Sunday, March 10, 2024

Britt's human trafficking example bogus; the problem is real so pass the bill

 Not only was Britt's SOTU response cringe-worthy, but it was also embarrassing factually. The example of human trafficking Biden's failure took place before Biden was president and not even in the US. I am an anti-human trafficking activist devoting six years to a prevention program in Bosnia. Human trafficking is no joke and we need to have the Bi-partisan border protection bill passed now so that there are enough resources to catch more of it. Britt voted against it in the Senate. I was traveling with two beautiful teenage girls, my grandchildren, at the time of rampant human trafficking in the Balkans. At the airport, as we were leaving the country, the police separated my grandchildren from me to make sure they were not being trafficked and to question them separately. That takes enforcement training and enough personnel to fund that kind of vigilance and that is how it is done. That Britt's delivery had been coached and concocted and the setting was the kitchen may not have been by accident, but deliberately done to appeal to a segment of women. The voice she used has been called the fundie baby voice.

What is really interesting is that the real Katie Britt did not appear in that infamous rebuttal and those that know her know she is a "normie" and a talented politician.  I may disagree with her politics, but whoever staged her rebuttal did her no favors, and in fact, did her considerable damage. Pageant queen. Go-getter. NFL wife. Senator. SNL target: The ascent of Katie Britt | The Independent

Sen. Britt's stint in her kitchen in response to Biden's State of the United Address evoked some words of nostalgia by women my age, dressed in skirts and well-polished saddle loafers, dishing how nice it was in the good old days of the 1950s.  So gentle, so kind.   Here is my answer:  That was me. HS class of 1956.. I dressed like that, was valedictorian, and was nationally ranked in debate and extemporaneous speaking in mixed doubles and women (called girls then). I went on to Northwestern and felt my oats. Then I went to New York to break into television, where women were not taken seriously, and I was told bluntly that no one would take a woman delivering the news as credible. I should stay home and raise children. I am not you women who pine for the good old days of 1956.. In fact, between 35 and 70% of people between the ages of 20 and 65 in today's society work outside the home, not only because they want to but because they need to in order to make ends meet. They have been enabled because of family planning, which fools want to take away to force them back to the kitchen. I spent the rest of my career mostly in PR and in positions traditionally filled by women, such as a county clerk. I always felt I was born 20 years too soon. Go back to your kitchens, ye followers of Britt, if that makes you happy.  Not everyone is you. (PS I also raised three children and was married to the el remarkable man for 52 years who made much possible with his moral and helpful support.) I


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