Also see a later posting: Heads up Spinners at work on the Iran deal 8/2/15 for comments on the anti Iran deal ad campaign.
Nearly all of the GOP members in Congress and their presidential contenders came out swinging against the Iran nuclear arms control deal before they even read the text, having chosen to be deaf, blind, and intentionally dumb to the details of the provisions and the repercussions of killing the deal. Congress will have sixty days to become educated, though GOP’s pre-conceived notions seem already set in concrete. Democrats swipe back harder and turn to keeping enough Senate Democrats in line to protect their president’s’ veto without GOP votes.
Nearly all of the GOP members in Congress and their presidential contenders came out swinging against the Iran nuclear arms control deal before they even read the text, having chosen to be deaf, blind, and intentionally dumb to the details of the provisions and the repercussions of killing the deal. Congress will have sixty days to become educated, though GOP’s pre-conceived notions seem already set in concrete. Democrats swipe back harder and turn to keeping enough Senate Democrats in line to protect their president’s’ veto without GOP votes.
Public rebuttals and
counter rebuttals have begun. Key Administration arguments for the deal are that the effectiveness of verification measures make us safer than a powerfully sobering result if the deal is
killed. There would be no sanctions, no monitors by inspectors, a likely
outbreak of war soon, a chance the US could be dragged into another Middle Eastern
war to support our allies, a nuclear
arms race in the region, and knowing Iran would be free to make a bomb in a very short time.
If war now is considered better than the deal, the President
pointed out, Iran’s nuclear program would
only be set back temporarily with conventional means. Bunker busters cannot
wipe out their scientists’ knowhow. The deal requires monitored mothballing of 2/3 of their centrifuges and limits enriched
uranium to 3.67% of stores for 15 years, making a bounce back difficult if impossible.
Even Pres. Obama agrees there are short term risks of beefed up hostilities from
Iran’s surrogates due to Iran’s improving economic conditions and with the conventional arms embargo lifted after five
years, 8 years for missiles. Separate UN resolutions forbid Iran arming surrogates. Israel and our Gulf allies have already been
offered more military aid to offset any threat.
But are the provisions for verification good enough to block
Iran’s path to nuclear weapons?
To answer GOP charges that Iran could develop weapons in ten
years, their R&D continues, and the administration is naïve, the
administration is pitting their experts against the GOP’s that the deal will
block the path. The administration’s lead technical negotiator, a hardly naïve Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, is one of the world’s top nuclear expert scientists, .
criticized the 24 day notice for Iran to approve inspectors to visit suspected cheat sites,
noting approval could still be delayed for
months. Scrubbing sites in a short period
is impossible, per Moniz. Tell- tale nuclear residue lasts for years. Military
installations are subject to inspections, but the GOP claims monitoring
provisions are vague. The deal includes monitoring the entire supply chain of nuclear
materials that will provide evidence of hidden cheating to be pursued by
inspectors for the next twenty-five years.
Some in the GOP want to double down on sanctions to change
Iran’s behavior instead. The administration
countered that the purpose of sanctions
was to force Iran to negotiate. If Congress kills the deal, the sanction’s purpose, leverage to force
Iran to renegotiate, and an effective sanctions coalition evaporates. US leadership becomes untrustworthy. If the deal survives, “snap
back” provisions obligate the signers automatically to reinstate sanctions if
Iran is caught cheating.
A version of this appeared in the Sky Hi Daily News July 23-24 2015
A version of this appeared in the Sky Hi Daily News July 23-24 2015 ($1.6 billion in aid offered to Israel)
(Increased aid to Gulf Arab allies)
(destroys 2/3 centrifuges and limits all but 3.67% enriched uranium stores;
limit refining metal to 5% over 15 years; after 10 years can build some centrifuges)
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