Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Supreme Court is slow walking democracy to its death

I am livid, but not surprised by the Supreme Court's slow walking unto its death decision on a question of presidential immunity: In doing it, it is also slow-walking democracy to its death.SCOTUS has engineered a way to avoid answering it and keeping court action delayed on a fundamental question that will now go unanswered in time for voters to make a decision they can trust: by a jury of Trump's peers. The unanswered questions will stay unanswered: is the president above the law and did Trump commit a crime as charged in the indictments. for actions leading to and on January 6. We will now have eight more months of Trump whining about his victimization. how bad democratic governance is, and how he really won in 2020. The only institutions left to make the case for democracy will be Biden himself and the Democratic Party. and enough brave citizens who care enough about democracy to make their voices heard.

Here is what is at stake: The answer in a democracy is that no president is above the law, and in a dictatorship, the president has the license to kill, cheat, and steal to stay in power for years, governing by fear and threats to quel any challenges to his power. Fear and threats are how Trump controls the House now, and he has made it clear if elected,, he will complete his power takeover of all three branches of government, with appointments of loyalists as it appears he has succeeded in the Supreme Court.  

There are some theories floating around of how MAGA could try a repeat of 2020 and use a variety of maneuvers to deny Biden a second term even though he wins the electoral vote.   will try the "steal" trick again and much depends on who is the speaker at the time electoral college votes are counted.  I may be MAGA Mike Johnson or some other MAGA still holds the gavel. It is important that even if the Jan.6  Jack Smith action survives the immunity BS, it continues and finishes between November and January before total chaos happens.  It also means that the more decisive the Biden vote is, the less credibility such a coup attempt would have.    Here is one scenario:

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Love a strong leader like Trump? Question: where is he leading you

A variety of polling,  interviews by pollsters via focus groups of Trump supporters has a repeating theme: They want a strong leader and Trump is it.  Leading us to what and where? The question the rest of us should be asking is not to argue he has demagogic entertaining oratorical and leadership skills, he has them,  but to ask where do they want Trump to take America?  This is the essence of the race for the White House in November.  The contrast could not be starker.

 Biden may be an oldie, but a goodie who got and gets helpful stuff done for people, from fixing long-neglected crumbling infrastructure, manufacturing sector restoration and job creation, lowering drug costs,  and revitalizing alliances and leadership in the Western world. .  Trump is an oldie but scary and even scarier because he is a strong leader who only wants to destroy things, not fix them.  His vision of where he wants to lead this country is down a dark alley: suppression and persecution of those who oppose his power,  a country roiling in internal conflict as once rights and protections they had are taken away, a country vulnerable to those who see us weak and vulnerable as it retreats to America First, believing capitulation to another country's interests is the way to security, and one whose power relies on support from those who feel and fear they are losers and victims, and many who hate and oppose others unlike them in race and religion.  

 He offers nothing to solve problems of most Americans have in the day to day lives. His party has no planks on issues. Even planks he once relied on are shifting beneath his feet as more feel the economy is improving. His anti-immigrant forever mantra has gotten nowhere even after his first term. In fact, it is backfiring as an appeal to the anti-immigrant crowd.  Biden has called his bluff by exposing Trump's strategy to exploit the "crisis" as a campaign tactic instead of fixing a problem.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Splitting hairs. A basic question: did Trump commit an insurrection? Updated 1 14 2025

