Sunday, September 25, 2022

Did you ever see a mermaid and was she white?

" This is in response to a posting on another restricted to members facebook site from a complaint about Disney's newest little mermaid release, in which the mermaid is depicted as an African American.  The writer complained and groused that Disney must be marketing to the "woke" crowd.   The new name calling by the MAGA crowd of those who are to the left of MAGA  is "woke".  Here is my comment:

"Disney has worldwide distribution to countries that are not European. I doubt seriously they are expecting white American racists to pay for the view. Respect and marketing are also Disney drivers. They also know pre-elementary school kids are more color blind than those older than them and they will still enjoy the fairy tale, no matter the skin color of the character. The younger generation, my grandchildren, are not put off by any of this racial stuff that disturbs their elders because they were born and raised in an integrated, post-Jim Crow era and household. That is not true of so many who only respect messages delivered by those of their same race. Racism has always been and still is a factor in marketing. But to consider with disgust those white people who are "woke" only reflects your own racial biases. White .people should only respect those of their own race? Disney once had a cartoon called Song of the South that portrayed happy black people in the Jim Crow era. In retrospect, the traditions that the movie portrayed are now seen as racist stereotypes seen through the eyes of white creators. The Lion King rectified much by taking the traditions back to African roots, increasing respect for universal values within African traditions. . Hamilton, the play, shocked many white folks, not because of the words and messages, which were historically correct and patriotic, but because it was done in black rap tradition and black actors played some white historical characters. That was the purpose of the writers. Their point is universal messages like those in Hamilton have merit in themselves and are respected by all races regardless of what race portrays the characters. Black cinderellas and mermaids are based on characters that are in the realm of fairy tales. Did you ever see a mermaid, and if so, was she white? Christ was not white but middle eastern. He was real, His existence was documented in the era by those who were literate, but to white evangelical and Catholic Christians, He is portrayed as European with blue eyes. Target marketing? It is not considered strange by them to be racially incorrect. Funny how that all plays out. "

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