Like a plant breaking through a heap of destruction debris in search of
daylight, legislation focusing on buttressing an inadequate mental
health system is breaking through the detritus of the gun control
debate. So far, Congress is in the process of watered down, stone
walling, altering, any attempts to limit access to assault rifles,
clips, and purchasers' records in the controversy of what is and what is
not protecting the second amendment. Colorado, bucked the trend
somewhat with stronger gun control legislation. However, bi partisan
agreements at both the Colorado legislature and Congress levels have now
begun to zero in on the mental health factors that contributed to the
mass shootings of Columbine, Aurora, Virginia Tech, Newtown, and Tucson.
ability of the shooters to access guns were not the issues in most of
these mass shooting tragedies. A common thread was the mental health of
the perpetrators. For a period of time, mental health professionals
were reluctant to jump on the bandwagon of gun control motivated
legislation for fear that all who had a mental illness or autism
diagnoses would be viewed as potential mass killers. The public's
sophistication seems to have rejected those blanket suppositions.
There was also fear that there would be an expansion of requirements of
professionals reporting who was not fit to buy a gun would result in
unfairly harming patients' rights. Currently, the process is one of a
determination by a third party, a judge, and nothing in any proposed
legislation so far changes that.
Recently, mental health
organizations are realizing that there is a motivation provided by the
mass shootings to fund better mental health treatment . An amendment
to gun control legislation proposed by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D- MI)
would provide for more mental health centers and a program to train
teachers to spot problems of students and to make a referral. . It has
an excellent chance of receiving bi-partisan support. Gov.
Hickenlooper's proposal to set up hot lines and more mental health
centers is also progressing through the Colorado legislature.
proposal addresses a very important point. What if these mass killers
had psychiatric intervention in their child hood years? Many parents
are quick to spot a problem child, but others are in denial or believe
their kid “will grow out of it”, or like the Columbine shooters, their
child became expert at hiding their intent from even their parents.
What if the slasher of female student's faces in a community college
last week had gotten help earlier. The attacker admitted on arrest he
had had a fantasy of committing such a deed since he was a child.
What if Newtown shooter's mother had realized the danger of including
her son in her gun hobby. ?
Stabenow's proposal to train
teachers to spot problems of younger students early and to get them to a
psychiatrist could be helpful. Our daughter, the teacher, and my
husband the doctor rarely get such training in their professional lives.
As our daughter said, it is now left to a teacher's instincts to spot
that a child is “not normal,
The missing links are whether the
parents take the advice of professionals seriously and can afford the
follow up. The parents in the Gabby Giffords shooter recognized their
son had problems, but according to Giffors husband in a recent CNN
interview they , lacked the ability to seek help. Sen. Stabenow proposes
to expand Medicaid to provide treatment. The hotline proposed by Gov.
Hickenlooper and the expanded mental health centers can help guide
perplexed parents and teachers. Obamacare requires health insurance
to cover mental health treatment and his proposed budget would provide
$130 million for training teachers and providing more mental health
centers. These are steps in the right direction that deserve our
My column appearing in the online edition of the
Sky Hi Daily News today

WELCOME TO THE BLOG This blog reflects my views of current political issues.. It is also an archive for columns in the Sky Hi News 2011 to November 2019. Winter Park Times 2019 to 2021.(paper publishing suspended in 2021) My Facebook page, the muftic forum, posts blog links, comments, and sharing. Non-political Facebook page: felicia muftic. Subscribe for free on Substack: Blog postings are continuously being edited and updated.
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