Update: 1 14 2025

Read Jack Smith's report on Trump's election interference cases 

Five takeaways from report on Trump's alleged 2020 election interference

Continuing with thee original post. The Supreme Court ruling, the question of Colorado's Supreme Court finding that in the civil trial, Trump did commit insurrection , was left untouched. It only focused on whether one state could determine the outcome should be a  federal matter with Congress writing a law. Splitting hairs in definitions are often the meat and potatoes of prosecutions and courtroom haggling but they also are a weapon of political arguments.  One question that deserved attention on a private Facebook group that interfaces the many sides of political discussion was if why the January 6 mob and even Jack Smith's indictment of Trump who were charged with a crime were not charged with insurrection, but interfering with an official process or vandalism or other charges.  So the left was wrong, it follows, to call Trump an insurrectionist, and therefore he is not guilty of a crime that could, if found guilty, put him in jail or some other penalty like home detention or less.  What they overlook, is that there are other criminal statutes involved easier to prove beyond a reasonable doubt which could land him in jail or other punishments.  Outside the courtrooms, both sides can still be right at the same time: Trump is and is not an insurrectionist. It is an opinion to shape other opinions, but it is not yet a legal finding with one exception. Colorado's state justice system from lower to highest court did not disagree with that part of a civil suit brought by Republicans and independents attempting to keep Trump off the ballot. Update:  In their ruling, the court did not rule not on the substance of whether Trump had committed an insurrection but on the power of a state to enforce the rule. It is a federal matter that needs legislation from Congress to clarify how to execute the removal and when under the 14th Amendment.  This was not a surprise and the issue is now clarified. Trump's name was never taken off the Colorado ballot nor will it be because the Colorado Secretary of State said she would abide with the SCOTUS ruling.  The insurrection issue was a civil finding that Trump did participate in the Colorado case. SCOTUS did not touch that. The key decision remaining is the Coourt ruling on Trump's immunity from criminal prosecution.  This cannot be avoided. It is key to the preservation of democracy.  The way SCOTUS set up its approach left the room it appears that Trump could have immunity from "some" acts on the perimeter. That would be a disaster if the Court ruled Trump had some protection because of immunity; he would be above the law exempted by a definition that split hairs.  Either he is immune or he is not. There should be no loopholes. Politically, Biden's team would rather take on Trump than Haley, so it is becoming even clearer it will be an oldie but goodie v an oldie but dangerous and scary..

The only body so far to rule on the term insurrection after a trial and hearing evidence in a court of law found that an insurrection had occurred was the Colorado case, a civil suit to keep Trump off a ballot per the 14th Amendment.. In appeals to the Colorado Supreme Court. the state supreme court agreed on whether there was an insurrection and Trump either led it or provided aid and comfort, but it will probably fail in the appeal to  Trump's biased Supreme Court on a totally unrelated issue that such interpretations and enforcement should be enforced at the federal level, not at the state level. We will soon get their ruling. The strongest argument made by the Trump team is that one state should not determine what other states rule in an election process and qualifications for president. Supreme Courts usually do not rule on whether the facts were faulty, but how the theory that sets the precedent of how the state acted affected the rest of the other states or other individuals or was or not relevant to the laws as written, were unconstitutional, and /or were in harmony with precedents set by other court rulings.

From a reply to the question raised by a Trump supporter on the private Facebook site is a little more complex and more in the weeds, but a good question was raised that required serious consideration. :Was there an insurrection or not and can the participants in January 6 be called insurrectionists and was that an insurrection or just a riot. Both being a riot and an insurrection could also be true. The riot was the weapon used as part of the insurrection plot.  Until it is litigated in court, both sides can give their opinions on media with some reasons. It has been litigated only once, in Colorado, in the attempt to DQ Trump from the ballot under the 14th Amendment provisions. if the Supreme Court does not address that issue per se, those claiming Jan. 6 was an insurrection can continue to do so with even stronger justification. Jack Smith's January 6 case, if held before the November elections, could make the question unanswered also and he is not using the word insurrection, either. He is charging Trump with" conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. The indictment was issued by a grand jury ..." (Google summary),determined%20to%20remain%20in%20power.

From my FB posting today. Treason can only be charged in wartime. Insurrection is the non-wartime equivalent. The mob on January 6 was summoned to Washington by Trump or his lieutenants in on the conspiracy / for a wild time and were the tool and a weapon of masterminds of overturning the 2020 election. They were only part of the scheme and were connected to the false elector scheme to force or scare or threaten the VP to not certify the election contrary to the provisions of the Constitution. Whatever you split hairs on definitions, the whole scheme and the tools have "done wrong" and attempted to defy the Constitution. The victim in this was the official process that would have resulted in stealing the election from those who were in both the popular vote majority and the electoral college when the leader of this knew it was a lie about enough fraud committed. The Jack Smith testimony, a criminal process, will dwell heavily on all those around Trump that he lost and Trump's intent was to intentionally commit the criminal deed. . Just because prosecutors did not charge the militia heads with insurrection, does not mean that they did not commit it but that to achieve the goal, they may choose to prosecute the prime mover,s or the head of the this case Donald Trump. . Look at it as in mafia prosecutions that begin with charging the guy who strangled someone with murder, but not the head of the mafia with the murder who orchestrated the conspiracy. They used other legal tools to put the head of the crime family behind bars to achieve the goal of breaking up the crime family's criminal acts. Prosecutors have a choice of picking their battles and picking the easiest charges to make and they either go after the head of the snake as Jack Smith chose to do in his charges re: January 6 levied against one perp, Trump, or they go after all those who were part of the conspiracy to commit an insurrection as the RICO case in Georgia is attempting.. Just because the rioters were not charged with insurrection does not mean they did not commit insurrection and other prosecution tools addressed exact acts, vandalism, and interfering with an official government procedure. The only body so far to rule on the term insurrection after a trial and hearing evidence in a court of law found that an insurrection had occurred was the Colorado case. In appeals to the Colorado Supreme Court agreed, but it will probably fail in Trump's biased Supreme Court on a totally unrelated issue that it should be enforced at the federal level, not at the state level. One state should not determine what other states rule in the case. Supreme Courts do not rule on whether the facts were faulty, but how the theory that sets the precedent of how the state acted that affected the rest of the states ruled on the facts.

