Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Romney's promise to create 12 million jobs is hooey

Romney's promise to create 12 million jobs in 4 years is a bunch of hooey. It makes no difference if he is elected or Obama is re-elected...12 million jobs will be created anyway. He is like a rooster taking credit for a sunrise. Perhaps he is making a seriously conservative promise because he just threw under the bus the entire case beloved by the fiscal supply siders and trickle down lovers: give big business a tax break and they will have enough extra money to invest and create jobs. However, the Romney give-th and the Romney take-ith away. His etch a sketch flip flop on taxes has an internal contradiction: on one hand he grants big business a major tax break and on the other hand he makes them pay for it by losing deductions and loopholes. So what is left to trickle down? That all of a sudden he cares about the 47%? Nothing else changed: his anti women's health posture; his cuts to Medicaid, the end of guaranteed Medicare, and all of the immoral holes he punches in the social safety net and his shoving 30 million uninsured back into the ER remains. He weasels on the details of what middle class deductions will remain and will leave all of that up to Congress, whom we know and love and trust so much. He is still the same businessman that would let the auto industry go bankrupt. And the tax cuts he wants still add up to $5 trillion, while has pay fors fall so short, that either taxes will have to be raised or the deficit will increase (which he is pledged to avoid at all costs). He may try to look like a caring pastor of his flock, but other than trying to position himself as if he is no longer one of the 1% , he has not changed his spots. His policies that remain or have left us without anymore details that we had before.

Factchecker: Romney’s ’12 million jobs’ promise

Excerpt from the Fact Checker:

"But, in fact, the number is less impressive than it sounds. This pledge amounts to an average of 250,000 jobs a month, a far cry from the 500,000 jobs a month that Romneyclaimed would be created in a “normal recovery.” In recent months, the economy has averaged about 150,000 jobs a month.
The Congressional Budget Office is required to consider the effects of the so-called “fiscal cliff” if a year-end budget deal is not reached, which many experts believe would push the country into a recession. But even with that caveat, the nonpartisan agency assumes9.6 million jobs will be created in the next four years. (This is a revision downward; CBOhad estimated 11 million in January.)
But Moody’s Analytics, in an August forecast, predicts 12 million jobs will be created by 2016, no matter who is president. (See page 51.) And Macroeconomic Advisors in April also predicted a gain of 12.3 million jobs."

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