Friday, August 30, 2024

Did you notice when a strong woman blocks his actions, they are crazy, mental cases

 Vintage Trump.  Misogynist, scofflaw, and disrespectful of those who gave their lives in defense of our country. When confronted by an authoritative woman who stands in his way, he has a long history of just calling them stupid, crazy, or a mental case.  That was only part of Trump's stupid political trick this past week at the Arlington Cemetery. He committed a trifecta of political backfires with this act of misogyny, disrespect of those who gave their lives to this country, and an arrogant violator of federal law. Trump used a soldier's grave as a prop for a political message, and he shoved aside a female guard as he was told he was breaking the law using the grave for political purposes. A Trump staff member called the guard "clearly suffering from a mental health episode." The Army responded with a rebuke of Trump's actions and support for their guard. Trump violated federal law with his arrogant act of disrespect for the fallen he had called suckers and losers, giving his opponents the opportunity to remind voters of his other acts of disrespect. If he meant to make an issue of Biden's messy withdrawal from Afghanistan, the message got mostly lost in the flap's backfire.

It also got Lia Cheney's dander up, too.  She called Trump and Vance "misogynist pigs".Liz Cheney Rips Into ‘Misogynistic Pigs’ Trump and Vance to Hoots and Hollers (

From the Army rebuke of Trump verifying the shove and the breaking of a federal law“ Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds. An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside,” the Army spokesperson said in the statement on Thursday.

 Not to be outdone, his Vice Presidential candidate, JD Vance, disagreed with Harris on the Afghanistan withdrawal at an event. In his closing argument to what he called a "disagreement", he concluded with, "Harris can go to hell. "  Only a whimper arose from the media. Single cat ladies were just his opening salvo. However, his attitude toward women and Trump's as well were on display for the world to see.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Yes, my friend, if Trump loses in November, so does Project 2025

 A friend of mine for many years had become alarmed by the provisions of Project 2025 and asked me a question that made me realize not everyone had gotten the memo. She asked if the way to stop Project 2025 was to not elect Trump. Yes, I replied. Trump is the key to it. They need him to sign the executive orders and appointments needed to implement it. If he isn't elected, Project 2025 will not be implemented. It makes no difference if he read Project 2025 or claims he disagrees with some of it, unspecified or not. Here, my friend, is the memo you may have missed. Yes, my friend, if Trump loses in November, so does 2025. In short, a vote for Trump is a vote for Project 2025.

If Trump is elected, which parts of Project 2025 do you think he will not enact? If he gives any answer, would you believe him? He has had at least 5 positions on women's health and choice alone since Spring. His most recent about-face was at first refusing to say how he would vote on the 6-week abortion ban on the ballot in Florida; he got such a blowback from staff and others, he backed the 6-week ban. He who pays the fiddler calls the tune, regardless of what Trump believes.
While Trump is constantly boasting he appointed the three justices that provided the Supreme Court majority to overturn Roe v Wade., take your pick of which of his positions or none he proclaims. It appears that he takes positions that depend on the roar of his groupie rallies, FOX viewers, and current polls. Per the Associated Press fact checker 8/24, he told Fox and Friends on Thursday he would never enact a federal abortion ban, but in an April video in Truth Social, he would leave it up to the states (and we know what that means), and a few days later, he said he would not. However, a month earlier, he had said he would consider banning abortions at 15 weeks. In another "update", he tried to get out of his party's position on IVF.
However, if he removed current staff at Health and Human Services on day one and replaced them with appointees approved by the Heritage Foundation, that would have the same effect as banning women's choice by a law. The Heritage Foundation, the mothership of Project 2025, and the implementing action plan has
its lists of appointees screened and ready to be appointed and drafts of executive orders ready for Trump to sign. Abuse of Schedule F is key to placing personnel friendly to Christian nationalism in place of thousands of civil servants. Trump began the process shortly by reclassifying many positions once filled by career employees and replacing them, thousands of them, with his political appointees, including lists already compiled by the Heritage Foundation of political appointees screened for their ideological litmus tests, including the "culture of life". Biden stopped this reclassification process sith an executive order, easily overturned by another administration. Trump/Project 2025 would finish it for tens of thousands of positions.. To stop allowing mail-order medical abortion pills and certain kinds of birth control methods, Trump's appointees only need to begin enforcing the 1873 Comstock Act, which forbids mailing such methods used by women to control their reproductive health.

