Ladies, still conflicted? If you like Mitt Romney's economic plan but
also like President Obama's position on women's health, check the
Mitt Romney is offering you more than a sketchy
deal; you are being presented with a bad one. The GOP wants women to
trade 40 years of struggle of women to control their own health
decisions in return for economic plans that are impossible.
“clear vision” for the economy is a mirage. Romney's newest proposal
promises lowered taxes by 20 percent for all. There has not been a
financial analyst, even the six partisan ones Romney cites, who says
cutting the wealthy's loopholes will offset the loss in tax revenue of
$5 trillion over 10 years.
Both Tampa Bay and
Annenberg Foundation agreed with the nonpartisan Tax
Policy Center's conclusion that what Romney proposes is “mathematically
impossible.” The middle class will then be stuck with either $2,000
per-year per-family in higher taxes or elimination of deductions for
mortgages, education, and charity, or the deficit will explode.
( called Romney's claim that Obama would raise middle class
taxes by $4,000 “nonsense.”)
Romney proposes another $3
trillion to continue Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and pump up the
Pentagon. Financier Steve Rattner (New York Times, 10/14) concluded that
to pay for these, 40 percent would have to be cut from a list which
includes education, child care, child health coverage, school lunches,
Head Start, military pensions, and more.
on Oct. 16 gave Romney's five-point plan to add 12 million jobs four
“Pinocchios,” called it bait and switch, and said it did not add up.
Moody's Analytics predicts 12 million jobs will be created by 2016, no
matter who is president. Macroeconomic Advisors also predicted a gain
of 12.3 million jobs. Obama will reach the 12 million goal just staying
his course.
Romney moans that women have lost more than hundreds
of thousands jobs under Obama, but women's unemployment rate was a full
percentage below men. concluded “Romney's figure was six
times too high … with the large majority (of jobs) lost before Obama
was sworn in.”
The GOP deal? They want to make it harder and more
expensive for women to work. If there is one single factor that has
enabled women to work, it is control over their reproduction schedule.
Romney and the GOP want to repeal Obamacare. Doing so would reinstate
high co-pays for mammograms and pap smears and would allow insurance
companies to charge women more for health insurance than for men.
Romney supports allowing all employers to refuse insurance to cover birth control.
Romney is pledged to appointing members to the Supreme Court to
overturn Roe v. Wade, making abortion illegal. Romney is committed to
defunding Planned Parenthood, the low income service that provides women
health services from birth control to cancer screenings. (Federal money
is already forbidden by law to fund abortions). Romney endorsed a
Mississippi personhood initiative giving fertilized eggs full legal
protection, which would have effectively banned some forms of birth
control and all abortions.
Women's pay is around 80 cents on the
dollar to a man's pay for the same job. The Republicans opposed the
Lilly Ledbetter act signed by President Obama to help women sue for such
discrimination. In Debate No. 2, Romney avoided supporting it with his
infamous “binder full of women” attempt to connect with women, leaving
the impression he had never met competent women in his prior career.
have no desire to see my two daughters and two granddaughters return to
the 1950s, but that is what women are being asked to trade off. It is a
deal women should refuse.
Also published in the Sky Hi Daily News today

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