Monday, April 15, 2024

What I really think of RFK Jr, updated April 18 2024

Robert F Kennedy, Jr. is more than a political spoiler and a Trump tool. He is nuts.  His family has disowned him and supports Biden. They consider RFK, Jr. dangerous. 

RFK, Jr. has built his following on anti-vaxx.  I try hard as an opinion writer not to use inflammatory language or to disrespect "the other side," but this goes beyond politics. It goes against my grain as a mother and grandmother.  I am so old, I remember what it was like before polio shots, measles shots, and other horrors of childhood experiences. I am so grateful my children and grandchildren escaped these life-threatening childhood traumas. (All are all adults now)  I was about 8 when I had measles, the bad kind, and to this day, I remember how sick I was and how I feared being brain-damaged or deaf if I did not stay in bed, as my mother told me.  I remember elementary and middle school vacations, unable to go to swimming pools, movies, or any gathering places, or even being restricted to my own two blocks of neighbors because of fear of ending up in an iron lung or worse, as some classmates had done, because of polio.  I remember classmates in my eastern Oklahoma school having TB and having to go to the only treatment of that time, a sanitorium.  And now we have anti-vaxxers, who are happy to have their children and grandchildren live like it was 1940-1950's. That is a mental disease that has infected both GOP and Democrats.    Children have no choice. They are at the mercy of their parents and their judgments. In my opinion, parents who refuse to get their children vaccinated are irresponsible.  If you, an adult, make that choice, it is yours, but stay away from me, please, if you have any symptoms.

 Those exempted from my disrespect are those who are known to be allergic to them.  My doctor told me that if the vaccine had egg yolks, the results would have been worse than the flu for me. Strangely, after having the Asian flu in college and being awfully sick, I have never had a bad case of the flu since, even though I never had flu shots. I am lucky. COVID RSV shots did not have an egg base, so no problem.  In short, a physician's advice is still valuable.  Your own or based on social media, not so much.

If you think vaccines cause learning disabilities, take it from the Mayo Clinic. It's your genes. Dyslexia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

and no,  COVID RSV shots do not alter your DNA  or cause cancer, per Sloan Kettering.  2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness, Side Effects, Safety, and More | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (

Measles Complications | CDC

MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Democrats are beginning to take RFK JR as a threat, a spoiler

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