These appointees loyal to Project 2025 in all of its other public policy plans are also pledging loyalty to the "culture of life ', the code word for life begins at conception, defacto controlling access to women's health services, and collecting women's private information about whether they had an abortion, when, and why that would become information in a national register. You get the picture and all that follows that extreme view, including banning certain kinds of birth control and abortions without even having Congress pass legislation. The punchline, opposing all abortions with a federal ban, did not appear in Project 2025. They know that would be a poisonous soundbite and opposed by 60 to 70 percent of voters. They instead described how they would accomplish it in other ways with Trump's appointees. Yes, my friend, if Trump loses, so does Project 2025.

If you still think Trump's policy positions are no lie, here is a study that shows where his current positions overlap with Project 2025 and the personnel connections that are the smoking gun:

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The hidden and not so hidden Trump agenda .

 I was just presented with a Trump agenda by a MAGA .:(below in the meme graphic0  The real agenda is a hidden one...or at least,  it was not spoken out loud until the Heritage Foundation with Project 2025 and laid out he first 180 days of the transition playbook, put it in writing for all to read. is my response to the MAGA plan as presented in the "Real Donald Trump" GOP agenda for 2025. The "real" part is what you are supposed to hear. It is not the real one.

Even before COVID-19, Trump failed to carry out his own agenda when he controlled the Oval Office and both houses of Congress. He now thinks he knows how to govern...become a dictator immune from criminal prosecution, and destroy democracy, bringing us rule by a person and not by the people. In short, he never learned how to work to get things done in a democracy, so his plan is to become a dictator/autocrat and destroy that democracy. Biden took parts of what Trump had dreamed about and failed and got it done. As President Trump, even before COVID, was a failure as his economy coasted along on the accomplishments of the prior administration. Trump began his agenda with 4 years of infrastructure week( 0 accomplished: Biden got it done)) and continued to engineer failure from Mar a Logo, sabotaging a conservative bi-partisan immigration bill to give Maga something to run on. fueled by fear, lies, and hate.

Here is the hidden or not so hidden agenda others see. Stupidly proposing to increase inflation with tariffs on imports with fees passed on to consumers, and is planning to sabotage elections by fake electors and compliant elections officials interfering with the election process to secure them for the MAGA party. even though they lose the 2024 election. In his second term., following the desires of Project 2025 and his only public statements, he wants to revert to Jim Crow point 2, returning uninclusive participation in governance and the economy to the 1950s; suppress freedom of the press by delicensing opposition, force an unpopular white Christian nationalist agenda on the majority of the population, which is not white evangelical Christian, sic the DOJ on his political enemies, and use the army to put down any opposition demonstrations. The immigration bi-partisan bill (by the way, included federal dollars to build the wall), which Trump failed to do because he could not get Mexico to pay for it,) Through executive orders, appointments, and Schedule F, he plans fire all bureaucrats who do swear loyalty to him or do not rubber stamp his demands. He began abusing Schedule F toward the end of his term by using permission given him to designate certain governmental positions except from civil service process. Project 2025 plans to have a re-elected Trump expand those exemptions ten times what it is now and replace them with political appointees. Biden stopped it with rules, but such rules can be overturned easily. . Civil Service is bye-bye. Bring on the political hacks stead/ He can commit all the felonies he wants to in implementing his agenda since his friends on the Supreme Court gave him immunity to do so. Heil Boss Trump. He wants to make his peer group internationally Putin and Orban...who have shown him the way.

Friday, August 23, 2024

I found my soul mate last night in Chicago

 I found my political soulmate last night in Kamala Harris. I never quite fit into one or the other strict party lines. Harris was strong on national defense and America's leadership in the world. Like her, I had a background in prosecution and use of regulations for battling consumer fraud and unfair trade practices and a deep understanding of what freedom means.She is mostly an economic populist, not a racial or cultural one like MAGA.. I had first-hand experience in dictatorships, married to an immigrant seeking freedom to be what he wanted to be. She hit all of those high notes, delivered with words that Ronald Reagan could have uttered. His name was invoked by many speakers at the DNC convention. Even on social issues, the theme of the entire convention was freedom, or as Gov. Walz phrased it, "mind your own damn business". That was about as libertarian as it gets. Where there was a coming together between our political blocks was a recognition that immigration was indeed a crisis, and she offered the humane solution, the bi-partisan solution Trump torpedoed. Red, white blue, and the flag and patriotism and love of the country were regained as also accepted and promoted as a Democrat value. Democracy of the traditional American concept was defended and exhorted. Law and order were again values upheld by a career prosecutor, as Kamala Harris has been. Where there was a departure, and even that was limited, was what action and finance needed to solve middle-class hardships and seek opportunity, and that help can come from the government. Even that degree of help was tied to affordability, not free stuff, but is given according to ability, requiring paying part of it. The one free stuff exception was feeding the hungry, breakfast and lunch for young students ( lunch was also offered me in Oklahoma in the 1950s). The other obvious visual departure was the inclusiveness of all Americans in the political process, regardless of race or gender, as contrasted by Trump, who dog-whistles his appeals to only white Christian nationalists as he proposed to favor and rule as constructed in Project 2025. The one fundamental departure from the conservative philosophy of Reagan is a rejection of the trickle-down tax policy, which never worked and has resulted in a handful of billionaires getting richer while growing the national debt while claiming the US cannot afford the middle-class relief Harris proposed.


