Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Obama called neo state rightests' bluff on health care reform

Obama called neo state rightests' bluff on health care reform yesterday when he moved up the date to 2014 when States could develop their own health care reform plan and opt out of the Federal one. The hitch: state plans would have to conform to the federal plan in coverage and consumer protections. Not permitted would be a state plan that would not cover the currently uninsured, or give the same protections against abuses such as denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, among others.   Given the current sad condition of the finances of state government, that was almost like saying: yes my darling daughter, you may go swimming; just do not go near the water.  States are going to have a difficult time paying for a new plan on their own when they cannot manage even their current budget deficits.

One of the most fascinating debates of our pre 2012 election times is the mantra of the GOP and Tea Partyers that we should let states do their own problem solving, a belief that the Federal Government is too big and too bad v. Democrats who see the Federal government as the problem solver. Now let us sit back and watch which states will even be able to opt out of "Obamacare" and go down the road of "Romneycare" which many in the GOP opposing Mitt Romney's bid for President have so soundly condemned.

For those who like to see the GOP squirm, this "challenge" should be great political theater.

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