GOP’s new message of helping the middle class is hot air.
The GOP’s change in tune has a sour note. Have you noticed a shift in message?. It has
switched from “trickle down is good for you”
to “the GOP cares about the
middle class and families”. The GOP must have been reading recent polls that
showed they were 10 points behind Democrats when asked if the Republican party”
cares about my problems” (CBS News Poll, May 16-19) and 20 points behind in “helping
the middle class” (ABC/Washington Post poll April 24-27). The GOP’s newly touted support of the middle class
is an empty glass filled with hot air and the Democrats need to
call them out on it.
Democrats have either
been silent or stuck in the wonky weeds of defense on middle class issue,
recently. The best defense in the 2014 midterms is a good offense by answering the question themselves:” Who can
best help the middle class?” For
Here is how the GOP, including Cory Gardner running for
Senate in Colorado, plan to help the
middle class.
The GOP in Congress recently blocked legislation allowing those
with older student loans to refinance at
a lower rate . How does that help the middle class?
Killing Obamacare is still
their main refrain. They want to leave
families once more deeply in debt with
medical bills and policies that deny coverage of pre-existing conditions or
preventative care. The past system left the middle class one medical event away
from foreclosure and bankruptcy whenever
an uncovered major medical event occurs. The GOP has provided no alternatives that
would provide those protections.
Instead, they have proposed “ solutions”
of malpractice reform and cross state insurance competition that even the Congressional Budget Office estimated
would have little effect in making insurance affordable for the pre Obamacare
uninsured.. How does that help the middle class?
The GOP makes it
difficult for women who need to work to keep their families afloat financially by
putting barriers to family planning,
whether making choice of when and how many children to have. Some, including
Gardner, have advocated making some forms of birth
control illegal or favored preventing women from getting low cost pills
from their employer’s insurance. Most
oppose equal pay for equal work .Many in the GOP oppose raising the minimum wage to $10.10
per hour, which would bring those working a 40 hours week above the poverty
level. How does that revitalize the middle class?
Creating jobs? The GOP has opposed funding rebuilding
highways and bridges and infrastructure improvements that would have long lasting
higher paying jobs for millions over the years. (Keystone pipeline they tout as a jobs program creates only two years of temporary jobs). Their jobs plan mostly
consists of giving more tax breaks to big business. If we
learned anything over the years, trickle
down theories have failed in practice. How has that helped the middle class?
for both the ABC and CBS polls .
A version of the above appeared in the, all editions, 6/27/2014
Some additional thoughts that fill in some blanks: Can we afford to do these things to help the middle class?
There are deficit hawks who put cutting the deficit above everything regardless of the impact on the economy and the tool in their toolbox of government shutdown. (The GDP took a serious dip when that was last tried and political approval ended in the toilet). Their one and only pathway is to reducing the deficit is to cut government expenditures without raising revenues. However, the only government expenditures they want to cut are social programs and education; defense gets fed well.
The problem is two fold: every serious look at the deficit, i.e. Simpson Bowles, said we must raise more revenues. My fear:slashing and burning middle class perks and poverty safety nets will only increase the disparity between the rich and poor....a destabilizing element in any democracy, politically unsustainable and therefore unattainable.
Update: Polls are showing a great decline in middle class income and hope. Below is one released in July 2014. Buried in this is the middle class decline and loss of hope. Who gets the blame will determine much of the 2016 presidential race and it could impact the 2014 midterms. If the Democrats can pin the blame on Republicans and sell it, they may have a chance. When all is said and done, that is why the 47% issue that scuttled the Romney momentum.
A version of the above appeared in the, all editions, 6/27/2014
Some additional thoughts that fill in some blanks: Can we afford to do these things to help the middle class?
There are deficit hawks who put cutting the deficit above everything regardless of the impact on the economy and the tool in their toolbox of government shutdown. (The GDP took a serious dip when that was last tried and political approval ended in the toilet). Their one and only pathway is to reducing the deficit is to cut government expenditures without raising revenues. However, the only government expenditures they want to cut are social programs and education; defense gets fed well.
The problem is two fold: every serious look at the deficit, i.e. Simpson Bowles, said we must raise more revenues. My fear:slashing and burning middle class perks and poverty safety nets will only increase the disparity between the rich and poor....a destabilizing element in any democracy, politically unsustainable and therefore unattainable.
Update: Polls are showing a great decline in middle class income and hope. Below is one released in July 2014. Buried in this is the middle class decline and loss of hope. Who gets the blame will determine much of the 2016 presidential race and it could impact the 2014 midterms. If the Democrats can pin the blame on Republicans and sell it, they may have a chance. When all is said and done, that is why the 47% issue that scuttled the Romney momentum.
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