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trump gives valor a bad name, while JD Vance claimed Walz stole valor


"Valor" is a word that got kicked around lately. Trump tried to give valor a bad name. while running mate JD Vance tried an old smear tactic to "swiftboat" Gov. Tim Walz for stealing valor.   Trump got called out by the Veterans of Foreign Wars commander as "asinine, for his degrading the importance of the Medal of Honor. Vance had to twist the truth to "swiftboat" Harris's VP mate, Gov. Tim Walz to smear his military record with concocted inuendos He gave Walz no credit for 24 years of service and ignored that at age 41, Walz never would have fought in combat. Army top age: permitted for enlisted: 35. Americans did not buy the smear. Vance's swiftboat got stuck in the slung mud. Per an August 8 YouGov poll, Walz's approval was up 11% since they named Harris's running mate, and Vance's was down.

First, lets fact check the smear. Next,  look at the hypocrisy involved in this MAGA swiftboating smear tactic.  Last, wise up to the origin of the swift boating smear attack and the attempt to use it again by the same bad actor twenty years later.

Fact-checking: JD Vance tried to smear Harris's VP pick with "stolen valor." Gov. Tim Walz was proud of his 24 years of service in the National Guard. Per Vance,  Walz stole his claim to valor because Walz avoided combat by retiring. Top age for active enlisted persons to be in active combat in the army: 35.  Vance had to ignore 24 years of service, evidence and timing to come up with that BS..Per  , Walz had served 4 years past retirement age in the National Guard), and retired in May at age 41.   He filed to run for Congress in March 2005 and acknowledged the expected uit call-up in the announcement press release, which was reported by the Associated Press. That announced retirement was over four months in advance of his unit's mobilization in August 2005.  

The Trump/Vance hypocrisy of the smear is epic:  Trump, for years, famously disrespected acts of valor of our heroes in uniform, reportedly calling those who died in combat losers and suckers and preferring those who were not taken prisoners to those that were like John McCain, who suffered torture under the Viet Cong as a POW. Aside from a suspected nod and a wink, it was bone spurs that got Trump deferred from Vietnam. Last week, he degraded the Medal of Honor given to war heroes.  This was a last straw for the head of one of America's largest veterans group the VFW, who responded with .“These asinine comments not only diminish the significance of our nation’s highest award for valor but also crassly characterize the sacrifices of those who have risked their lives above and beyond the call of duty,”.

"Swiftboating" explained:    Some background of the term swiftboating: It was one of the most effective smear campaigns in the history of politics and is credited with causing John Kerry to lose the 2004 election for president. Its perpetrators attempted to show that that war hero Kerry did not perform heroically for which he had received medals.  The accusation was later found to be a lie. The veterans who had accused Kerry were contradicted by Kerry’s own former crewmen and by Navy records.   The same operative who constructed the "Swift boat" smear campaign that sank John Kerry's candidacy for president in 2004, Chris Lacivita, is now the co-manger of the Trump campaign in 2024.  Funny how that coincided, isn't it.   

Update: 8/29/24. After years of dissing valor and those who gave their lives in defense of our country, Trump tried to make amends by turning a tribute to a fallen warrior at Arlington National Cemetery during the messy American withdrawal in Afghanistan into a thumbs-up campaign photo opportunity. For him, it a; appeared this was an attempt to show he did care about the suckers and losers who died and to highlight the major failure of the Biden administration in engineering an orderly withdrawal.  His cult-like followers need to fact-check and learn that Trump set up the withdrawal failure, and Biden's greatest mistake was assuming the Afghan pro-American government would survive the withdrawal.  The collapse of the Afghan government was so swift that orderly withdrawal became chaos with the death of 13 American service members. Both Biden and Trump deserve criticism.

While we are on the subject of Afghanistan withdrawal and Abbey Gate, a post appeared on another social media site to which I belong that Abbey Gate and every other military issue under Biden were somehow related.  My response: I am getting a little tired of Abbey Gate being held up as an equivalent of school shootings or other diversions from any other issue. Yes, it was a failure of Biden, but the next time I see a posting, I will remind the poster that Trump released the Taliban member who engineered the release of the suicide bomber who killed our 13 servicemen, and there were investigations and inquiries.

