Update: January 31, 2018: Strzok, the FBI agent who is referenced below, and who was caught texting anti-Trump messages and taken off the Russian connection investigation, was the one who drafted charges for his director, James Comey, that materially helped Trump to get elected because it reopened the Clinton email investigation before the election. http://www.newsweek.com/fbi-agent-treasonous-trump-helped-draft-hillary-clinton-2016-796699
A version of this was published in the Sky Hi News January 30-31 2018, but did not contain the updates reflecting the importance of McCabe being pressured by the White House to resign nor the GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee voting to release a memo that contained classified information. The blog posting below addresses these. https://www.skyhinews.com/news/muftic-gop-conspiracy-theories-take-a-licking/
I am a great fan of Dan Brown’s books, The DaVinci Code being the most famous. His novels are a delight for those who love conspiracy theories. They are full of secret societies using obscure codes to conspire against some power center or other. There is a difference between fact and the fiction of conspiracy theories in real life and keeping those two straight is a challenge in today’s partisan media that promotes such theories.
A version of this was published in the Sky Hi News January 30-31 2018, but did not contain the updates reflecting the importance of McCabe being pressured by the White House to resign nor the GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee voting to release a memo that contained classified information. The blog posting below addresses these. https://www.skyhinews.com/news/muftic-gop-conspiracy-theories-take-a-licking/
I am a great fan of Dan Brown’s books, The DaVinci Code being the most famous. His novels are a delight for those who love conspiracy theories. They are full of secret societies using obscure codes to conspire against some power center or other. There is a difference between fact and the fiction of conspiracy theories in real life and keeping those two straight is a challenge in today’s partisan media that promotes such theories.
The last chapter of the Russian connection novel has not been written, but there is an overt attempt by some to write the story’s ending full of conspiracy theories. Both the GOP Congress, Donald Trump’s supportive media, and the Trump administration attempted to convince us, the voting public, that the fiction they create is political reality as part of their coordinated campaign to destroy the FBI’s credibility.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) claimed the proof of some FBI conspiracy society is a text messages sent between FBI agent Peter Strzok and an FBI lawyer girl friend. The text ciriticized Trump and references a conspiracy society. Were they joking? Only the context could tell. . Trump media went ballistic claiming more conspiracies because the texts were missing, but Thursday the Justice Department found them. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) claimed he had an informant with knowledge of some secret society meetings of FBI agents who are planning a coup. Johnson walked back his claim when challenged to give the informant’s name, times, place, date of, meetings.
Another nail in the coffin of the anti-Trump secret society conspiracy was that if Strzok was partisan, he certainly did not act like it. UPDATE: Update: Strzok, , was the one who drafted charges for his director, James Comey, that materially helped Trump to get elected because it reopened the Clinton email investigation before the election. http://www.newsweek.com/fbi-agent-treasonous-trump-helped-draft-hillary-clinton-2016-796699
Trump ultra loyalist Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) was circulating a memo to GOP House Intelligence members charging the FBI’s misconduct in seeking a FISA warrant. Nunes received a slap down by the Department of Justice as”extrordinarily reckless”, harmful to US security , in releasing the memo since it contained classified information. Russian bots were encouraging the release as was Trump TV. ,
The GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee voted Monday to release the "memo" and classified information, as well as conduct a full on investigation of the investigators.
Should Special Counsel Robert Mueller find convincing evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors” , including obstruction of justice, that result in serious attempts to impeach the President, Trump and his backers’ defense will be anything Mueller reports should be discounted because his findings have been corrupted and contaminated by anti-Trump FBI agents engaged in anti-Trump conspiracies.
Another nail in the coffin of the anti-Trump secret society conspiracy was that if Strzok was partisan, he certainly did not act like it. UPDATE: Update: Strzok, , was the one who drafted charges for his director, James Comey, that materially helped Trump to get elected because it reopened the Clinton email investigation before the election. http://www.newsweek.com/fbi-agent-treasonous-trump-helped-draft-hillary-clinton-2016-796699
Trump ultra loyalist Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) was circulating a memo to GOP House Intelligence members charging the FBI’s misconduct in seeking a FISA warrant. Nunes received a slap down by the Department of Justice as”extrordinarily reckless”, harmful to US security , in releasing the memo since it contained classified information. Russian bots were encouraging the release as was Trump TV. ,
The GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee voted Monday to release the "memo" and classified information, as well as conduct a full on investigation of the investigators.
Should Special Counsel Robert Mueller find convincing evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors” , including obstruction of justice, that result in serious attempts to impeach the President, Trump and his backers’ defense will be anything Mueller reports should be discounted because his findings have been corrupted and contaminated by anti-Trump FBI agents engaged in anti-Trump conspiracies.
It is no small coincidence that also FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and others in the FBI have come under fire from the GOP since they are the ones who have copies of the FBI Director James Comey’s contemporary notes of his conversations with Donald Trump that included how the President tried to get him to pledge loyalty and to go lightly on an investigation of Mike Flynn. The notes may not be the Nixon’s tapes, but they are the next best similar evidence Trump tried to obstruct the FBI’s Russian connection investigation when he fired Comey.
One GOP charge is that Comey’s then deputy, Andrew McCabe, influenced Comey to conclude that there was no criminal wrongdoing in the Clinton email investigation because there was not enough evidence to prove her intent. Those two FBI agents in high positions in the investigations into the Russian connection, Strzok and and McCabe, . will not be able to influence Mueller’s final report anyway since Strzok was moved to Human Resources last summer and McCabe has announced he was quitting the FBI
Monday because of the President's pressure. Who is the next victim of the President's purge of the FBI in his attempt to stop investigators from investigating him?
Monday because of the President's pressure. Who is the next victim of the President's purge of the FBI in his attempt to stop investigators from investigating him?
Ironically, Comey had appeared biased against Hillary Clinton in 2016. Twice Comey broke FBI rules causing Clinton's poll numbers to drop when he announced Hillary Clinton was under criminal investigation for misuse of emails.. At the same time, Comey kept it a secret per rules the FBI also had the Trump campaign’s Russian connection under investigation.
him benefits. Whether he left in protest of the partisan attacks or left on his own steam a few weeks early just to clear the air , or was forced out by the attacks, is not known yet. However, Comey is gone (fired for not pledging allegiance to the President), now McCabe, and next Rosenstein, and then Mueller? This is a virtual slow motion Saturday night massacre by other means in progress, as the Administration and the GOP coordinate actions to obstruct Special Counsel Mueller's investigation by getting rid of the prosecution leadership looking into possible conspiracy, with Russians to influence the 2016 election, obstructing justice, and money laundering. by Donald Trump and or his associates and family. Obviously, both the GOP and the administration fear Mueller may
find something impeachment worthy to launch such a concerted effort.
Hopefully this spurs on attempts in Congress to protect Mueller by requiring a panel of judges to
review first or ads a sense of urgency by Mueller to get his final report done before he is fired.
Nixon tried to obstruct justice by firing those investigating him about his role in Watergate.
. First he fired Special Counsel Archibald Cox. that led to the resignation of AG Elliott Richardson,and Deputy AG William Ruckelshaus, and it ultimately did not save him, but his attempt was known as the Saturday night massacre.
In any authoritarian country, this would be known as a purge and would be how a wannabe dictator would undermine the rule of law, taking over enforcement agencies which he considers his personal tools of power.

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