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Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Why Dr. Ford is justified in demanding an FBI investigation before her testimony
September 22, "“Dr. Ford accepts the Committee's request to provide her first-hand knowledge of Brett Kavanaugh's sexual misconduct next week,” wrote Debra Katz and Lisa Banks, Ford’s attorneys. “We are hopeful that we can reach agreement on details.” https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/22/kavanaugh-accuser-accepts-senate-judiciary-committees-request-to-testify-836452 My comment: If the terms are not fair...then in her testimony, she should raise cain. So far what the GOP members have offered are not fair and pre-decided by
the old men in the majority against her. Women will be watching and they
will not be taken for fools.September 21: It is time to give victims of sexual assault the respect that is due and the Trump administration and Kavanaugh supporters have not a clue what that respect entails. The supporters of Brett Kavanaugh have a line: why did the accuser not want to have her name in the public? Because she had some idea that she would be bullied and attacked...but no doubt she could not envision that the abuse and intimidation would result in her having to hire guards, move from her house, have her email hacked and getting death threats. That is why. Those who knew of the letter weeks before honored her request not to attach a name. That is what respect of victims of such assaults looks like. Outing them without their permission is not respect. Then the GOP ,taunts began:.. she had to go public if she wanted to be believed,. When her name was leaked, she felt she had no choice but to go public.. That's why, GOP. Instead of attacking the timing, how about attacking the attacks against her and truly find the truth, too, and respect the wishes of survivors of sexual assault. Trump...you of all people hope to heaven not all of those you have assaulted come forward, either..It takes guts to testify, so consider those potential witnesses on her behalf know they too will be subjected to intimidation, especially when high profile, critical political individuals are the accused. It took #MeToo movement to provide that support to get the nerve to come forth. Donald Trump trying to make the point that the attempted rape does not count because she did not report it to authorities at the time shows his total lack of understanding what it is like to be sexually attacked. The event was not rape, but attempted rape. No physical evidence even back in those days would have been evidence. Any woman who has been sexually assaulted in the past rarely reported it to law enforcement, especially in the time frame of Dr. Ford's assault,. They did not report this because in those days the defense by those accused was to try to destroy the character of the accuser in a he says she says situations. This Kavanaugh situation is not the usual case because there was a named witness and the GOP controlled Senate committee has refused to subpoena him to testify under oath or to have the FBI investigate.
Why did Dr. Ford decide to go public? "Ford decided to go public with her account after it was leaked and inaccurate reports emerged."These are all the ills that I was trying to avoid," Ford said to The Washington Post. "Now I feel like my civic responsibility is outweighing my anguish and terror about retaliation." https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/california-professor-writer-of-confidential-brett-kavanaugh-letter-speaks-out-about-her-allegation-of-sexual-assault/2018/09/16/46982194-b846-11e8-94eb-3bd52dfe917b_story.html?utm_term=.c5cf8015a2e4
September 21: The FBI does not have to wait for the White House to deal with death threats and harrassment of Dr. Ford. This is within their domain. Imagine if some classmate of Dr. Ford may know something to back up her ...as one does in Mexico ..having the guts to come forward when death threats and harrassment is what they will face. This is witness tampering and the demand must be made to the FBI to stop this.
September 20:The Kavanaugh hearings and the request by the accuser for an FBI investigation is justified. It is appropriate and the FBI has the ability and power to do it under their powers to screen federal appointees and nominations at the request of the executive branch. There are far too many avenues to check out and unanswered. There is a witness , Mark Judge, to interview under oath. There are lie detector results to review. There are Dr. Ford's classmates to interview, as well, who may remember something and have the fortitude to face the white male GOP committee members. My question: should we accept Kavanaugh and his friends saying they do not remember anything like this because they were a bunch of out of control drunks and remember nothing and leave it at that? Even then, that would certainly damage their (Brett Kavanaugh and his friend'scredibility) and leave Dr. Ford's testimony more credible.
There was an FBI investigation conducted for Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas approval process and they did a disservice by not requiring her to speak to embarrassing details of the porno pictures Clarence made her see, but times were different then. but little has changed the GOP now in the time of the #metoo days when she said against he said is now taken more seriously and is a political hot button issue with women. . Hill was railroaded then. . Dr. Ford is being railroaded now, too, by the GOP committee members, by stonewalling her request for an FBI investigation first...and making it clear they themselves would not investigate or subpoena witnesses under oath.. . In this case, unlike Hill, there is a witnesss to the actual act identified , Mark Judge, who claims in a letter to the Senate committee he remembers nothing and with a history and a book he wrote that he was in a drunken stupor in those days.. In Hill's case there were witnesses, not of the Thomas' acts itself, but of what co-workers may have heard from Hill and they were not allowed to testify. Here are the questions that the FBI could answer if they did conduct an investigation:
Mark Judge, that third party named by Dr. Ford as awitness to the event, refused to appear before the committee and he should be questioned under oath.
Are there any of Dr. Ford's fellow classmates who could testify the party at the private home took place on or about that date? Kavanaugh claims there was no such party, he attended much less he has never done such a thing.
September 17:From my facebook posting: I just heard Mitch McConnell rail against the Democrats for bringing up the accusation of alleged attempted rate of a teenager by the GOP nominee for the Supreme Court.Brett Kavanaugh at the last moment. What a crock.. I choked when he demanded regular order..No waiting for the FBI to check out the accusation; no delay. Regular order from McConnell? It was h e, who refused to even interview Merrick Garland, the Democrat's nominee, for over 400 days in order to leave the space open for a GOP president in the White House. Now he is trying to jam this approval through before the public gets wise or hears more negative stuff in the thousands of pages of documents they have buried under the guise of executive privilege. When the GOP Senate could not get enough votes to approve Neil Gorsuch, their candidate, McConnell changed Senate rules. Instead of 60 votes (which would have had to include some Democrats), now the rules were changed by the GOP to require only a simple majority...This makes a mockery of the Supreme Court...forever to be a partisan body depending who has the simple majority...and without any need to reach out across the aisle. Talk about regular order and who is fair. Ye gads.: The best regular order is to vote GOP Senators out in November..
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