FYI some one trying to justify weapons of war to kill kids the same as killings at the Abbey gate needs some serious help with logic. From the Department of Defense review:"With access to analysis from across the intelligence community, we were able to identify the Abbey Gate person-borne IED bomber as Abdul Rahman al-Logari, an [ISIS-K] member since 2016," said one Army official on the 12-person, joint supplemental review team.

Al-Logari was one of thousands of ISIS-K members the Taliban released from a pair of detention centers in mid-August 2021, according to another Army team official."

Update 8/30/24:   Trump not only steals respect of valor, he steals dignity from those who gave their lives defending our country. Felicia Muftic

Trump's actions not only violated the rules, but he continued to violate a federal law after being told he was. Laws never stopped Trump from breaking them. Law and order are just for everyone but him.
US Army rebukes Trump campaign for incident at Arlington National Cemetery | CNN Politics
US Army rebukes Trump campaign for incident at Arlington National Cemetery | CNN Politics Swiftboats were the kind of craft Kerry commanded.

 Walz never would have fought in combat. He aged out. In the army, active military top combat age for enlisted soldiers is 35.,Navy%3A%2017%20%2D%2041

Thursday, August 15, 2024

So is it the economy? Updated August 26, 2024 for Harris plan

 For the MAGA meme screamers, update your data or produce your alternative facts. Economist Steve Rattner adjusted his data to remove the COVID impact on the economy for which Trump was not responsible nor does he deserve credit for low prices and border crossings that happened during COVID. FYI: Scream all you want about prices (now stabilizing), but no president, Trump, Fiden, or Harris can edict or control or set grocery prices, nor can they, with any executive action, roll them back to December 2019. Get real.. (We closed the border because of the COVID crisis, remember?)). The growth of the economy and job creation were worse under Trump than under Biden. Violent crime was lower under Biden (and illegal migrants' crime rates were much less than others). Oil? Under Biden, the USA is now energy independent. Inflation? rate was down to near-normal levels under Biden. The Federal Reserve will reduce interest rates in September because of the threat of increased unemployment and that the inflation rate is close to the target of 2% .Here are my facts : (We closed the border because of the COVID crisis, remember? No wonder illegal crossings were down. duh). Once the COVID close was lifted. Illegal border crossings are now down from 8K to 2 K in spite of Trump torpedoing the bipartisan bill that included funding for building the rest of the Wall and enough border guards, and judges to screen for actual trafficked victims and proof of persecution to be accepted for asylum. Those seeking only economic opportunity do not get asylum under our current law. So, instead of whining about Biden's recovery success.. what does Trump plan? So far, goose eggs, except for inflation causing tariffs and national debt busting more tax relief for billionaires that never trickled down and drill baby drill when we have so much oil, we do not have a shortage to be fixed, and we are exporting our energy already. The only high taxes Biden had proposed is to reverse the low taxes on the ultra-rich Tump passed. Harris proposes restoring child tax credit and aid to families with new babies. Free stuff? That is because consumers are being screwed by expensive stuff by price-gouging business greed( which Harris plans to stop.) Trump has no plan to reduce prices, but he only plans to make it worse;, slapping high tariffs on all imports, costs passed on to all consumers, ending Obamacare, ending free lunches for poor kids, rolling back the big pharma controls, and deals Biden made for low-cost meds for seniors., Here's Kamala Harris' one: Kamala Harris released her economic platform:

One of the parts of the Harris economic plan is to go after grocery store price gougers and monopolistic, greedy price setters.  Is there price gouging going on?  A federal case brought by the DOJ against the merger of two grocery store giants, Kroger and Albertson's, resulted in a confirmation by a store executive that, yes, they had gouged some prices.  Why is this merger such a issue? Because when there is a monopoly, an inhouse memo can set prices without fear of a competitor starting a price war.

