Thursday, August 20, 2020

Is this what the next four years to be?  Another dissident in Russia is poisoned, like a Putin dissident in exile in England was likewise attacked..

 In a dictatorship (we are calling more kindly an autocracy..rule of a person instead of the rule of law), this is how dissidents and journalists who report their words are silenced, by poison or assassinated or "falling off" a high balcony, or acid thrown in their faces... This incidence is one of a string of them. This is in a country ruled by a dictator, Putin, about whom Trump has never uttered an unkind word ..and from whose intelligence and national security. Trump may not do it by  "eliminating" opponents, but he will do it by more subtle methods of favoring "his media" with access, suppressing the voice of those who reveal his misdeeds and lies,  and suppressing peaceful demonstrations with force by using his loyal federal agents,  making it difficult for voters to vote in fair and free elections, and causing more racial unrest as he violates their civil rights and promotes white superiority and domination. That is how wannabe dictators have realized their eventual hold on forever power.  That is what he has done over the past four years and if he is re-elected, he will claim his autocratic methods have the approval of the American people. .Your vote for him is giving him the go-ahead to do even more.  Is this what we want for the next four years to be?. This summary from yahoo news missed what I think was the most important point of Obama's somber address to the Democratic NatiionalConvention...and the reason Obama was standing in front of the US constitution when he delivered the address.  He warned us. This is a fight for continuing American democracy as we have known it,  warts and all, as we keep striving for a more perfect union..  As he said, if you think this is bad now, it can be much worse. Perhaps Yahoo missed the point because, other than tying the destruction of democracy into voter suppression and sabotage of the mail system,  he did not dwell on the other ways Trump has attempted to also sabotage democracy and what that would look like if he were re-elected to a second term.  See it yourself at

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