Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Benghazi hearings: making hash from the rehash

Remember the presidential campaigns last fall when Republicans   thought the issue that would sink  Obama  was the Benghazi  screw up  and an alleged cover up  on the scale of Watergate?  The US Ambassador to Libya and 3 other Americans were killed while visiting a dangerous  part of Libya. As an  issue,  It did not enter into the electorate’s psyche in 2012. The same fate is likely to meet  this current rehash    in 2016.
If we learned anything in 2012  foreign policy mess ups that are water under the bridge  rarely  become a  determining issue in a campaign    .The economy, debt, ,  tax policy class warfare, and  immigration issues drowned out the Benghazi tragedy as factors  determining the outcome and no doubt some of these issues and issues yet unknown will dominate 2016, too, if Hillary Clinton or anyone else is  standard bearers of the Democratic party..
 As much as some in the GOP hope it would be, Benghazi is no Watergate,  a cover up  which did impact future elections and  brought down Pres. Nixon.   Watergate covered up  a crime sparked by political dirty tricks, …a break in at the Democratic  headquarters.   At  worst,  the Benghazi talking points could indeed have been spun to some political purpose to protect the President’s posterior at the end of a re-election campaign . At best,  they  walked back  Pres. Obama earlier  attribution  of  terrorist involvement in the Benghazi attack before the actual identification of the perpetrators were known.   
 Those talking points , delivered  days after the event by UN Ambassador Susan Rice, positioned   the at  cause as part of wide spread demonstrations across the Muslim world   instead of an attack by militants. That is not the first time a high US diplomatic official  repeated  points spun by others . Secretary of State   Colin Powell  was  fed  bogus  “proof” of Iraq’s WMD which he repeated  at the UN. While it  did  gather international  support for conducting the longest war in US history,  it did not result in George W Bush’s election loss or in talk of  impeachment proceedings. The Benghazi  spin had  no comparable impact on shaping  US policy.
The  GOP controlled House of Representative committee  has almost exclusively focused on finding proof that  Benghazi was  a covered up  by  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.   This stinks to high heaven  as  a witch hunt concocted  to wound  Clinton enough  to keep her from being a winning candidate  for president  in 2016 .  If the House committee really cared about  preventing such  future tragedies, they should instead  be  examining whether all diplomats in instable areas need more security or an rescue squad  should be kept on call nearby  when diplomats  venture from their green zone,  whether the risk assessment was faulty,  or whether there was adequate funding for our diplomats’ security.
The  House hearing  so far has disclosed substantially   little more than we had learned running up to the 2012 election  or a subsequent investigative report .  As Ambassador Thomas Pickering,  who chaired the independent investigative report,  commented on Candy Crowley’s CNN show Sunday , he found that Clinton did not make decisions on the actual events and that the military commanders responsible confirmed that  logistics made  rescue  impossible. Pickering further commented that he saw nothing new coming from the committee hearings regarding conduct of the actual Benghazi event.
New information that  did emerge  so far concerns  post attack  actions.   A committee of government agencies, including representatives of the CIA,  White House and State Department,  revised  Rice’s  talking points twelve times .    The State Department reassigned the second in command of the Libyan embassy  for blowing the whistle without a minder  present contrary to personnel policy .    That action  did not contribute to proving  cover up since the cat was already out of the bag.
For more, visit
(This is a version of my column that will appear in the Sky Hi Daily News this week)

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