Sunday, November 19, 2023

What Trump plans for his second term and how he will do it

 This is not the prattling of a madman, but it is what he plans to do and the plank he will run on, with stealth or right out in the open for all to see.  He learned much from his first term and is determined not to repeat it.  His plans are straight out: to end democracy as we have known it and to become a dictator within four years.   This is not a fantasy; he could pull it off. Poll: Biden’s standing hits new lows amid Israel-Hamas war ( 46%; Biden 44%. Believe him; he has been upfront on it, and it is being used as a sales pitch to recruit his campaign workers now.  The groundwork is already being laid by the misnamed Heritage Foundation, and money is being raised. Donations have surged to groups linked to conservative Project 2025 (  The related groups have issue agendas that would roll back any legislation that hurt their special interest groups or ideology.  Project 2025's issues agenda: Analysis Exposes Trumpian Project 2025 as 'Far-Right Playbook for American Authoritarianism' (  in which it finds their agenda is to elevate Christian nationalism, gut civil service, reverse progress on racial, eviscerate LGBTQ+ rights, restrict reproductive freedom, roll back climate action, end "woke" military, overhaul public education, and curb human rights?  These are the money backers that would come into power as Trump, on his part, replaces those who are disloyal with his appointments, including replacing 50 thousand civil servants who do not pass the loyalty to Trump and MAGA and get purged and using the FBI and DOJ to go indict opponents, and continue to use fear of retribution to any in the federal government who would oppose him, while using the military to put down public demonstrations who object.  The damage to our foreign policy and the fear a Trump repeat would do to national security and the security of our allies is also major. Alarm bells are ringing worldwide..Donald Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024 (    Donny Deutsch, 11/20/23 on Morning Joe, the advertising guru, rang a bell with me when he said "to go for the gut" in Biden's campaign. "Trump is dangerous; Biden is safe". This depends on Biden and backers educating voters about why Trump is dangerous and convincing them, as well.  So far, not enough voters have gotten that message and will not, until Biden and his supporters start drawing that contrast as a major theme.

 The Heritage Foundation wants to bring to the end the heritage of our kind of democracy.  It is the diametric opposite of the Federalist Society, which was basically state rightist. Trump's plan is to make the executive branch the governing tool over all the other branches, judiciary and legislative..  His first order of business is to get revenge against those who had and are opposing him.  It has nothing to do with issues or improving citizens' lives. Justice for him means getting revenge against his opponents of the past.  However, those organizations backing his proposals also have an issues agenda that is just plain scary.

From the New York Times article section headings: If you can get the article, each paragraph contains links to Trump's own words made in public and how he tried before to do something similar.  If you get hit with the paywall, here is a summary, with some comments by me in italics.:

"Trump wants to use the Justice Department to take vengeance on his political adversaries."..  In an interview with Univision he declared" he could, if someone challenged him politically, have that person indicted,"   ‘That’s insane’: CNN panel on what Trump said he would do if re-elected (

Alarm bells are ringing as Biden's support among Hispanics is eroding .  Biden's surprising vulnerability: non-white working-class voters ( own comment: Univision's new owner is aiming to turn Hispanics into Trumpsters on the basis that the ills they are escaping are socialism. The real evil is a dictatorship, socialist or communist or fascist, and the message to Hispanics is that they are trading one dictatorship for another one. (This mindset, fear of "socialism" as in Venezuela and Cuba, played a major motivation for Miami turning red and in Florida as a whole:  Listen up, Hispanics: Trump considers their kind who are here "illegally" as "vermin" who are adulterating "our blood". What sort of fools are Hispanics to swallow this?s.) Univision Anchor Leon Krauze Exits After Network's Trump Interview (  However, Biden's loss is now reaching past those recent immigrants from Cuba and Venezuela, per the Axios article, but not as much as the Florida situation reflects in other states. GOP rides Latino support in Florida as Miami-Dade turns red | AP News

Related  NYT article section head: "He intends to carry out an extreme immigration crackdown"  with sweeping raids, using military funds to camps to hold undocumented detainees (including those already here for decades), declaring public-health emergency law to shut down the border, ending birthright citizenship.     (My comment: Nearly every family I know with documented and legal members also has those Trump would consider illegal and subject to being sent to his detention camps, including Dreamers)

From the NYT section heading: "Trump has plans to use US military force closer to home", including using federal troops to crack down on protests and to intercept and detain undocumented migrants, using the insurrection act to get around possie comitatus laws forbidding using the active military to enforce domestic laws.  (My comment: General Mark Miley refused to use active troops either for January 6 or against civil unrest, but Trump has already said he should be executed for his treason ...committed against Trump: Mark Milley says Trump disrespected US military with execution comment | CNN Politics )

NYT section head: " Trump and his allies want greater control over the federal bureaucracy and work force"...which to alter civil service rules and "enabling him to fire thousands of federal workers and replace them with loyalists" and a related NYT section head: "Trump allies want lawyers who will not restrain him:" including replacing Federalist Society lawyers. 

MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: 2024 is about Putting Trump First, not about putting America First,

Trump called his political opponents 'vermin' echoing language used by Hitler : NPR

Trump's anti-immigrant comments draw rebuke | CNN Politics

Trump heads to US-Mexico border as he escalates anti-immigrant rhetoric | CNN Politics

Trump Threatens Wide Use of Military Force Against Protesters (

Trump Suggests That Mark Milley Deserves Execution - The Atlantic

Opinion | A short history of President Trump’s anti-Muslim bigotry - The Washington Post

Trump's second-term agenda: deportations,  trade wars, civil servant firings | Reuters

Trump compares political opponents to 'vermin' who he will 'root out,' alarming historians - ABC News (

Are Florida’s Hispanic voters moving more to the right? – WFTV

A personal note: Why am I so interested in the Hispanic community.  My father's grandmother was from Spain, and as a child in eastern Colorado (Brush, Ft. Morgan, Hillrose), his family was bilingual. When I moved to Colorado in 1963, I made it my mission to help Hispanics get a leg up politically and economically in the community, and I began volunteering. My physician husband's closest associate was a Hispanic GP from southern Colorado practicing in Denver. His OB-GYN  practice was bilingual, as well. He was from southeastern Europe and a culture similar to his patients. Every governmental agency I headed or provided community relations services non-profit and private, offered bilingual services, and involved local Hispanics on staff.  I was cabinet and staff for nearly 8 years in the Federico Pena administration when he was Denver's mayor. My largest client as a PR consultant for almost 15 years was auto dealer Mike Shaw, who hailed from the Rio Grande Valley with deep Hispanic roots in Texas. He is a philanthropist at heart, focusing on helping Hispanic youth, among many other disadvantaged, get an education.  A few years ago, he was named National Dealer of the Year by his trade association (NADA) and was the first minority owner of dealerships to be so honored.  We did not share the same political party affiliation, but we shared his philanthropist goals. 

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