Thursday, November 30, 2023

FYI. Women's health care and Obamacare are about the economy, voters

 Every recent poll has identified the economy as topping voters' concerns. Instead of speaking in macroeconomic terms like GDP and unemployment figures or the trend lines that inflation is coming down, Biden needs to acknowledge raising families and just keeping up paycheck to paycheck are indeed challenges. He has been there and knows that. He should be empathetic, not trying to convince consumers they are delusional; they don't know what they are feeling. Here is how he is helping with day-to-day struggles and how the GOPTrump would hurt. It's the basics. FYI. Women's health care and Obamacare are about the economy. Women can work if they need to, and families can now afford to be healthy. Women's health and affordable health care for them and their families are critical to a family's finances, and the GOP/Trump agenda wants to take both away from families, self-control over women's reproductive health and banning abortion nationwide, and end Obamacare.  Certain kinds of birth control are also being challenged by extremist anti-choice advocates. The Right to Contraception: State and Federal Actions, Misinformation, and the Courts | KFF    and now the Supreme Court will consider banning medical abortions.   The drug has already been approved as safe by the Food and Drug Administration, is on store shelves, and accounts for more than half of abortions. Medication Abortion Now Accounts for More Than Half of All US Abortions | Guttmacher Institute  US Supreme Court to decide access to abortion pill in major case | Reuters

 Also. family finances depend on how high wages are for both men and women (now rising faster than inflation), and whether they have jobs that appear secure (the low employment figures provide that sense of security).  40 million people can now afford health insurance and avoid bankruptcy, selling their homes, or devastating their savings to care for their health. Many more understand if their finances should worsen or lose jobs, or lose employee insurance, at least they have that reassuring backup. Without access to birth control, reproductive schedules, or to keep from dying during childbirth,  women cannot work or be able to contribute to their family's income. Without affordable access to health care, the preventative nature of low-cost cancer screenings and prescription drug price reductions for those with chronic illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure affects the ability of both men and women to be reliable breadwinners.  Extremists in the GOP are even for restricting access to birth control and non-surgical approaches, and they are in control of the party, too.  

Trump beats his chest, taking responsibility for overturning Roe v Wade, and the extremist elements within the GOP walk in lockstep, dominating the party's agenda. While pinning the negatives on Trump,  an easy target,  there is always the outside possibility that he may not be the GOP candidate and, also down-ballot, stop GOP MAGA loyalists deserve equal condemnation.  The connection must be made that the MAGA-controlled GOP,  the whole party, is in lockstep with Trump and will be on the ballot in 2024.

If the GOP wants to put their eggs in one basket, what happens if the economy improves in the next year? Fed interest rate decision December 2023: Fed holds rates steady, indicates 3 cuts coming in 2024 (


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

We are no longer a 50-50 nation but a 60-40 one on public policy issues

 One of the dilemmas of politics is that when it comes to public opinion of Biden v Trump, it looks like, given the moment, it is 46% v 46 percent, but on  certain public policy issues, the GOP polling is at best around 40% and below.   That is true whether the question is about abortion, Obamacare,, and democracy v autocracy/dictatorship. The wind is in Biden's sails on all three because all three will affect individuals' lives for the following reasons: keeping women in control of their lives instead of a  government telling them, giving people a chance to protest, make their case, and be heard and then counted in a fair and free vote, and a feeling of security that they can continue to afford health care for themselves and their family, thanks to Obamacare and whether they depend on it now or may see a need in the future. 

 Trump is on the wrong side of those three issues, bent on consolidating his appeal to the 40% with his newest call for ending Obamacare. Why Trump's vow to repeal Obamacare is a gift to Democrats (

We have heard that from the GOP the day Obamacare became law. They have this great plan which somehow never materializes. Just trust them, they say. Then comes Trump. Trust him, he says. Ok. Show us how and what. Otherwise it is the usual GOP BS, only you make it your brand as well.


 It is also true about democracy v autocracy. About 18%  of Americans want an autocracy; another 22% lean that way or are tolerant.  That 40% either favor or don't care whether we have a democracy or actually support a dictatorship like Trump is promising is frightening, but not a majority either. However, 48% of Republicans favor authoritarianism.  The good news is that there is a 20% tilt for continuing democracy as we know it, and there are some of the 20% of fellow travelers favoring autocracy are not that solid.  

