If the Senate report on
CIA torture practices in the early post 9/11 days revealed anything, it
was when fear for national security prevails, the US behaves like most
other countries. We become unexceptional.
We trample human rights and engage in practices for which we would be ashamed
under normal circumstances. Those who boast of American exceptionalism need
to temper their flag waiving.
That we are willing to
admit that violating our own values is wrong decades later may set us apart and
is indeed exceptional behavior. Most nations do not do this. Without condemning
such actions, we become the pot calling the kettle black in calling out others
for brutal treatment of POW’s or violation of human rights. At least the report
clarifies our standards for others to follow.
Sen John McCain (R-AZ),
a former tortured POW himself, attested on the Senate floor torture does not
work, but (that)…” isn’t the main reason to oppose its use. … It’s about who we
were, who we are and who we aspire to be. It’s about how we represent ourselves
to the world.”
The GOP shouted the
report was a partisan move and it was full of (unspecified) untruths, that
circumstances justified it, it worked, our brutal treatment is less brutal than
others, and it will stoke our enemies’ fire.
The report presents truths no one has yet
refuted. Even current CIA Director John Brennan could not deny the “techniques”
called enhanced interrogation (EIT) did
take place and detainees died or were subjected to “ harsh, abhorrent”, and
unauthorized practices.
Left to debate was
whether it worked. Brennan said the
“program” did provide “useful” intelligence, saying it was “unknowable” if saying EITs were
responsible for extracting that information. Firing back, Senate Intelligence
Committee chair Diane Feinstein (D-CA) said the report clearly documented the
intelligence extracted took place before the water boarding or other “EIT”s
Consider the times,
respond the report’s critics, as if to say we can excuse our behavior in the
fog of fear of future attacks post 9/11.
Our country has been there before: in 1798 the Federalist controlled Congress
passed the Alien and Sedition Acts claiming a fear of a French war on our
shores. The acts allowed us to deport and imprison those we thought might subvert
us and allowed us to confiscate their property during wartimes. The Sedition
Acts muzzled those criticizing the US government. All were contrary to the Bill
of Rights.
These Acts, too, were entangled
in politics. The Federalists were proponents of the Alien and Sedition Acts;
the Democratic-Republican Jeffersonians opposed. The descendants of the Federalists, the GOP
(McCain excepted), are now trying to justify EITs use. They are being true to their
earliest roots of throwing under the bus our first amendment protections
whenever national security is threatened.
The sedition acts later expired. The alien laws survived and were used to
detain, imprison, and confiscate property of American-Japanese in World War II.
Those acts, too, were condemned by history, just as the EIT program is being
condemned a decade later.
A version of this appeared in the www.skyhidailynews.com December 19, 2014
A version of this appeared in the www.skyhidailynews.com December 19, 2014
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