Friday, November 24, 2023

Alarms bells are ringing as Biden's approval declines among Hispanics/Latinos

This posting is an excerpt from  an earlier posting.  MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: What Trump plans for his second term and how he will do it 

Alarm bells are ringing as Biden's support among Hispanics is eroding .  Biden's surprising vulnerability: non-white working-class voters ( own comment: Univision's new owner is aiming to turn Hispanics into Trumpsters on the basis that the ills they are escaping are socialism. The real evil is a dictatorship, socialist or communist or fascist, and the message to Hispanics is that they are trading one dictatorship for another one. (This mindset, fear of "socialism" as in Venezuela and Cuba, played a major motivation for Miami turning red and in Florida as a whole:  Listen up, Hispanics: Trump considers their kind who are here "illegally" as "vermin" who are adulterating "our blood". What sort of fools are Hispanics to swallow this?.) Univision Anchor Leon Krauze Exits After Network's Trump Interview (  However, Biden's loss is now reaching past those recent immigrants from Cuba and Venezuela, Nicaragua,  per the Axios article, but not as much outside of Florida. GOP rides Latino support in Florida as Miami-Dade turns red | AP News

Related  NYT article section head: "He intends to carry out an extreme immigration crackdown"  with sweeping raids, using military funds to camps to hold undocumented detainees (including those already here for decades), declaring public-health emergency law to shut down the border, ending birthright citizenship.     (My comment: Nearly every family I know with documented and legal members also has those Trump would consider illegal and subject to being sent to his detention camps, including Dreamers)

From the NYT section heading: "Trump has plans to use US military force closer to home", including using federal troops to crack down on protests and to intercept and detain undocumented migrants, using the insurrection act to get around possie comitatus laws forbidding using the active military to enforce domestic laws.  (My comment: General Mark Miley refused to use active troops either for January 6 or against civil unrest, but Trump has already said he should be executed for his treason ...committed against Trump: Mark Milley says Trump disrespected US military with execution comment | CNN Politics )

NYT section head: " Trump and his allies want greater control over the federal bureaucracy and work force"...which to alter civil service rules and "enabling him to fire thousands of federal workers and replace them with loyalists" and a related NYT section head: "Trump allies want lawyers who will not restrain him:" including replacing Federalist Society lawyers. 

MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: 2024 is about Putting Trump First, not about putting America First,

Trump called his political opponents 'vermin' echoing language used by Hitler : NPR

Trump's anti-immigrant comments draw rebuke | CNN Politics

Trump heads to US-Mexico border as he escalates anti-immigrant rhetoric | CNN Politics

Trump Threatens Wide Use of Military Force Against Protesters (

Trump Suggests That Mark Milley Deserves Execution - The Atlantic

Opinion | A short history of President Trump’s anti-Muslim bigotry - The Washington Post

Trump's second-term agenda: deportations,  trade wars, civil servant firings | Reuters

Trump compares political opponents to 'vermin' who he will 'root out,' alarming historians - ABC News

Are Florida’s Hispanic voters moving more to the right? – WFTV (

GOP rides Latino support in Florida as Miami-Dade turns red | AP News

Large Latino poll finds cost of living and economy top voters' concerns (

       Note: the NBC poll above still has Biden winning Hispanics (even in Florida by a little) and nationally by a small margin, nothing like the 65% in 2020, however.  

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