 So far as abortion is concerned, every red state permitting something similar to Roe V Wade to be voted on has supported choice. Few US adults support full abortion bans, an AP-NORC poll finds | AP News

The economy and Biden's economics are praised by the experts but not by the voters, and we have no idea what they will be the mood a year from now. Making a positive case for the economy has been a bust. Biden delivers, ok, but voters still resent prices have not returned to pre-covid, and interest rates are a killer. Border security is an unresolved issue.  The answer is that Biden and the Democrats need to make their case for re-election to stop Trump and MAGA to protect choice, democracy, and their health care for now, as it appears Trump has the GOP nomination sewed up.

 From the Washington Post article, here's why the legal issue facing Trump has little or no resonance with Republicans. 4 out 5 think it is political persecution: "Despite the obvious evidence for Trump’s wrongdoing — the Capitol riot, the documents found at Mar-a-Lago, the attempts to overturn the election results in Georgia — most Americans told YouGov pollsters in August that they viewed the charges as intended to block Trump politically. About 4 in 5 Republicans held that view." The significance of these trials is that they fortify fear of a second-term Trump. Still, the worst-case scenario is that they will not be resolved and will be slow walked to after November 2024 and fence-sitting voters will be left in ignorance about whether the Big Lie was truth or fantasy.  It is central to the democracy v dictatorship issue but not fatal because Trump's recent words about his future plans are plenty to make the case:  he is a wannabe dictator.  MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Trump is running on a platform to become a dictator, updated 12/11/2023

Here's the problem: National polls mean little if they are not overwhelmingly widespread.  They must be more than majority opinion in a specific number of swing states to affect the outcome of the electoral college, which, right now, tilts the election to exaggerate the impact of rural, conservative states.   The bad news is that the electoral college system causes outcomes that do not favor the majority of public opinion to be the winners. For that reason, for any issue to determine the outcome of the presidential race, public opinion must be in the 60% range in favor of continuing democracy or pro-choice, for example. 50-50 split is not good enough. Why fewer American voters matter in presidential elections - The Washington Post  The presidential elections may be rigged, but they are rigged in favor of Trump and the GOP..  The Republican Electoral College Advantage | Cook Political Report s Why fewer American voters matter in presidential elections - The Washington Post  The issues of abortion, democracy v dictatorship, and keeping Obamacare have that widespread and public opinion-supported potential.



A lot of Americans embrace Trump’s authoritarianism - The Washington Post

Trump Is an Authoritarian. So Are Millions of Americans - POLITICO 

Americans are sleepwalking into a Trump dictatorship (


  Biden Attacks Trump, Treating Him as De Facto Republican Nominee (

 Few US adults support full abortion bans, an AP-NORC poll finds | AP News

What makes a good political candidate? Americans put views of issues above personal traits like religion, race | Pew Research Center  

Crime? not high on the Democrat's list, but a biggie among the GOP.  Perhaps the reddest states should look in the mirror regarding gun rights.

Almost a third of Americans still believe the 2020 election result was fraudulent (

Few US adults support full abortion bans, an AP-NORC poll finds | AP News

Per Huff Post,  democracy extremely important in 2022: New Polling Shows Democracy Mattered In The 2022 Midterms | HuffPost Latest News

"Six in 10 voters cited protecting democracy as an extremely important reason that they decided to vote in November. This put the issue ahead of inflation (53%), abortion (47%) and crime (45%). When asked to choose the top two issues that motivated them to vote, 50% chose protecting democracy, second only to inflation at 55%.

These findings are largely in line with preelection surveys from The New York TimesThe Wall Street JournalCBS NewsNBC NewsQuinnipiac University Poll and the Grinnell College National Poll, as well as exit polling from The Associated PressNBC News and CNN."

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Communicating with Gen Z. Two can play the TikTok game. Are we?

 As Biden shows weakness from younger voters, getting a message to them becomes ever harder.     How to communicate with young voters who get their news from social media like Chinese-connected TikTok instead of cable and broadcast means that communicators need to meet them where they are.  The message should be clear: ID their issues and point out how the GOP would fail them and how Democrats would and have tried to help.  The other fear is that out of a " plague on both your houses," younger voters would vote for some third-party candidate.  Two can play that game regarding messaging, but Democrats should get their game face on. and then flood Gen Z's preferred social media platforms with messages refuting the negative messages they hear.  I wonder if there is any effort on the part of the DNC or Biden campaign organizations to do that.  

