Just posted a series of links to fact checkers and analyses of the issue. Key is the one from the Congressional Budget Office which concludes Obamacare will extend the life of Medicare for an decade.
See: CBO March 20, 2010; Joint Committee on Taxation Revenue Estimates, JCX-17-10 (March 20, 2010).
CMA || Medicare Facts & Fiction Benefits are not cut; CBO says the ACA extends the life of Medicare
Simpson-Bowles Return to the Medicare | Medicare News Group Worth reading: By using the ACA as a foundation, Simpson-Bowles gives a nod to the fundamental approach of President Obama's strategy: reform the program internally, pass along more costs, and restructure payments and treatment modes.
Essential reading for those who believe Obamacare will weaken Medicare. From a letter to Sen. Jeff Sessions:
Budgetary Impact of the Legislation
On the basis of the economic forecast and technical assumptions in CBO’s March
2009 baseline, CBO projected that, under current law, the HI trust fund would be
exhausted—that is, the balance of the trust fund would decline to zero—during
fiscal year 2017. Enacting PPACA, including the manager’s amendment, would
reduce net outlays for Part A of Medicare by $245 billion over the 2010–2019
period relative to that baseline, CBO estimates. Enacting that legislation would
also increase HI payroll tax receipts by about $113 billion over that period,
according to estimates by CBO and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation
(JCT). Together, those changes in outlays and revenues would diminish budget
deficits and add to trust fund balances by $358 billion over that 10-year period.
Given those changes in the financial flows of the trust fund, CBO estimates that
the HI trust fund would have a positive balance of about $170 billion at the end of
fiscal year 2019.
Will Obamacare hurt Medicare Advantage? | PolitiFact An analysis of interest
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