Non-political Facebook page: felicia muftic. Subscribe for free on Substack: https://feliciamuftic.substack.com Blog postings are continuously being edited and updated.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Services celebrating Michael Muftic, MD's life, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Convention Center Hotel in Denver at 5 PM on Tuesday, September 15 and at the Church of Eternal Hills in Tabernash, Colorado at 11 AM on Saturday, September 12. There will be receptions after both services. In Denver, after the reception there will also be a no host dinner at the hotel's restaurant, Altitude. The hotel requests that reservations for the dinner should be made in advance at 303 486 4434.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
The Muftic Forum blog is on leave for the next 4 weeks.
The Muftic Forum Blog will resume after September 15, 2015
Sunday, August 9, 2015
GOP candidate debate: sins of omission
In watching the GOP candidate debates, I was struck by how
little the needle was moved on the issue meter. There were no surprises or
taking back of the individual candidate positions enunciated before the debates. What was not said was also noteworthy. Especially ignored were alternatives to
Obamacare and the effectiveness of the verification provisions of the Iran
deal. In 2012, jobs and the economy were
the overwhelmingly hot topic, though not quite as front and center in this
debate. Perhaps the improving economy and jobs picture took winds out of those
red sails.
The shades of
conservatism were on display in spite of Donald Trump’s hogging more minutes on
the clock than others. The Fox
inquisitors put each on the spot to respond to and clarify their past
statements that could be seen as controversial or defining of their deviation
from the rest of the herd. Trump’s post- debate objection insulted a FOX news
anchor. Both John Kasich and Jeb Bush made brief, but clear and convincing
defense of such positions, Bush on common core and immigration, and Kasich
caring about the poor in context of Medicaid expansion.
What the Fox questioners did not do is to ask the candidates
to rebut Democratic positions at the top of the Democratic issue priority list,
including environment, global warming, income inequality, voter suppression, and
financial services reform. However, the
candidates supported defunding Planned Parenthood, a guaranteed turn-off of
young women voters.
The most glaring sin of omission concerned the Iran deal,
condemned by nearly all on the stage. Rarely did the word “verify” pass their
lips. Repeated charges that Obama was naïve
to trust Iran completely ignored the entire text of the agreement which was about the verification process approved by
all nuclear and non- proliferation
experts in the world, hardly the naïve ones. Candidates like other anti- deal
critics remained intentionally ignorant of the details. The exception was GOP’s amateur hour politicians
citing the 24 day permission request for inspection. That had been defended by
the nuclear experts as way to put a cap on delay tactics and clandestine
nuclear development traces could not be destroyed in that time period.
Complained the
candidates and others, the deal failed because Iran’s behavior toward Israel
would not be changed. Those were never the goals. Stopping Iran from getting
the bomb was. That without the deal Iran could have nuclear weapons in months
was simply ignored. It seemed less important to the candidates than there was a
chance Iran could have nuclear weapons in ten years. Do they really mean that
short term nuclear proliferation was not a concern, but long term was? Or do
they mean war now was the only alternative to keeping Iran from nukes? How is
another mid- east war in US interests?
Another sin of omission was the mantra shared by all GOP
candidates: repeal and replace
Obamacare. Once simply kill Obamacare
was the line. Promoting a replacement is at least an acknowledgement of the
effectiveness of Obamacare in getting 11 million more insured. What was glaringly missing was with what they
would replace it, including details of
costs and who would lose/keep/gain affordable coverage.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Heads up: the issue spinners are at work
It is bad enough that the issues facing America are complex,
the decisions consequential to our security or to the lives of citizens, but
when advocates for one side or the other tell untruths, mislead, or leave out
important details, it becomes difficult for citizens to form rational opinions
based on facts. Issues with highly
technical components are especially vulnerable to abuse by false advertising.
There are two issues hot on the burner these days which are
rife with spin doctors plying their trade. One concerns the Iran nuclear deal
and the other, defunding Planned Parenthood. Whatever your position on either
issue, heads up. Media fact checkers are
blowing the whistle.
Much of the Iran nuclear deal is very technical. You may
have seen the commercial claiming the Iran nuclear deal is a bad deal, ending
with “we need a better deal”. There is
very little in the ad that is not misleading.
The ad claims that there will be no inspection of 50 military sites. In Arizona,
television station ABC15 ‘s fact checker
consulted experts and found there will indeed
be inspection of military sites that are nuclear development capable. Other heavyweight experts
agree. Not all military sites are appropriate for inspection. If the inspection
request is refused, sanctions would be re- imposed. Touts the ad, Iran can build a nuclear weapon
in two months because Iran keeps nuclear facilities. Experts looking at the deal say because the centrifuges
needed to build a bomb are mothballed and enriched uranium is limited or
destroyed, it would take at least a year.
The ad is paid for by Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran, an
ironic name because the result would be a nuclear Iran sooner than much later,
if at all. The ad purports to support negotiating a better deal. We note while we reinstate sanctions and try
to reassemble any willing negotiators, Iran could build their bomb within
months, and no inspectors would be there to detect it. Threat of sanctions is not the only enforcer.
If Iran breaks the deal, nothing in the agreement prohibits a military strike,
per Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter.
Selective editing of undercover video is a technique as old
as video. Such is the case of the film
used to convince lawmakers and the public that Planned Parenthood sells fetal
tissue for a profit. Factcheck.org, an
independent non- partisan fact checking group, looked at the original video of
an “interview” of a Planned Parenthood official and compared it to the version
widely circulated in the media used as a pretext by anti- abortion activists to
motivate Congress to defund the organization. Left out of the version often
repeated on news reports is the part in which the official carefully explains
that the fetal tissue is used for research and that there is no profit. Factcheck.org cites experts who calculate that
Planned Parenthood’s charges probably do not even cover expenses. That Planned
Parenthood makes a profit on donated fetal tissue is not true. Of course, federal money by law cannot be used
for abortions and the federal money now goes only for cancer screening and
other women’s health services, which would be defunded.
A version of this was run as a column in the www.skyhidailynews.com August 6, 7 2015
A version of this was run as a column in the www.skyhidailynews.com August 6, 7 2015
http://www.bloombergview.com/quicktake/irans-uranium-enrichment (destroys 2/3 centrifuges and limits all but 3.67% enriched
uranium stores; limit refining metal to 5% over 15 years; after 10 years can
build some centrifuges)
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