Update: 1 14,2024: They  are:  (Update: 1 14 2024:  Dave Williams, Colorado GOP Chair and now candidate for the House seat in Colorado vacated by Rep. Lamborn, made national news with a campaign slogan running earlier for Lamborn's seat (and lost) that he incorporated in his name as "Dave Lets go Brandon Williams" which was disallowed by the Colorado Supreme Court.  The "Let's go, Brandon" slogan was standing for F...K Joe Biden.  In response, the Biden campaign (per MNBC, Jen Psaki, says the counter meme of "Dark Brandon" is gaining traction with the TikTok generation.  That is indeed fighting fire with fire.  Laser eye, aviator glasses Biden strikes back.)

The messaging should not be difficult for Biden forces to construct.  If Gen Z is concerned about student loans, gun violence, social justice, choice, gender issues, and climate change. The GOP and the Trumpsters have a terrible record. None of those issues are fixed by MAGA. In fact, MAGA and Trump have a record of opposing any fix of these issues.  If freedom to vent and voice their protests, Trump actually wants to put out of business media that does not support him. If there are demonstrations, he wants to use the active military to put demonstrations down, invoking the insurrection act. Before we know it,  we look like China and Russia.  

While it was not immediately apparent, Biden put pressure on Israel to agree to the hostage exchange, [paue fighting to allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza, called for a two-state solution (consistently and firmly even before Netanyahu was in power), and even per some independent media reports, opposed the IDF extending military action to southern Gaza. 

It Isn’t Just TikTok: Americans Like Other Chinese-Owned Apps Too | Wilson Center 

  Remarks by President Biden on the Release of Hostages from Gaza | The White House     He had been listening all along and attempting to free hostages and get humanitarian aid into Gaza.  

Biden faces a warning sign from younger voters critical to his coalition | CNN Politics

Poll: Biden’s standing hits new lows amid Israel-Hamas war (

US Warns Israel AheaBidd of Next Phase of War in Gaza (   Biden is listening.

  Remarks by President Biden on the Release of Hostages from Gaza | The White House     He had been listening all along and attempting to free hostages and get humanitarian aid into Gaza.  

Biden faces a warning sign from younger voters critical to his coalition | CNN Politics

Poll: Biden’s standing hits new lows amid Israel-Hamas war (

US Warns Israel AheaBidd of Next Phase of War in Gaza (   Biden is listening.

46th Edition - Fall 2023 | The Institute of Politics at Harvard University

Note: Felicia Muftic is grandmother of 4  politically aware Gen. z's  and  we keep in touch. The issues they are concerned about are also issues on the left side of the political agenda, not the right. I am more concerned that young people may be more likely to vote for third party single issue candidates like Jill Stein and in so doing would inadvertently elect Trump.

  I was interested in this New York Post article trying to make the case that the Biden government is not right wing enough and that is why young people are no longer registering Democrat. For that article to  nake the case that yoiung people were looking to the right wing were only anecdotal interviews.  Those they interviewed listed crime and personal freedoms as their reasons and then as a way to demostrastrate their bravery, they boasted that they lost friends and relatives because of their newly found "conservatism".  That in itself is an indication that these cherry picked young people were  outliers, unable to convince their peers to join them.,.  The greatest imposition of anti-freedom on young people is the platform of the GOP, federal aboriton bans and those in the House leadership are even opposed to birth control and plan B pills, enforced by the federal government with some acitons criminalized. Freedom to choose who you love and marry are also on the agenda to ban on other large elements of te GOP. Why black, Latino and Asian voters are leaving Democratic Party (       One of the characcteristics of frustrated youing people from the anti-war movement to black lives matters was the abillity to demonstrate. Trump, proposes to invoke the insurrection act to puit down anti-Trump domonstrators. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

So what's the big deal about the rule of law

 What's the big deal about the rule of law?

