Friday, October 4, 2019

A warning to Democrats...keep it simple;

Donald Trump is a master demagogue:  he can repeat an untruism again and again until he makes it a truism.  We just watched him display his talents today on a tirade and an attempt to change the subject from extortion of a foreign government for his political benefit to "corruption" as a way to justify his actions.  There was no quid pro quo he has repeated time and time again as he exhorted China to go find the dirt on the Bidens, in thumbing the nose at the law against those in an election campaign from asking a something of value from a foreign government to help him win in 2020. 

Here are some simple points, I suggest, to be repeated again and again until it is imprinted in voter's minds, taking a page from Trump: slogan it ad nausea.  Mr. no collusion; now Mr. pro collusion. Who's side is he on? Not our national security; but his own political interests.  One sentence summary: of the accusation: President Trump compromised national security by seeking dirt on a political rival for his own benefit from a foreign leader.

Timeline of extortion is damning as well:
Everything before July 25 was laying the groundwork for the "asks", Ukraine refusing to play ball with Guiliani, firing of the US Ambassador.
 Around July 18 freezing US military aid appropriated by Congress.

July 25, Trump links his asks with military aid release request by Ukrainian president: with "I have a favor to ask, though": the act of extortion

After July 25 was a cover-up, including burying the verbatim text of the call in a secret server and diplomats trying and failing to get Ukraine agreement to agree to "asks" in writing. News of whistleblower complaint surfaces by Sept. 9, Presidential appointment Ambassador to EU emails: "no quid pro quo" . In late September, 25th and 26th, there was a public release of July call memorandum and whistleblower complaint and beginning formal impeachment inquiry.  Sept 25 and 26 texts of July 25  telephone memorandum and whistleblower texts released.  Formal impeachment inquiry began by House.

Mid Sept to end of Sept, military aid to Ukraine was unfrozen.

Simple and to the point: former prosecutors in the impeachment of Richard Nixon make their case for impeachment :
Sub sub points:

What's wrong with withholding foreign aid to force a foreign government to play ball for his political benefit? It has to do with halting Russian grabs of NATO countries and Ukraine.
What's wrong with withholding military aid until he got the commitment from Ukraine he wanted in writing and only released the aid to Ukraine when the whistleblower complaint surfaced?  That was evidence of extortion plain and simple. 
Why is it so bad to ask for help with his re-election from a foreign government besides being against the law?
 If the foreign country agrees and produces, the president finds himself obligated to them in the future even though the foreign country, like Russia, has their own agenda that is not ours and in fact harms national security.  US elections should be for US citizens to determine without being influenced by foreign intervention, propaganda, and hacking.
 Why should a foreign power with their own agenda that is harmful to ours influence American's thought process?  It makes American democracy captive of control by a foreign power.  Elections should be America for Americans, not Russia's or China's controlling our election messages and US government and foreign policy.  That was one of the basic fears of the founders of our Constitution.


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