Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Trump's second term plans to establish a presidential dictatorship: he isn't kidding

 Unlimited government: "Authoritarianism will be on the ballot": Experts worried over Trump's "alarming" 2025 plot | Salon.com  In his second term, Trump plans to establish a presidential dictatorship by removing civil service protection from retribution and political pressure on federal employees who are not loyal to him. This is in addition to his plans to purge and control and use the DOJ as a political weapon to take out revenge on the disloyal from any branch of the government, including Congress. Take him seriously. He may lie about data, facts, and his personal issues and thumbs his nose at law and order, but he never fudges about his campaign promises and he keeps them. In a second term, he does not have to fear reelection or care about public opinion.. He would be a lame duck with no political constraints except for the federal courts he can not stuff with enough of his loyalists. He promises to revert America to isolationism, making America weak again, ...giving the green light to our adversaries and weakening our response and alliances, tempting power and land grabbers from Russia to China to Iran, to poach other countries and our trade routes. If we think dark money is a problem, destroying civil service protections from fear and bribery breeds corruption beyond belief. It is a government model honed by corrupt big-city government machine politics and corrupt dictatorships anywhere.

A footnote: I good question was raised by a friend of mine.Why is it when Democrats question authority, they are disrespected and when these refugees seem to want to substitute one wannabe dictator for the dictator they just fled, and Democrats question them and wannabe Trump, and these Cuban and Venezuelan get a pass.

That took some self analysis of where do we draw the line?

My thoughts:

  • Felicia Muftic
    I am a child of the 60's, too. questioning authority was our schtick. However, even looking back at it, I think it was justified. .It was indeed a "people power issue" ..from consumer affairs to Viet Nam...This current love of authoritarianism is a political ploy or misplaced loyalty to justify overturning the justice system and to support their dear leader. We wanted more democracy, not less. We were wrapped up in a power struggle against corporate greed, ignoring poverty and civil liberties, and the military-industrial complex. We were lied to, especially about Viet Nam and the domino effect, though we had no doubt who the enemies were then, and the cold war was raging. Funny...both Russia and China were the enemies then and now. 

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