 It is fundamental to democracy as we have known it.  Here is why.  It is as close as one can get for judgments resulting in penalties or jail to be based on some neutral standard as opposed to what an autocrat edicts as a rule, using law to benefit him and putting those who oppose him at a disadvantage.  The organization formed by Judge Luttig is to be lauded by those who understand that, and it is feared by wannabe dictator Donald Trump, who plans to abuse it to keep himself in power if he gets a second term by replacing the interpreters and enforcers with those pledged to be loyal to him, not to the Constitution.

"Trump wants to use the Justice Department to take vengeance on his political adversaries."..  In an interview with Univision, he declared" he could, if someone challenged him politically, have that person indicted,"   ‘That’s insane’: CNN panel on what Trump said he would do if re-elected (

What is important is that both conservatives and liberals support the concept and fear a Trump second term.

From the left: How Right-Wing Groups Are Plotting To Implement Trump’s Authoritarianism – Mother Jones


Friday, November 24, 2023

Alarms bells are ringing as Biden's approval declines among Hispanics/Latinos

This posting is an excerpt from  an earlier posting.  MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: What Trump plans for his second term and how he will do it 

Alarm bells are ringing as Biden's support among Hispanics is eroding .  Biden's surprising vulnerability: non-white working-class voters ( own comment: Univision's new owner is aiming to turn Hispanics into Trumpsters on the basis that the ills they are escaping are socialism. The real evil is a dictatorship, socialist or communist or fascist, and the message to Hispanics is that they are trading one dictatorship for another one. (This mindset, fear of "socialism" as in Venezuela and Cuba, played a major motivation for Miami turning red and in Florida as a whole:  Listen up, Hispanics: Trump considers their kind who are here "illegally" as "vermin" who are adulterating "our blood". What sort of fools are Hispanics to swallow this?.) Univision Anchor Leon Krauze Exits After Network's Trump Interview (  However, Biden's loss is now reaching past those recent immigrants from Cuba and Venezuela, Nicaragua,  per the Axios article, but not as much outside of Florida. GOP rides Latino support in Florida as Miami-Dade turns red | AP News

Related  NYT article section head: "He intends to carry out an extreme immigration crackdown"  with sweeping raids, using military funds to camps to hold undocumented detainees (including those already here for decades), declaring public-health emergency law to shut down the border, ending birthright citizenship.     (My comment: Nearly every family I know with documented and legal members also has those Trump would consider illegal and subject to being sent to his detention camps, including Dreamers)

From the NYT section heading: "Trump has plans to use US military force closer to home", including using federal troops to crack down on protests and to intercept and detain undocumented migrants, using the insurrection act to get around possie comitatus laws forbidding using the active military to enforce domestic laws.  (My comment: General Mark Miley refused to use active troops either for January 6 or against civil unrest, but Trump has already said he should be executed for his treason ...committed against Trump: Mark Milley says Trump disrespected US military with execution comment | CNN Politics )

NYT section head: " Trump and his allies want greater control over the federal bureaucracy and work force"...which to alter civil service rules and "enabling him to fire thousands of federal workers and replace them with loyalists" and a related NYT section head: "Trump allies want lawyers who will not restrain him:" including replacing Federalist Society lawyers. 

MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: 2024 is about Putting Trump First, not about putting America First,

Trump called his political opponents 'vermin' echoing language used by Hitler : NPR

Trump's anti-immigrant comments draw rebuke | CNN Politics

Trump heads to US-Mexico border as he escalates anti-immigrant rhetoric | CNN Politics

Trump Threatens Wide Use of Military Force Against Protesters (

Trump Suggests That Mark Milley Deserves Execution - The Atlantic

Opinion | A short history of President Trump’s anti-Muslim bigotry - The Washington Post

Trump's second-term agenda: deportations,  trade wars, civil servant firings | Reuters

Trump compares political opponents to 'vermin' who he will 'root out,' alarming historians - ABC News

Are Florida’s Hispanic voters moving more to the right? – WFTV (

GOP rides Latino support in Florida as Miami-Dade turns red | AP News

Large Latino poll finds cost of living and economy top voters' concerns (

       Note: the NBC poll above still has Biden winning Hispanics (even in Florida by a little) and nationally by a small margin, nothing like the 65% in 2020, however.  

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Will Trump be kicked off the Colorado ballot? It is more possible than I thought. Update: 12//19/2023

Trump knocked off of primary ballot per Colorado Supreme Court, ruling that Trump did indeed participate in an insurrection, incited Januar 6 riot, and was indeed an officer of the United States. His incitement speech was not protected by the first amendment. Now on to the Supreme Court.


