Sunday, August 2, 2020

Anti maskers and anti vaccination advocates are cut from the same dangerous cloth Highest pro Trump 2016 counties have the highest rate of COID19 infections.  COVID goes where there irresponsible adults who drank the and swallowed the Trump propaganda.  Anti maskers and anti-vaccination advocates are cut from the same dangerous cloth. The argument is the same whether it is about anti-vaxxers (anti-vaccinations) and anti maskers. At issue:; personal rights vs the impact on others. Both are anti-science and both are about being responsible for ourselves and our health and society. If the goal to kill the COVID-19 virus is for 60% of the population to become immune, either having and surviving the virus and/or getting vaccinated, then we should. get vaccinated. once there is an effective and safe vaccine. I will not make my decision based upon some ideological devotion to a theoretical concept. but I do appreciate the ability to have a choice based upon science...not some misplaced reliance solely on libertarianism rights and unsubstantiated beliefs. Trump's push to hurry up to get a vaccination is harmful if it shortcuts the scientific research and trial studies. We owe it to ourselves and others to get vaccinated. We are so far away from that percentage, we will not get there alone with those infected by surviving the virus they caught without vaccinations. .For those who refuse to get vaccinations or wear masks, they are unwittingly or uncaring enough to keep from spreading it to others. It is a matter of responsibility to society versus personal beliefs..and science.. I come down on the side being responsible to society and also to myself. Those values are not in conflict. My view comes from being aware of my self-interest, too.: I consider anti maskers a public health threat to my well-being especially since I am a senior over 80 years old. Scientific evidence is overwhelming that masks do cut down on the amount of spreading of the disease. I consider anti-vaxxers a threat to my great-grandchildren since all of my children and grandchildren have been vaccinated. against DPT and polio, and measles, and have never died from those diseases. Whooping cough is on the rise because of such anti-vaxxers..There is a correlation between the rates of mortality of children and the advent of vaccinations of over a century, as well., that cannot be ignored. .There are plenty of studies showing that learning disabilities are not caused by vaccinations but by many other factors, including heredity. My daughter is a teacher and she must have boosters and shots against DPT and measles as a requirement to teach and to protect herself from the anti-vaxxers in her classroom.. I will follow the science on both provided by evidence of scientific studies and experts who know because of their education. Whether I get vaccinated against the virus will depend on how the scientific trials now going on provide evidence they are effective and safe. I will not make my decision based upon some ideological devotion to a theoretical concept. but I do appreciate the ability to have a choice based upon science...not some misplaced reliance solely on libertarianism rights or everything not supplied by mother nature or God is bad or some far fetched conspiracy theory .lacking evidence.

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