Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Cheer up non- MAGAs : Iowa GOP still believing the big lie will hit a buzz saw

Snapshot January 2024:  Some day in the general election,  2020 election deniers will hit a buzz saw and will learn that they may rule their small roost, but they are only 30% of the total if current statistics hold true.  

Poll: Majority of Iowa GOP caucus-goers don’t believe Biden legitimately won in 2020 - The Washington Post

Jan. 6 poll: Republicans more loyal to Trump, rioters who stormed Capitol - The Washington Post

Trump supporters are FOXated. New poll reveals the sheer extent to which Fox News viewers remain loyal to Trump | CNN Business

Updated 3 17 2024 No court of law examining the question in sworn testimony or "forensic audits" paid for and conducted by Trump partisans found enough evidence of fraud that would have overturned the last election. There is no proof to the contrary other than anecdotal stories that represent enough of such fraud to make a difference.  Voter integrity in Colorado rests on mail-in and paper ballots, which provide a paper trail to investigate charges of voter fraud. The State has also enacted tighter controls against voter fraud in recent legislative sessions.  A study was commissioned in 2022 by the Colorado Secretary of State to examine voter attitudes and experiences https://www.coloradosos.gov/pubs/elections/ElectionIntegrity/20220418NASEDDisinformationMDMPresentation.pdf

One of the puzzles is that voters have less confidence in results in federal elections than they do in their state and local elections.  States use the same methods for all candidates, federal and state, and do not have separate systems or totals in votes cast for federal and another for state/county. This means that the myth that the 2020 election was stolen has its believers, and fear tactics regarding that have been effective. It also means something unusual has happened or could happen in specific elections that rigged the outcome.  Nothing widespread was ever found, but there have been prosecutions in Colorado in specific counties, Mesa, where the local county clerk was accused of giving specific access to her partisans to tinker with the machine's hard drives and now is facing a federal trial for that.  https://coloradosun.com/2024/01/08/tina-peters-federal-suit-rejected/      The conspiracy theories regarding Dominium Voting systems have likewise been debunked, and it cost those who promoted those false theories a bundle of money: https://apnews.com/article/fox-news-dominion-lawsuit-trial-trump-2020-0ac71f75acfacc52ea80b3e747fb0afe

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