Saturday, April 29, 2017

Whatever happened to old fashioned populism?

A version of this was submitted to the Sky Hi News for publication July 26, 2017
I have been active on behalf of issues in Denver since the 1970's and some once called  me a populist .  The issues we used to call populism do not resemble the ones today. In fact, the greatest promoter of populist issues, Donald Trump, seems bent on sabotaging  his own self-defined populist campaign promises by supporting and celebrating GOP's Congress' health insurance bills that takes 22 million out of the insured ranks to give tax relief to the rich and insurance companies..

Once upon a time populism meant considering the needs of ordinary people.  Now, consideration seems to mean loyalty to an ideology or a fixation on restoring either free market or single payer in health care insurance, getting a check in the win column of keeping campaign promises, or satisfying those who are  financing the next election. How about returning to the days of  putting constituent or consumer interests first?

Back in the olden days, as I like to call  it when sharing my oral history to my children and grandchildren,  populism was not just a revolt against the establishment, it was trying to reshape priorities and values that identified and addressed the needs of ordinary, every day people.  Government was not seen as a de facto enemy,  but  it was viewed as a potential ally.  But government  needed to change its ways, and so populists put pressure on  changing  government policies and demanding government get more involved, not less active.

Much of Denver's populism then was shaped by consumer  and neighborhood activists Among them were conducting surveys of grocery prices to show the poor paid more for lower quality food  and were trapped in segregated neighborhoods because of lack of public transportation to be able to shop elsewhere.  The tearing down of historic structures were fought and resulted in saving Union Station for future use as a multi modal transit system and a charming lower downtown.Mountain views, an asset unique to Denver, were protected by ordinance. Power companies switched from coal to gas and wind, and solar to help reduce the infamous choking brown cloud of air pollution.

New concepts of design, set backs, streetscaping, store front  openings to sidewalks , encouraging  apartment living,   were part of the “city is for people” movement in urban planning . Bike lanes and paths were developed..   A park and ride transit  bus system, and eventually our light rail system, was promoted and supported.  Rail yards were turned into parks, and the former  blighted area  became a new baseball park, the Pepsi Center, an amusement park with a cleaned up and  landscaped Cherry Creek and Platte River running through it.    The airport was moved away from Park Hill and  Denver International became the key economic generator. Denver Health became financially self sufficient thanks to the ability to get paid for their services via Medicaid and now Obamacare.  

Federal environmental  legislation was applied to urban areas,  promoting clean air and water. Power plants switched from coal to natural gas or installed pollution reducing equipment. The major power provider is becoming more reliant on wind and solar.

Did populism hurt economic growth? Thanks to a succession of mayors , beginning with Federico Pena, supporting the populist concepts, Denver iis a thriving place, often listed as one of the best cities in which to live. Unemployment statewide is the lowest in the nation at 2.9%.

Note: Felicia Muftic headed the Metro Denver DA's Consumer office, ran for Denver's mayor in the late 70's, served as Denver's Clerk and Recorder' for nearly eight years in the Pena Administration, was an executive with Consumer Credit Counseling Service, and was a public relations and charitable giving consultant to local businesses supporting access to education for  minority  kids. . She divides living  in Winter Park/Fraser and  in Denver's near West Side. She is co-author of Plan Metro Denver's Interim Transportation Plan and author of the Colorado Consumer Handbook ( both long out of print but available in the Denver Public Library) and  currently a political columnist for the Sky Hi News.

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