Prior post: 

When the suit was filed, I thought the first issue would be to prove to a court that Trump was responsible for an insurrection. That suit should have waited for Jack Smith to get a guilty verdict. That turned out to not be in question in the judge's opinion. She ruled Trump was an insurrectionist. What is really significant about this is that the judge held a trial, called witnesses, and heard evidence. That is the first time such was ruled in a Court process. (Impeachment is a political process, not a judicial one). This Colorado case was a civil suit, requiring only one side to be more believable than the other based on a preponderance of evidence. Harder to do is Jack Smith's case, which requires a jury to conclude Trump was guilty because there was no doubt in reasonable minds. The proof needed was the "beyond reasonable doubt n effect; it is harder for a prosecutor to win a criminal case than a citizen to win a civil one. A trial finding a defendant guilty could result in jail time. Civil suits seek monetary or remedial actions. To those who think this is a plot by Democrats, get a grip on yourselves. Those who brought the suit are traditional Republicans and independents. For American democracy, upholding this lower court decision would be a good thing; for Democrats, not so much since Trump is an easy target to attack and is a known quantity/quality. Others in the race for the Republican nomination would have to be defined in negative terms to make such a contrast. In the end, it may be the question of women's rights that brings down the GOP and whether the candidate, if not Trump, is for a federal law banning abortions.

Clarifying the application of the 14th Amendment to a presidential candidate would be the expected result of the legal issue that will now go to the Colorado Supreme Court. Still, the concept that a candidate who tried to engineer a coup to overturn the democratic process should be given another opportunity to destroy democracy as we have known it would be hard to swallow. Running the 2024 race and winning will still be difficult because of the lack of enthusiasm for Biden, so it appears now. Going negative against Trump is his best hope. What is really significant about this is that the judge held a trial and called witnesses regarding whether Trump deserved to be guilty of being an insurrectionist, and she ruled he did. That is the first time such was ruled in a Court process. (Impeachment is a political process, not a judicial one). This article presents experts opining that factual findings are rarely overturned by appeal judges but questions whether the results are in compliance with the Constitution.. This constitutional issue will, without doubt, be decided by the Supreme Court (SCOTUS), dominated by Trump appointees. It is where the issue is likely to meet its fate and die on the altar of the majority. A possibility is that SCOTUS would rule that a decision by the Court is too important of an issue to be decided by the Court, so the decision must be made by the voters in this democracy. and refuse to hear it, leaving lower court decisions to stand in Colorado alone but inviting other states to attempt a suit with other arguments. Of course, the last time the court actually made such a profound and critical decision was when it ruled against Al Gore in 2000 and made his opponent president. They did it once before, and they could do it again. Gore honored the decision and did not attempt an insurrection like loser Trump did in 2020-2021. The Big Lie still persists in the minds of most in the GOP, even after over three years of trying to prove there was enough fraud to justify that belief. It failed in every court decision, and every audit, including "forensic" ones conducted by Trump supporters, is a matter of mass delusion based on wishful thinking. The Differences Between a Criminal Case and a Civil Case - FindLaw

It's the economy, stupid? Perception counts in politics

 Perception is not reality, but perception is what counts in politics.  Most think they themselves are doing OK, but it is the economy that is not. If the economy is so awful, why are consumers spending so much? J.D. Power-GlobalData Forecast November 2023 (  Biden has not yet found his messaging on the most significant current political dilemma.  The answer may be: their jobs are secure so they feel safe to spend. US consumers feel good about their jobs but bad about the economy ( .  Gas prices are down, as are so many consumer goods, but housing costs are not.  The major problem is that prices have not returned to pre-covid ones fresh in their memories and never will.   Biden has so far not come to grips with this either, trying to convince voters they are deluding themselves.  That clearly has not worked. 

There is a shift in priorities of American values some polls are detecting. Personal financial status has become even more important recently, eclipsing even some cultural ones.  The importance of money and personal finances in people's lives, per a recent poll, may even be eclipsing even religious and cultural concerns. Measuring Trends in Americans' Personal Values (

 Instead, consumers think the economy will get worse. That attitude will be hard to change when the Fed keeps saying it will raise interest rates again. One question still on the table is whatever happened to the predicted recession? It did not happen. Why? Shouldn't Biden get credit for this?  One answer is that Biden supported the team at the Fed, which has managed inflation competently.  The downside to that is that high interest rates are not popular, either. In any case, it's complicated.

