Friday, August 11, 2023

Right wing Evangelicals political devotees are Pharisees of our modern times

  The core values of Christianity, central to the faith, from the golden rule to the sermon on the mount, "forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who sin against us" (Lord's Prayer) are what is under attack. That is what identifies those who profess to be Christians, but those who claim those values are politically subversive are no longer following the teachings of Jesus. They are the Pharisees of our era. in Jesus's time, the Pharisees were His antagonists because he spoke against them All of the other "controversies" and contradictions in those who claim to follow the Gospels are secondary but still do not rise to the same fundamental importance as these core values that Jesus advocated..

Update: 9/9/2023

The observation is not limited to Protestant Evangelicals, either, as Pope Francis calls out US Catholic leaders:Pope says some 'backward' conservatives in US Catholic Church have replaced faith with ideology | AP News

Just as those who feared Jesus's methods and popularity harnassed the Roman governor to go along with the Pharisees who resented the reformist message, the money changers, were what resulted in the Crucifixion. Turning religion into a political weapon is the history of most nations and most successful in nations where they are the overwhelming majority of the population are believers in the same brand of Christianity.. The US is far too diverse as even the views of religion differed from colony to colony to establish a federal state religion. The founders of our country were mostly not Christian clergy but were influenced by the age of reason and found a way to decouple religion from the rulers in the First Amendment, explicitly forbidding the establishment of a state religion which has become the foundation of the separation of church and state. what the founders of our country tried hard to institutionalize in the Constitution.

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