Good question: We have had tax hikes and tariff hikes, but we still have inflation. Why? Tax policy has little to do with it. COVID and recovery are why. tax policy is not the reason for current inflation. It was the impact of COVID's on the economy and the recovery from it. . " according to Fortune, economists generally agree on some of the causes behind the high inflation that has defined the economy over the last several months:

"The pandemic shifted consumer demand away from services toward goods, which left producers unable to keep up with demand.
Factory closures from early in the pandemic reduced supply just as demand was rising, which sent prices up even further.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine caused a spike in oil prices, which increased the cost of both manufacturing and shipping, while also forcing up the price of wheat and other commodities.
On top of that, the U.S. was dealing with a labor shortage, leaving many businesses that had been shuttered for months unable to meet rising demand — much of which was due to stimulus payments — when they were finally able to open.” ("
What is Causing Inflation in 2024? Understanding Transitory
What is Causing Inflation in 2024? Understanding Transitory


Trump's proposal to raise tariffs is considered by economists to be one of the highest tax increases in history. Both Biden and Trump have already raised tariffs with a negative impact on the US economy. , costing 684K jobs, $524 more in taxes, and shrink the GDP  


  • Candidate Trump has proposed significant tariff hikes as part of his presidential campaign; we estimate that if imposed, his proposed tariff increases would hike taxes by another $524 billion annually and shrink GDP by at least 0.8 percent, the capital stock by 0.7 percent, and employment by 684,000 full-time equivalent jobs. Our estimates do not capture the effects of retaliation, nor the additional harms that would stem from starting a global trade war.
  • Academic and governmental studies find the Trump-Biden tariffs have raised prices and reduced output and employment, producing a net negative impact on the US economy.


A short response to social media posts griping about high prices:

-oil.. USA .first time since 1950 energy independent...producing more from all sources than we import. we are now exporting oil. (note: we do not have an energy shortage, so drill baby drill to increase supply as a solution is BS) Under Trump, imported lots of Venezuela oil; nearly 0 under Biden)
-Biden is responsible for inflation?. He dramatically decreased the rate. Trump would increase it. Under Biden, the rate of increase fell from 9% Covid end, caused by pent-up demand and supply chain problems, to under 3%...much due to the Federal Reserve raising interest rates.. Goal: 2% inflation normal rate. As expected in September, the Fed will lower interest rates. Trump plans to put a 10% tariff on all imports. Every top world economist says this would cause inflation to rise.
- violent crime? increased a bit under Trump and dropped 26% under immigrants and, even more dramatically, illegal ones rates much lower than native-born American crime rates.
- Illegal border crossings per day are down dramatically. 8k last December; 4K in May. 2K now. Biden exec order to refuse to hear asylum cases if crossings exceeded 2400 helped. , but Trump sabotaged even measures to build the rest of the wall and to fund increased staffing to hear and screen border crossers to separate actual asylum seekers (allowed by law)from those looking for economic refugees. (not a reason for asylum granting)
Trump yesterday gave no clear answers of how he could reduce prices to consumers and decrease housing costs except drill baby drill BS and give us the real inflation raiser, tariffs.
. Friday, Harris will give her plan.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Colorado shows how to deal with election denying election officials: Tina Peters, guilty

Tina Peters was sentenced to 9 years.

 From my Substack posting of 8/13/24:

There has been a great deal of hand-wringing about MAGA replacing local election clerks with election deniers in a plot, hardly secret, to throw the 2024 presidential elections into chaos and even violence if Donald Trump appears to have lost the election. Here is what it took in Colorado to successfully prosecute a county clerk who tinkered with election computers. Former Colorado clerk Tina Peters found guilty in election computer breach (

The 2024 version of MAGA plans to overturn the election is to place election deniers and Trump loyalists in swing states in local election board officials. The plot, well underway now, would have MAGA election officials in swing states refuse to certify results on some pretext of fraud, though they do not have the power to make that determination if the Constitution empowering them contains “shall relay results.” Shall means it is an administrative duty that they are required to perform.

The state Attorney General removed Tina Peters from election administration functions earlier. That is how we did it in Colorado and how it could be done in the MAGA-targeted scheme elsewhere. The fight has moved to Georgia, where the state elections board claims they have the power to refuse to relay the results, contrary to the “shall” provision in their state constitution. This is an attempt to get around the “shall,” and no doubt will result in court actions. In the meantime, the Tina Peters case gives the blueprint for how to deal with election deniers who do not abide by the rules, and it may serve as a warning to the MAGA wannabe certification deniers at the local and county levels.

MAGA replaced my own county clerk in Colorado in an election squeaker two years ago with one suspected of being an election denier. The state GOP party chair election denier, Dave Williams, was recently defeated in his primary bid for Congess and there is an earnest attempt to oust him as GOP chair. Judge allows Colorado Republicans to meet to remove Dave Williams (     Update 8/24/24 Colorado Republican Party members vote to oust chairman Dave Williams (

Georgia county election boards could refuse to certify results under new rule : NPR

Election certification under threat - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (

MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Colorado, an epicenter of the conflict between election deniers and established voting systems.

Jeff Crank defeats Dave Williams, the Colorado GOP chair, in congressional primary • Colorado Newsline

Colorado GOP picks election denier Dave Williams to lead party into 2024 (