 The question is what can Biden take credit for, honestly?  One thing is certain, demagogue Trump has never had a problem  with spouting off dishonestly taking credit when credit is not due and damning an opponent when results happen when his target has events beyond  control.

  Until Biden can devise better messaging, he can only hope to show that Trump would worsen things in so many other areas of their lives, including the economy.  He just has not done the economy part.  Two recent articles that provide the macro facts (I'm ok, but the economy is not), Biden has got to get it down to the micro, personal lives. I know we are not there yet, and in some areas, it is already better. Jobs paying more than inflation are plentiful, and inflation is down from 10% to 3 (or so), but we will never get there if Trump is the next president.  

  The theory is the price at the pump is the best measure and with prices down. why hasn't Biden made more about this? True, a president is at the mercy of the oil cartels for price per barrel, but if prices go up and the get the blame, why not take the credit or make a big deal of it when prices go down? The least Biden could do is remind voters about prices without taking credit for it. Not a peep from the White House, however. Trump would do is raise prices on all with his high tariffs, among some, his anti-union stance on wages and benefits and his refusal to give student loan relief some ideas. and his giving tax relief to the ultra-rich while continuing his fantasy of trickle-down, which hurt the vast middle class.  "You may wish the economy was better, but Trump would make it worse"  is going to have to be the best message for now, and he better be making it to reverse his slide at the polls.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

No more pussyfooting around. Time to call Trump a " wannabe fascist dictator?"

The New York Times today made a case for calling Trump a fascist, though they still tagged him with being a wannabe "autocrat. It was front page. While  The Times itself did not call Trump a fascist, it instead presented the evidence of how he fit the definition. Trump’s Dire Words Raise New Fears About His Authoritarian Bent - The New York Times ( Too bad America cannot get the full article because of the paywall. Still, the probability is frightening he could get his hands on the ability to carry out his plans.  This is not bloviating by a crazy, out-of-control megalomaniac. The Heritage Foundation has the money and the pre-vetted lists of loyalists who will replace the executive branch appointees not pledging loyalty or having a history of disloyalty to Trump. They are ready to go the minute Trump takes the oath of office and to get the job done within his term. MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: How the Heritage Foundation plans to turn us into a one party autocracy There is a large mass of Americans who already buy into\, ignore, or even applaud what he promises to do if he gets into the White House again.  They tacitly or consciously approve of his breaking the rule of law to do what he promised.  FromThe Times article:" A survey released last month by the Public Religion Research Institute found that 38 percent of Americans supported having a president willing to break some rules” to “set things right” with the country. Among Republicans surveyed, 48 percent backed that view."  Once Trump is successful in implementing his plans for citizens to take back democracy as they once knew it,  it is too late. Citizens have, by then, lost the power to do it through the ballot because the ballot is also under the control of Trump and his followers. There are plenty wanting to take his place if age overtakes Trump. If you are applauding what Trump is planning, you need to look in the mirror and wonder if you, too, have earned the tag of fascist.

 The Times article includes evidence of how Trump fits the definition. But first, the definition is based upon an analysis of past and current dictators (whatever their rationalization to garner personal power) .  "Fascism is generally understood as an authoritarian, far-right system of government in which hypernationalism is a central component. It also often features a cult of personality around a strongman leader, the justification of violence or retribution against opponents, and the repeated denigration of the rule of law", said Peter Hayes, a historian who has studied the rise of fascism...".   Another export source quoted in the Times article also said such fascist dictators rose to power by catering to those who think they have been victimized. "Past fascist leaders appealed to a sense of victimhood to justify their actions, he said. “The idea is: ‘We’re entitled because we’ve been victimized. We’ve been cheated and robbed."

