Want to cool the tone of national debate? We can begin by turning off the cable flame throwers. Shun them. It is an old fashioned method of showing disapproval of thoughts or acts and it can have a very practical effect..
The reason the shrill and and angry talk show personalities have found success is that they attract a large number of listeners. They are entertaining, after all. Audience share in turn generates advertising income.
While the nation has become polarized, so has the media. Media and politicians feed each other. Polarization begets more polarization, with opinion media giving wings of exposure to political demogogues and with politicians happy to provide more of the red meat audiences love.
There are very liberal talkers and channels and very conservative ones. There is nothing wrong with media taking different views on issues and making their bias their brand. When we press their number on the remote, we have a good idea of what will be their slant on the issues.The arguments may be one-sided, but it is natural we prefer to hear those who agree with our preconceived notions and gut feelings.
The problem comes with those who express their views with words that encourage and even urge angry conflict, sometimes making mountains out of molehills or distorting the truth, ignoring solid evidence to the contrary, and using analogies of violence.. We should not empower them by providing them with a large audience share. . Turn them off; turn the channel to others who do not shout anger to the rafters. Granted, it is easy to turn off those with whom you disagree; the hardest is to shun those with whom you agree, but who employ a shrill delivery and hyper angry tone .Instead, tune on to those who provide a serious discussion that includes all sides. It may not be quite as entertaining, but old fashioned shunning can change the tone of our national debate. .

WELCOME TO THE BLOG This blog reflects my views of current political issues.. It is also an archive for columns in the Sky Hi News 2011 to November 2019. Winter Park Times 2019 to 2021.(paper publishing suspended in 2021) My Facebook page, the muftic forum, posts blog links, comments, and sharing. Non-political Facebook page: felicia muftic. Subscribe for free on Substack: https://feliciamuftic.substack.com Blog postings are continuously being edited and updated.
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It's nearly impossible to find "those who provide a serious discussion that includes all sides" without paying undue homage to people who choose their own facts or who ignore scientific evidence that contradicts their interpretation of THEIR book.