GOP candidates claim the Obama administration is a “failure.” A recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll concluded, though, that the American people were “fed up” with Washington, and they were 20% more fed up with Congress than they were with President Obama. If Obama is viewed as a failure, then the GOP Congress is viewed as more of a failure.
If the measure is how much Obama achieved of his own agenda, the answer is most of it has been successful. His major failure so far is not passing comprehensive immigration reform, not from lack of trying. Most of his domestic accomplishments, such as economic recovery and health care reform, were enacted before the obstructionist Tea Party took over the House. Perhaps the greatest success Democrats had was keeping the economy from going over the brink into another Great Depression, using passage of stimulus spending and tax cuts and also clever fiscal policy. The unemployment rate is now back to pre-crash levels, and the economy is showing a 3% growth rate. Austerity measures (which the GOP pushed for the U.S., too) are threatening to force Europe into recession or deflation, and also into continuing high unemployment.
The GOP Congress still wants to repeal Obamacare, but offers no alternative, no workable way to pay for covering preexisting conditions, and has no plans to make it more affordable for 30 million Americans.
Gardner, ranked as the 10th most conservative member of Congress and opposing Mark Udall for Senate in Colorado, wants to repeal Obamacare. Obamacare ends discrimination against higher women’s premiums, and it also covers birth control and cancer screenings. Gardner also pushes federal laws that not only criminalize abortion from the time of conception, but cripples in vitro fertilization, bans IUDs and some other birth control methods, and Gardner wants women to pay out of their own pockets for the few over-the-counter methods left that are legal. (Ending Obamacare ends insurance coverage of the pill, too.) All federal laws, including Obamacare, are already currently forbidden from covering any abortions, so that's not happening.
Armageddon as predicted by the GOP did not happen to Obamacare (ACA). More signed up for coverage and paid premiums than forecast. Early indications are that 2015 average premiums within exchanges will show little change from 2014. The American Medical Association in their July journal found that the ACA is successfully working as designed. Medicare cuts? No traditional coverage was lost, and 14 years were added to the life of Medicare.
Energy policy? The GOP Congress wants to ditch environmental protection laws to boost energy production. However, while protecting the environment, Democratic “all of the above” energy policies, including promoting alternative energy sources, have permitted the U.S. to become the largest producer of natural gas in the world, and the U.S. will begin having enough oil production very soon to begin exporting. Gardner is still denying humans are responsible for global warming against the proof provided by scientists held in high esteem in the field.
Ebola? We should not forget that the GOP congressional budget priorities were to reduce funding to the CDC. Officials confirmed this caused a slowdown in the search for vaccines. The president's choice for Surgeon General has also been blocked by the GOP members of Congress, which is why a "czar" had to be chosen to provide some guidance and continuity during this time.
Promoting the middle class? The GOP congressional policies cut Pell grants, oppose decreasing interest rates on student loans, and oppose raising the minimum wage or furthering equal pay for women in the workforce.
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America's Fed Up: Obama Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low, Poll Shows - NBC News
"The frustration carries over to the nation’s political leaders, with President Barack Obama’s overall approval rating hitting a new low at 40 percent, and a mere 14 percent of the public giving Congress a thumbs up."
"The frustration carries over to the nation’s political leaders, with President Barack Obama’s overall approval rating hitting a new low at 40 percent, and a mere 14 percent of the public giving Congress a thumbs up."" Yet, congressional Republicans are viewed more negatively than congressional Democrats.....
Congressional Job approval ratings
No Answer
Despite the Republican advantages over all, Americans continue to broadly disapprove of congressional Republicans even more than congressional Democrats. "
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