My comment follows: Getting really close to Trump earning the tag: "wannabe fascist dictator". The pussyfoot term in use in the polite and liberal press has been "autocrat."  Way too kind for someone who now promises to imprison his opponents and is already making his enemies list that he will use for (his) Department of Justice loyalists to indict and jail, which he adds to daily. Maybe just "dictator" will do.  On the other hand, if the bird walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck. Trump is quacking like a fascist, and others are walking and acting like fascists on his behalf.  Today, it is Liz Cheney.  When he threatens to imprison any general who refused to call up the active military to put down demonstrations against him abusing the insurrection act, what does that describe?  If he promises to use the FCC to shut down media news who does not support him, where have you heard that before?,   If he describes those opposing him as "vermin"n" and says that illegal immigrants will contaminate "our blood",  he took a page from the German fascism of Goebbels and Hitler? That is how fascists get citizens to go along with their persecution by making them these targets less than human or lesser than their ruling class. Empathy has no place in that society. Even better, make the lesser than your race or class to blame for your ills and deserving your hatred. and oppression. Examples of that are Jewish bankers and, now, personified by George Soros by contemporary anti-semites. For Trump, the target is the "deep state, who dared during his first term to tell him "no."  That includes Genera Milley who refused to use active military to put down domestic protest. Root it out, he says, and replace it with his loyalists.   And if you tend to excuse this as just demagoguery, bloviating, and entertaining, you are a fool because the plans are already there and being funded to replace every executive decision appointee identified as "disloyal to Trump", including more of the judiciary, and lists of the loyal are being gathered, he can do it within four years.  Won't the Civil Rights Act or the Constitutional amendments protect minorities' access to the ballot? Not if yesterday's federal judges ruled that complaints about such violations can only be brought by the Justice Department, not citizens. That one will eventually make it to the Trump-appointed Supreme Court, which already gutted the rest of the Voting Rights Act.  Violence in support of Trump is approved and justified, not just on January 6.   If there is no ruile of law, there is the rule of Trump, and that one raised alarm bells even among conservatives.

Trump Vows to appoint special prosecutor to ‘go after’ Biden if former president wins in 2024 | The Hill

Monday, November 20, 2023

Happy Birthday, Mr. President. Let us celebrate you are the adult in the room.

 O fer Gawd's sake, awful day, sez the right-wing gloating press. Biden just turned 81. ( while Trump is in the upper 70's).Happy Birthday, President Biden. You are the adult in the room. Let's celebrate it. You have shown that your head is fit, and Trump's is not. Donald-trump-poses-the-biggest-danger-to-the-world-in-2024 per the influential Economist as alarm bells go off worldwide.

 Biden looks old but is still fit to do the job to make us safer and help us cope with daily problems. Trump beams well-coiffed and ruddy power, beating his chest in macho exuberance on the golf course and channeling others' hatred and fears, but whose adolescent attitude of revolt (don't tell me no, I can't do that, and I'll get revenge and I'll come after you if you try) makes him unfit enough to be president and surround himself with yes people loyalists. Biden's safe, conducting democracy as we have known it. Trump's a danger to our stability, wanting to turn it into his personal autocracy and devote his energy and attention to getting revenge on his opponents. Biden has years of experience and first-hand dealing with world problems. Trump's for just folding up his tent and retreating into the fantasy of 1930s isolationism. (We know how that ended, a two-front World War as Germany and Japan isolationism as perceived weakness and declared war on us) ..

Noted: Biden's stamina is enough to run against a younger man who tops the chart for an ego-driven, self-serving personality with a lust to be our next dictator, who called Hamas the bean dip hummus, forgot what city he was in from the platform, cozies up to Putin and other beloved autocrats/dictators thinking flattery will get him everywhere (his imitation is its best form of flattery). He has a long record of exhorting, approving, and leading supporters to commit violence and the use of active military to put down demonstrations by opponents. He conveniently forgets he once stoked Islamaphobia, keeping Muslims out of the country, now including Gaza refugees, and took credit for ending Roe v Wade, calling those who oppose him "vermin" and raising fear that "immigrants' will contaminate our blood". They will bring disease to our country (while calling to imprison Fauci, who advocated vaccinations to protect us from disease). In the meantime, Biden is acting like presidents ought to work caring about our national security, doing shuttle diplomacy, dealing hands-on with two wars, and having significant talks with our greatest adversary, China, that re-established military-to-military communications so we don't stumble onto WWWIII while running for a second term and keeping America a democracy.

MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: What Trump plans for his second term and how he will do it