Prosecutorial discretion in white-collar crimes can indeed be motivated by political considerations, but it is more likely to be motivated by whether prosecutors have a near certainty of a win in court (there is more than smoke; there is fire) and whether the issue affects a large number of potential and real victims unfairly treated and are the victims.  The worst example possible of abuse and weaponization of a prosecutor's office that deviates from any of this is Trump's promise to prosecute his political enemies not loyal to him as he seeks revenge and retribution regardless of the merits, the rule of law,  evidence, or impact on anyone except himself and his political power. The threat alone of prosecution is an effective tool of governing by fear of repercussions from not being loyal to the dear leader.    That Trump whines he is the victim of that kind of prosecution is his way of denying any public evidence to the contrary,   indictments by a grand jury (whose job is to see if there is fire, not just smoke), or investigative reports. If he thinks he will lose in court, he will deny justice, delay, delay, delay until he can pardon himself when he regains the Oval Office.  The more you see him delay, delay, delay,  the more he understands he would lose in a court of law if the trial was ever held.  In its way, it is his admission of guilt. Facts count in courts, if not in social or Trump-friendly cable channels.


A personal note: I am not an attorney, but I did spend 7 years as director of an investigative and prosecution unit in the district attorney's office on consumer fraud and white-collar crime that had both criminal and civil authority. Prosecutors assigned to the unit made the decisions about whether or whether or not to pursue a case or not and why. Prosecutorial discretion in white-collar crimes or civil frauds depended upon the kind of proof and whether there was likely a chance prosecutors would win in court and if the law was broken that had had many victims. It also would serve as a warning to other wannabe fraudsters not to even try these practices. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Christian Nationalists waiting in the wings for the second coming of Trump updated 4 1 24

Update: 5/4/24 Religious affiliation is another large determinant influencing voters' decisions besides race that overwhelms political critical thinking. It did not used to be that way. I am a white Christian protestant who belongs to a mainstream traditional church, and sometimes I wonder where some of the theology that has nothing to do with the bible I read comes from.  I grew up in the "bible belt," where the goal was to get more believers in faith preached in a particular denomination..Now it has become, get more Trump supporters because he is the second coming.  So, I listen.  

That is not a unanimous view, even among those protestants who identify themselves as evangelicals, and there is pushback, but the Christian nationalism this Flashpoint preacher promotes is very much part of the Trump political base.  It helps answer the question of where is this belief ideology coming from

Update: 4/1/24 

From my facebook posting:

For those who actually read the Bible, they will get this. There is too short a leap from the golden calf to the hawker of the golden sneakers. Update: this preacher got it.

Felicia Muftic
For those who may not get the connection: beware of false idols. From Exodus.. and from the New Testament, so many warnings the list is extensive:
Golden calf | Idolatry, Exodus, Israelites
Golden calf | Idolatry, Exodus, Israelites

Christian Nationalists are waiting in the wings for the second coming of Trump as they seek to get even more political power to make their theocracy become a reality. They are already in positions of political power and are making plans to implement their movement by using the government to do their converting on their behalf.  They are already planning to ride on the skirts of MAGA into the White House which will give them access to all of the reins of power. Those part of the Christian Nationalist movement like Speaker Mike Johnson, were third in line to the presidency. advocates theology that has something in common with the Taliban of Afghanistan that sets medieval rules and uses government to enforce what they believe is acceptable and unacceptable behavior in all phases of citizens' lives, private or public,   MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: The GOP is becoming the American Taliban?

