Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The GOP's vote on Trump's racist tweet will haunt the Republican party

Updated: July 18, 2019 and Aug 3 2019

Let us not forget  the reason why our Constitution was established, reads " We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. "   Donald Trump is doing all he can do to disturb domestic tranquility and undermining the blessings of liberty by becoming our racist in chief, stirring the pot of racial and immigrant hatred, to promote his own re-election.  The unintended consequences of his recent racist tweets are to leave the GOP branded as a racist party and to give a gift to Democrats of unity in a common cause to defeat him.

In response to the President using a known and long old racist attack  in a tweet s."..these four women of color should go back to where they come from"(all are American citizens, 3 or 4 were born here)..we now know .he has now come out of dog-whistle racism into the light as openly racist.    All Democrats and four Republican members of the House voted for the resolution to condemn his tweet as racist. It passed on a vote of 240 to 187 on party lines. Those opposing the resolution now have their individual votes on the record supporting a known racist insult and its tweeter. There is no longer a debate if the president was racist; it is clear he is.  It is no longer a debate if the GOP supports racism or aids and abets white nationalism.  It is a matter of record in the House of Representatives.

It is also now a matter of record that many of Trump's core supporters are also racists.   In a scree of chanting from Trump rally-goers July 17, 2019, his audience attendees have also now come now out of the shadows of suspected racial bias into the light of identified racists. The rally chant yesterday confirms suspicions that white nationalism was at the root of Trump's appeal. So now it is politically correct to tell everyone with whom you disagree who has different ethnic and racial roots, darker skin than yours, to send 'em back to where they came. whenever they rub you the wrong way. No longer is the Trump phenomena of Make America Great Again's meaning a question mark, the "again" refers to when America was all White and everyone else was a second class citizen to be suppressed or abhorred, whenever that was. America has always been a nation of immigrants from all over the world. . . Of course, if those Trump rally fans tried this in the workplace, they could be subject to legal action because the phrase is specifically identified as a term of discrimination and harassment by federal rules of the EEOC and the US Department of Labor.

The reason that the EEOC has specifically mentioned the "go back to where you come from" as an example of anti-immigrant, anti-race, anti-ethnic discrimination is because it has been used so often by those who are discriminating and harassing those of backgrounds different than theirs in the workplace.  My doctor immigrant husband was told that many times as well German-born, US citizen friends of mine.  Even in my own circle, I saw hatred against immigrants expressed by this phrase.

Donald Trump has a history of racial discrimination in his family's real estate rental property., hH rose to media prominence on the back of racism..from the Central Park 5, birtherism, African nations..shit hole countries, Mexicans are murderers and rapists, Muslim ban, his  "fine people" comments about neo-Nazi marchers in Charlottesville..  Really?. He's color blind? He's a con man from Queens, the home of iconic Archie Bunker. Those who believe he is color blind are the ones who are blind. 

 For those who claim the reason Trump tweeted as he did was because he objected to socialism or other public policy issues taken by the four freshmen, is a ruse since the phrase he used was one identified as and example of discrimination by federal agencies and often used to harass immigrants and "others" because of who they were, not because of ideological differences. Sen Lindsey Graham (R-SC) attempting to quell the outrage, only added to it the next day saying for proof if a Samali refugee wore a MAGA hat, he/she would be welcomed in the White House.  So now we get it: pledge allegiance to the Trump instead of to the United States of America and you will not be discriminated against.  So forget the first amendment that protects those who dissent?

Is Donald Trump a racist himself? To paraphrase Andrew Gillum, a candidate for Florida governor whose opponent had used racist tactics against him, he answered the question of whether his opponent was a racist. He responded that he did not know if he was a racist, but the racists think he is a racist.  Substitute the word white nationalist for racist, and that is the answer. The former head of the Ku Klux Klan and a candidate for office in Louisiana as a white nationalist, David Duke, said on the election of Trump,  it was a great victory for "our people". and the New Zealand killer cited Trump and his "common purpose" in his manifesto. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Meacham called Trump tied with. the most racist president (Andrew Johnson)  in US history. Either Trump is the most successful demagogue in history if he does not believe what he orates and tweets or white nationalism comes from deep in his gut. The latter is most likely true given his record throughout his adult life.

For Democrats, the House vote condemning. Donald Trump for his racist tweets works.  For those Republicans in purple and blue districts, their Democratic opponents in 2020 will have more ammunition they did not have before.  It will be a rallying cry by those wanting to defeat Trump in 2020, unifying for Democrats. It should help Democrats retain or increase their control of the House. Those who swallow right-wing media claiming Trump is color blind are those who were going to vote for him anyway per polls taken after the House vote. This does not expand Trump's base, but only guns their engines, as the talley broke down mostly by party affiliation.

 Trump's approval rating among Republicans rose 5% after the House vote on condemning him for his racist tweet. It works for Trump in the short term. He had begun a strategy of trying to paint all Democrats as the same as the four outspoken freshmen.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi had even distanced them from the rest of the Democratic caucus.  For the future of the GOP,  it will forever now be known as the party of racism, either as white nationalists or those who accept and support Trump. As the demographics shift in this country to more people of color, the long term impact of the GOP with this vote will be harmful.  You will hear those who voted against the measure claim the rules were violated, they saw no evil, heard no evil in the president's comments, or hem and haw.  Some did not have the guts to vote yes for fear of being primaried. Whatever their excuses, their vote was their vote and will forever be on their record and the GOP will forever be branded with racism.






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