Sunday, November 12, 2023

How can it be that so many in the GOP still believe in the Big Lie?


Some of MAGA will understand that Trump thought they were devoted to him enough to believe whatever he claims as gospel truth. Most will not.How can it be that so many in the GOP still believe in the Big Lie? In fact, 70% of the GOP voters still believe Trump won the election, he was so effective in convincing them.  Believing that, or repeating it, whether they still believe it when they don't, is still necessary to qualify as a bonafide loyal member of the MAGA followers.    That is the only way I can explain that despite three years of trying, no evidence, no court cases, no "forensic audit" could come up with proof there was enough fraud to overturn the 2020 election. It is irrational, and it deserves to be tagged as the Big Lie. Swearing to it that the election was stolen is also a necessary part of voters and political leaders/candidates swearing allegiance to Trump and for Trump to sort out who is loyal to him and who is not.  Leaders and candidates who should know better still mouth to lie for fear Trump will call them out as being disloyal and a RINO and primary them if they live in a gerrymandered district or ruby red state. That is how Trump rules his party: by fear of revenge and retribution, and it is also how he plans to rule the country if re-elected to a second term.  But is it a crime for Trump to have fooled them? Smith contends it is if it was knowingly part of a scheme and advocating it as a tool to overturn the election to keep himself in office no matter if he believed he won or not...  That is the issue confronting Jack Smth's case of charging Trump for committing a crime for his part in the January 6 violent attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

Per reporting by Charlie Sykes of the Bulwark, based upon a prosecution's recent filing regarding Trump's role in January 6, prosecutors will make the case to a jury that Ttump knowingly lied about facts he knew to be false. He used the lies he knew were lies to motivate supporters to overturn the election.    This is in anticipation of the defense argument that Trump actually believed he won so what he said was not intentional and, therefore, not a crime.  They bank on the defense argument that you cannot prove what was in Trump's head.  That politicians lie all the time on the stump and have a First Amendment right of free speech to do it is another Trump defense. The answer is the purpose of his lies was to convince others to commit crimes on his behalf to overturn the election and stay in power. It was his actions, knowingly using lies as a tool to advance his beliefs, sincerely held he won, delusional or not sincerely held,  to overturn the election with violence. 

The next question is, will it make a difference of support at the ballot box if a jury agrees with Jack Smith.  Some say it will. Most say it won't in advance of the trials.. Most Americans don't want another Trump presidency but Republicans do : NPR      It's all a politics motivating the prosecution, right? Proof and facts have little to do with their loyalty and never had.  Even if Jack Smith gets a guilty verdict from a jury before November 2024, appeals could continue beyond the election and swearing-in.   Still, there is another year to go until voters in private will mark their ballots.

So something irrational is rampant to cause so many to blow off evidence and even excuse and back an avowed wannabe dictator who wants to rid the US of everyone not of his race as "vermin".  I have always felt the driver is demographic shifts. and racism. This "vermin" comment confirms my suspicions.  By 2045, those who are non-white will be in the majority, and even now, those identifying themselves as white are only 57% of the population.  The attached opinion piece rang a bell with me. White Folks Will Be a Minority in America in 2045 (  We don't need ovens to repeat the horrors of fascism to become a fascist country.  That is the lesson of Viktor Orban in Hungary.  He abused the levers of governmental power to become a dictator.. The difference is it was easy there because Hungary is 98% pure Magyar, and the large population of Jews met their deaths in the ovens during World War II when the Germans moved in.  To think that a white dictator can keep control of a nation that is only 57% racially pure like him without serious pushback and even violence and instability is a fantasy. Politica instability also destroys economies.CEOs Say Political Uncertainty Poses Greatest Risk to Business Growth (  We are already feeling that as Moody's just downgraded US credit rating because of our political instability. That is just for starters. Calling both non-white immigrants and those disloyal to Trump a "vermin" pure Trump (descending elevator in 2016 calling them murderers and rapists) is not only the first step but one many he used in rallying racist support. This 11/12 speech is definitive. If describing brown immigrants as "vermin," means they are subhuman. it is not unlike how Hitler rallied his mostly white and Germanic is how it made it easier for the master race to rationalize taking steps to purge their country of those they blamed for their economic woes.  The US is not Germany of the 1930s, thank God, but with a racist dictator like Trump in control of the country. able to turn the government into a tool to advance and protect his power grab is not a country where I want to live.  I am saved from that fate.  This 85 year old white women will not be on this earth to see  future decades of turmoil and damage this regime would cause. However, I fear for the future of my children and grandchildren and I hope that before I leave this planet, I will see this kind of government Trump promises to give us will be firmly rejected in November 2024.    ,

CNN Poll: Percentage of Republicans who think Biden's 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70% | CNN Politics  

Trump's Nesting Doll of Lies - by Charlie Sykes (

Trump suggests he would use FBI to go after political rivals if elected in 2024 | Donald Trump | The Guardian

Republican Judges, Lawyers Conclude 2020 Election Was 'Lost, Not Stolen' (

CEOs Say Political Uncertainty Poses Greatest Risk to Business Growth (

Donald Trump Accused of Going 'Full-On Hitler' by Joe Scarborough (

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