Tuesday, August 31, 2021

A special posting on comparisons with Nazi Germany

  A Facebook comment by a friend of the Muftic Forum, Krzysztof Rafacz. objecting to a meme comparing Biden with Nazi Germany, was so very thoughtful,  it is worthy of more than just a thumb's up. 

Krzysztof Rafacz
Comment on a meme posted by Eric R

Out of all these memes this one is almost offensive in how wrong it is. I don’t think you understand just how badly the Jewish people were persecuted during that time. People that were German or Aryan were allowed to do all of those things, they just forbade Jews from it. I posted links at the bottom that debunk everything.
Schools: They threw out all of the books as soon as Hitler took power. Changed the curriculum that everything was centered around Germans being the greatest, worship Hitler, and that Jews were evil. Nothing like that is happening today. In fact, the federal government doesn’t oversee what should be taught in schools, that’s left to local and state governments.
Healthcare: They had a private insurance system much like we always had. The only difference is that when Hitler took power, he forced doctors into performing euthanasia and that they refuse to help Jewish people.
Guns: The Nazis loosened all of their gun laws except for Jews. Meaning anyone could have a gun if they wanted except the Jews.
Taxes: Before the war, the only taxes that were raised were on the Jews to take away their wealth. It wasn’t just for the rich, it was for them all. During the war, they raised taxes on everyone to fund the war. The US did that too. So did every country to fund the war.
Major industries: This also falls under Blaming Capitalism: They privatized every single industry. They were purely capitalists. They made deals under threats and providing slave labor to lower costs. They boycotted businesses owned by Jews and reinforced competing businesses that were owned by Germans.
Abortion: Hitler wanted German women to have kids, tons of kids. For them, he was anti-abortion. For Jewish women, he was very pro abortion. He believed not another Jewish child should be born. No one is forcing women to have abortions. Being pro-choice isn’t pro-abortion.
Race and Identity: This one, I don’t really know how to compare. Hitler wanted to get rid of this Jewish race. He believed Germans were superior. How are Democrats trying to do that? They don’t believe one race is better than another, they believe they’re all equal.
Socialist: Hitler hijacked the name of a political group with socialism in its name because before he rose to power, it was very popular. Do you know who he first started rounding up and sending to concentration camps? It was people who called themselves socialists or communists. Way before he wrangled up Jews, he knew he had to get rid of his political opponents. Those were the socialists. WWII wouldn’t have been won if it weren’t for the communists in Russian. So why would Hitler be fighting against people he agrees with and locking them up.
Please, for the love of everything, do not get your information from memes.
Education in Nazi Germany
Education in Nazi Germany

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