I grew up in a fearful world and it
is still one…only the players have changed and it is a much more complex world now
that cries for new strategies. There are those who are quick to criticize President
Obama as ignoring the dangers of Islam
or being feckless without a strategy, but they are vague about what they would
do differently. They instead monger fear and hark to Cold War days.
Fear is a political
tool. It can be a powerful message to rally political support. It is easy to
communicate and to grab emotions or to silence opposing views as being soft on
something or are not living in their real world as they perceive it .
Hyping fear was not a strategy that ended the Cold War. It
took patience, faith in ourselves, strength, and a cold calculation that spending
the Soviet Union into financial ruin in an arms race would end it. Yes, the Reagan strategy worked.
Times have changed since the Cold War I experienced. One
size of tactics and attitudes do not fit all. It is a multi-polar world of
threats, not a bi polar one. The nuclear threat still nags us, but many of our current
adversaries are not in an arms race, but use low tech tactical methods and
modern media. Terrorists often come from poor, oppressive countries and have
little to lose. Immigrants to the West feel alienated. Sunni and Shia are fighting for the control of
Islam. New generations have access to
the internet and demand better governance and prosperity.
In contrast, prosperity
in Russia and China has given their leaders much more to lose in war now than
before and more than ever, their leaders depend upon popular support. That is
why President Obama’s foreign policy
uses economic sanctions as a tool and beefing up NATO as an implied threat to
halt further Russian land grabs.
These realities call for smart strategies tailor made for such
currents. This should not become a religious war between Christians and Islam
in the same way we pitted capitalism against communism. Insulting their religion or ginning up
Muslimphobia is what ISIS hopes we do.
It empowers them, a relatively small cult of Islam, to recruit many others
to their cause. As Pres. Obama said in an interview with Fareed Zakaria on CNN
February 1,” we should align ourselves with the 99% of Muslims who reject the
extremists.”, which explains his careful wording about practitioners of
terrorism that some on the right wrongly
interpret as ignoring the threat.
There are alternatives to combat boots and occupation: Tough
homeland security and building effective alliances. Zakaria
in a January 22 Washington Post column advocated a realistic counter to deal
with radical Islam. Increasing
intelligence and counterterrorism (including carefully targeted drone strikes),
improving integration of Muslims living in the West, and resilience, meaning “terrorism doesn’t work if we are not terrorized, .. bouncing
back and returning to normalcy” and not overreacting to ISIS beheadings. Per that latter point, I award the best responses to terrorist attacks:
“Boston Strong” and “Je suis Charlie”.
A version of this appeared in the Sky Hi Daily News...February 5, 6 2015
A version of this appeared in the Sky Hi Daily News...February 5, 6 2015
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