Assuming the
GOP drops the “repeal Obamacare” slogan and instead tries to repair the Affordable Care Act , what could they offer? They should make all health insurance cheaper for consumers instead of taking away
its benefits, quit proposing implementation delays, and stopping a campaign to
scare would be participants away. .
Every time those with squeaky wheels get greased by an exemption or delay, insurance companies warn that reducing the
pool of healthy participants would shift
more costs to everyone else who gets insurance. They understand why any more opt out provisions and fewer people covered only ring up the costs.
Obamacarescaring has been part and parcel of GOP strategy to whack health care reform at the knees, and their newest attack is to claim the federal site is not secure. Their proposed legislation to notify you of security breaches is a proposal the administration claims fixes something that” ain’t broke” and is already handled by other laws. The GOP disagrees. Needed or not, such legislation does not alter Obamacare and would not be the first redundant legislation cluttering law books.
What the GOP is doing is playing on recent news about security failures in Target and Nieman Marcus’ credit cards and information to scare you from going on line to sign up for health insurance.
The GOP has attempted mightily to make Obamacare look like a failure
before it even got implemented. Scaring
away potential customers is not the only
tactic the GOP has used to self fulfill their
prophesies. The GOP has
tried to cripple access to the system by blocking local
navigators signing up people, refusing to expand Medicaid, claiming it will be too expensive, will not give you a
choice of doctors, or is too complicated
to access or is not secure. They cherry pick stories that dramatize the few who find such is true, and ignore the
ever increasing and overwhelming numbers who find it is good enough for them,
their friends, co-workers, and relatives.
We can expect the GOP to come up with more ideas to replace
and repair Obamacare, but beware their bearing gifts inside Trojan horses. Any “repairs” should not yank the popularly supported requirements
of covering pre-existing conditions or young adults on their parents’
insurance, or reinstating lifetime caps on the amount of coverage, or removing
the gender and mental health parity
standards. Removjng co-pay free cancer
screenings, or annual checkups, or certain reduced drug benefits from the
health care act provisions would not make health care more affordable to anyone or make any of us
likely to care for their own health.
GOP “ repairs” should keep the ACA’s costs reducing provisions. Cost savings measures
required of providers and “pay-fors”
built into the Affordable Care Act, per
the Congressional Budget Office, echoed by Simpson-Bowles proposals, will save the deficit by
$ 109 billion over the next ten
years and added twelve years to the Medicare fund.
GOP’s replacement proposals to date sound nice, but do little. Health
savings accounts only benefit those with jobs and who do not live pay check to pay check. Cross state insurance sales and mal practice
reform are ideas evaluated four years ago
by the Congressional Budget Office as having minimal effect on consumers’
insurance rates or do not result in covering most of the previously
Footnotes: updated information:
Footnotes: updated information:
Rand researchers found that
allowing anyone to buy a noncompliant plan would have a far more detrimental
effect, raising exchange premiums as
much as 10 percent and decreasing enrollment by 3.2 million, or 26 percent. By allowing those who got notices that their
policies were being cancelled as non-compliant and to keep them for a year
would have an effect of increasing
policies offered on the exchanges by less than 1%, “minimal effect”.
Re: security of ACA federal exchange websites. "
Re: security of ACA federal exchange websites. "
Jan 16, 2014 11:58am
Nearly three months after
its launch, underwent end-to-end security testing and
passed with flying colors, the top cybersecurity official overseeing the
website told Congress today.
Teresa Fryer, the chief
information security officer for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services, told the House Oversight Committee that results from the tests
have alleviated her earlier concerns about risks of
cyberattacks and theft of consumers’ personal information.
“This security control
assessment met all industry standards, was an end-to-end test and was conducted
in a stable environment that allowed for testing to be completed in the
allotted time,” Fryer told the panel. The assessment was completed Dec. 18, she
Fryer had
expressed opposition to launching the site on Oct. 1 without
proper security testing, but the administration proceeded with the launch
against her advice. She also revealed in testimony last month that
several “high-findings” of security risk had been flagged and resolved during
intermediate testing in November and December.
Fryer told lawmakers
today there have been no successful attacks on the website since Oct. 1, and
that mitigation strategies to limit risks to cybersecurity have been effective.
“The protections that we
have put in place have successfully prevented attacks,” she said. “There have
been no successful security attacks on the FFM [federal marketplace], and no
person or group has maliciously accessed personally identifiable information.
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