Circus balancing acts nearly always succeed. It they do not,
performers do not stay long in the business.
Politics is another story. Last week saw balance take a back seat to
extreme views when House Majority Leader John Boehner threw in the towel, foreseeing
a collision with a forty member Tea
Party caucus wanting to hold hostage the functioning of government to a single issue.
Pope Francis with great delicacy delivered
messages in person to the American people and Catholics in a way that would make
a tight rope walker proud.
In past eras, the middle, the balance between poles, was once
the substance of the business of governing.
It is rare now when balance works and often imbalance is cheered by
partisans holding less than a majority vote when they roll over their
opposition without having themselves to budge an inch or take a political
penalty at the ballot box.
Boehner quit, he said, to save the institution of Congress.
He probably meant that Congress was structured to force compromise. I suspect
another reason was that he wanted to come to the aid of the Republican Party. Most right wing Tea Party members of his GOP
Congressional caucus were protected from political repercussions by representing
safe districts with constituents who agreed with them. The Tea Party had failed
to get their way on defunding Planned Parenthood when the House votes were
counted. Never mind federal laws already
prevented federal funds from being used for abortions. They cared little if
their actions would deprive the service of any federal dollars to provide other
low cost women’s health services. They
threatened to block approval of the entire federal budget, resulting in
shutdown of government services.
Boehner had been there, done that. In 2013, the GOP
dominated House engineered an actual shutdown for two weeks over a single
issue, defunding Obamacare. The
result: The economy took a $12 to $24 billion hit. The GOP got the blame in
spite of their attempt to cast blame on a stubborn President. Polls showed Americans believed the GOP was responsible over
Democrats 39 percent to 19 percent.
In order for Boehner to stop this government shutdown, he
would have had to draw on Democratic votes, an anathema to Republican extremists. They had attacked Boehner in the past for
relying on the enemy and Boehner was facing some very contentious moments if he
did it again. Clearly he was just tired of it and he, humming “ Zip-a-dee-doo
dah”, quit.
On the other hand, Pope Francis was last week’s balancer in
chief, giving pronouncements on his visit to the US about what he considered to
be the moral course on critical governmental issues, some of which warmed the
hearts of conservatives with his family focus, and cheered liberals with issues
such as caring about income inequality, humane treatment of immigrants and
refugees, caring for the poor, and global warming. While he did not propose legislative
directives of “thou shall or shalt not” to Congress, he urged compromise and
dissed extremism. Nonetheless, he made his points without adding to the
political polarization he so deplored. Perhaps the Pope inspired devout
Catholic Boehner to turn his disgust
with extremists into the action he took.
The edited version appeard in the Oct 1, 2 2015 Sky Hi Daily News
The edited version appeard in the Oct 1, 2 2015 Sky Hi Daily News