The most recent realization of the Christian Nationalist extremist to use government power to force the vast majority of women to bow down to their ideology is banning in-vitro fertilization. in the meantime, the state gets an F in infant and maternal mortality.

So far as education is concerned, Alabama ranks near the bottom, number 45, as well, in the rankings of states.

Alabama also ranks as the 49th lowest state in per capita income.

Alabama ranks in the top ten states depending upon federal funding as part of their state budgets.

 The Alabama ban on invitro fertilization is a backdoor attempt to say life begins with an embryo, not at viability. It lays to groundwork for banning any pills taken early in the abortion process and even to ban contraception. " In all, fewer than 15 percent of fertilized eggs will result in a birth..” per the National Institues of Health. Frozen eggs are potential human beings but rarely become actual ones until it is implanted in a human and develop successfully. Jul 14, 2020 per the National Institute of Health.  The logic escapes me: ban the potential of birth by those who supposedly treasure life. The assumed  purpose however  is  to get the Trump dominated Supreme Court to rule their way to pave the way government to control even more of reproduction rights 

From a November 2. 2023 blog posting:    I am grateful I do not live in a theocracy. When we became a nation with the adoption of the Constitution, the separation of church from state was at the top of the list of the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment to the Constitution clearly says the government cannot establish a religion, the foundation statement of the separation of church and state. ("Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ")  The Christian right has been active in narrowing the interpretation of the First Amendment, and the Christian nationalist movement has made it a goal to eliminate this separation altogether.  Even Jesus referenced separating loyalties from government and God on matters of taxation.: "Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's" (Matthew 22:21 NASB). 

 How freedom of religion came to be in the Bill of Rights was because of the diversity of experiences in the original colonies. The pilgrims famously sought religious freedom to practice their own brand of Christianity, but it was freedom for them, not everyone. Some colonies like Massachusetts had established state religions with results we ought to remember, such as  Salem witch hunts, hanging or burning at the stake of heretics,  The Scarlet  Letter,  and Puritan overreach causing breakaway founding of Rhode Island by Roger Williams for religious freedom. The success of the Virginia and Pennsylvania colonies not having a state-sponsored religion had been triumphant in keeping internal peace. Fresh in the founders' knowledge of English and European recent histories were centuries of war between protestants and Catholics, the root of many conflicts. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Trump, the pied piper of our era

 Trump is the pied piper of our era. I have been forever puzzled how Trump has such a cult following after the liability of fraud that exposed him as a con man, from the recent real estate judgment, the Trump tower rip-off judgments. He claims his power is his oratory and words, and he exudes competence as he leads his followers into a route of foolishness. His core followers believe his every word and excuse his losses in court and the damage he does to national security.

Biden is an oldie but goodie, Trump is an oldie but scary. Trump may win the oratorical contest, but his craziness on national security, being consumed by revenge on those not loyal to him, and his desire to upend democracy to make himself a dictator is gold for fools.. He is like the pied piper, "who attracts a following through charisma or false promises.. ".

The next question is where is this pied piper leading us? For that, go to my Feb 25 posting via the following link:

Per Wikipedia "The legend dates back to the Middle Ages. The earliest references describe a piper, dressed in multicolored ("pied") clothing, who was a rat-catcher hired by the town to lure rats away[1] with his magic pipe. When the citizens refuse to pay for this service as promised, he retaliates by using his instrument's magical power on their children, leading them away as he had the rats......[2]"Why is there a small knot of those spreading the Russian line in Congress? Back in my Cold War days, we called those who swallowed or promoted USSR propaganda at best "dupes" and at worst, traitors. However< with old cold warrior in charge of Russia old tricks never die. The problem is that in these age of cyber, social media, AI, propaganda postings, fake newspaper stories, and other methods do not come with a "made in Russia" label on them, so that the willing ignorant just echho the Russian line even in Congress today.

Update: 4 8 2024 Mike Turner says Russian propaganda has spread through parts of GOP | CNN Politics

Europe awoke as the zombies are sleepwalking in the MAGA House.

Stop whining, MAGA isolationists and American Firsters.. Europe awoke, and so should you.  The zombies are sleepwalking in the MAGA House. Arising from the dead of the 1930's, America Firsters are rising again. We know how that turned out. Appeasement hen only opened to door to the Nazis, who thought they could walk into Poland and France without opposition and America would just stay out of it. Japan saw the US American Firsters as a weakness and Pearl Harbor happened. Ukraine is the 2024 version of Sudentenland as England thought handing that part of Czechoslovakia over to Germany's annexation would bring "peace in our time."

