While Pres. Obama and House Speaker John Boehner hammer out a plan that
would yank us back from the fiscal cliff, public opinion has settled
into two camps. 1) Let us not go over the cliff; the results will be
dire if we do; 2) It is good to go over the cliff. The left thinks
the GOP would be more likely to deal since they could tell supporters
they were cutting taxes the cliff plan raised . The right believes the
fiscal cliff will finally shrink government. However, an even
greater negative impact on the economy is the specter of uncertainty.
The sooner we put uncertainty out of its misery, the better it will be.
is another reason to move quickly. Cuts in deductions and entitlements
will be painful. The longer we drag out the negotiations, lobbyists
will have more time to descend on Washington, making any agreement more
difficult and lengthy.
If Obama and Boehner cannot come up with
comprehensive agreements by Jan. 1, that will pass muster in both
houses of Congress, they can at least agree on some short term measures
as the first step. However, second steps cannot hang fire long, either.
Most economists agree there is time in the month of January to
finalize more comprehensive entitlement and tax reform before the
impact of the fiscal cliff begins to drag down our economy.
Uncertainty, which the Republicans made into such an issue in the
presidential campaign, indeed harms economic growth and evidence is
growing that apprehension about the cliff is causing both consumer
buying and investments to be put on hold.
Investors have as
much as $1.6 trillion sitting on the sidelines waiting to prime our
economic pump. What is holding them back is uncertainty. It is as if
for the past year, the business community has been holding its breath
and waiting for it to be safe to exhale. Both here and abroad, the most
frequent tune I have heard from the business community is “just settle
the matter so we know how we can plan. Let us know the rules and rates;
we can work and plan around or with them.”
However, the GOP
has become the champion of uncertainty. It has been dragging its feet on
middle class tax cuts in their dedication to protecting the upper 2
percent brackets from a 4.5 percent tax increase on income over
$250,000, demanding comprehensive tax reform first (impossible to
accomplish before Jan 1), attempting to force the Obama administration
to take the blame for cutting specific entitlements , and threatening
to undo any agreement reached in in December or January later by
opposition to raising the debt ceiling in February. We know what damage
the last debt ceiling brouhaha did to US credit ratings. To avoid
repetition, the debt ceiling must be included in any deal.
those who think austerity, like the fiscal cliff's dire cuts in
government services and military, are a good thing, just ask Europe how
that approach worked for them. Europe's economies keep falling in and
out of recession. The US has exceeded 2 percent growth. The
Congressional Budget Office predicts going over the cliff would
increase unemployment to 9.1 percent and both the International
Monetary Fund and the CBO say going over the cliff would kill growth or
even plunge us into recession.
For Democrats who think letting
us jump off the cliff would be good politics, they are gambling the GOP
will capitulate. If they lose the bet, it t will not be only the GOP
who gets blamed if no deal is reached. A public in economic pain could
lash back at both parties' incumbents in the 2014 election cycle. That
prospect is why I think it is likely some sort of a compromise is likely
to be reached.
Column published in the Sky Hi Daily News on line edition today

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Uncertainty is caused by lack of leadership.