Thursday, August 10, 2023

What really scares the right wing? Majority rule

 Yesterday, it became clearer than ever in Ohio and in the revealing of the "Chesebro memo" The GOP and extreme right-wing factions fear majority rule by voters when they try to force through an unpopular law or turn a losing candidate into a winner. Since they propose such extreme positions, the normal route of campaigning to convince voters to agree, they instead try to keep the disagreeable from voting. They do it with dirty tricks, gaming the system, or under the cover of fine-sounding words and flag-waving,  plan and execute complex, obscure schemes, threats of violence, and theories promoted without facts or evidence, to justify their actions. They abuse, distort, ignore, change, bully vote officials, and engineer the existing rules originally meant to give a voice to as many eligible voters astu possible. Instead, they tamper down the ability of those who oppose them to vote and get their votes counted, making the minority agenda and candidates the winners instead.   This is what is meant when Democrats use the slogan that democracy is on the ballot.   Majority rule and abidance by the rule of law are under attack.  They hope you, the majority, do not notice.  In Ohio, they did. Voters were not the fools they took them for. It is yet to be seen if 2024 if voters grasp what is at stake.  If either the Ohio vote on a measure to change the rules midway of a contested abortion ban or the fake elector scam outlined in the memo had succeeded, the majority's vote and the rules protecting democracy would have been trampled in the dust.  If the fake elector scheme had succeeded in 2020-2021, Trump would have ascended to his throne.  If he escapes any repercussions after so many indictments, he would take from that the lesson that he did not need to obey laws or the system of democracy we have enjoyed.


Update  9/17/2023  How does it happen a minority of extremists can hold such power in the first place?  Some of it is due to the structure of democracy  institutionalized in the Constitution. ‘Tyranny of the Minority’ writers say Constitution not strong enough to protect democracy | PBS NewsHour

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