Why is there a small knot of those spreading the Russian line in Congress? Back in my Cold War days, we called those who swallowed or promoted USSR propaganda, at best, "dupes" and, at worst, traitors. However< with an old cold warrior in charge of Russia, old tricks never die. The problem is that in this age of cyber, social media, AI, propaganda postings, fake newspaper stories, and other methods do not come with a "made in Russia" label on them so the willing ignorant just echo the Russian line even in Congress today.

Update: 4 8 2024 Mike Turner says Russian propaganda has spread through parts of GOP | CNN Politics

The old axioms are as true today as ever: The best offense is a great defense. Aggressors fear they will be met with overwhelming military resistance is the best way to stop an invasion.  For those reasons, Trump is a danger to our own national security and makes it more likely we will be putting our boots on the ground in Europe if he has his way by weakening US commitment to Ukraine now and if he gets elected in November..

Update Feb 23-25 to an earlier post Update 4 20 24 The $61 billion aid package for Ukraine was approved by the House, and it did contain the authorization to seek Russian funds held in US banks, the "repo" act. The money would have gone to Ukraine's reconstruction, but this vote in the House, certain to be passed in the Senate, enables to keep the reconstruction use as part of the plan.  Mike Johnson emerged from his ideologically fueled obstructionism to permit a vote on Ukraine aid as a stand-alone bill.  The vote was overwhelmingly bi-partisan in a most unusual occurrence: a coalition of the rational and moderates from both parties. Part of the deal, it appears, is that the Democrats would also cross over to keep Johnson as speaker if his right-wing nuts tried to oust him. That is what skilled legislators do, and it helps to have a skilled legislator like Biden in the White House.It and most of the other elements of the Senate bill also passed. Now third in line to the presidency and privy to national security briefings. It must have contained some sobering information.  Having a son of fighting age entering the Naval Academy also is a sobering thought, if Russia directly engaged NATO troops, our sons, daughters, and grandchildren would have their lives on the line. Plan B: Should Speaker Johnson beat down a movement to force him to bring Ukraine aid to the floor because he knows he would lose if that fails, there may be a plan B to support Ukraine. While this concept was applied to post-Ukraine, assuming it survives this conflict, I wonder if it could be applied to funding military aid. Use of Russian treasure held in Western banks could be tapped. Post-conflict reconstruction was discussed recently by Fareed Zakaria on CNN. Western Nations holding Russian funds should freeze them and set up a reconstruction fund for Ukraine, not only funding Ukrainians from Russian money but also providing a reconstruction fund kept out of the hands of Russia. I am unsure of the legality of this but after I wrote this, I heard the former ambassador to Russia on MSNBC suggest this. He carries enormous weight. We will know the week of Feb. 25 when the House returns to work. and the discharge petition forces Mike Johnson to bring to a vote. Update Feb 25.: on MSNBC review I heard an interview I missed .. Rep Jim Hines believes that will be the ultimate solution. The only question is whether to take the interest of the 300 billion Western banks have in Russia or the principle. If the bulk of it is in Swiss banks, that will be a difficult job, but for the first time in history, the Swiss have been supporting one of the combatants, Ukraine and NATO, instead of being neutral.,democracy%20and%20strengthen%20local%20governance.

For those who whine Europe is not paying its fair share in NATO wake up. Both France and Germany just signed treaties to send billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine. This is on top of the European Union pledging $54 billion to keep the civil side of Ukraine afloat. The average contribution per NATO member is 2% They see the danger even if MAGA does not. However, that does not show how much in dollars have been contributed to Ukraine in weapons, financial, and humanitarian aid in addition to their 2% of GDP commitment to their own militaries. Next to the USA, Germany is the largest contributor of military aid.

If Russia senses US commitment to the Ukraine war is denied, and there is dissension among other NATO allies, he may think the coast is clear to move into the Baltics. That would indeed trigger NATO's mutual defense treaty.  Even if Trump were elected n 2024, he could not unilaterally pull out of NATO per recent legislation passed by Congress, but he could do a lot of damage by slow walking or stonewalling weapons supplies, as war wages in Europe, until the American public cannot stand seeing the carnage and demands involvement, as it always has. Don't think Trump could do that? He has not even been elected yet, and he has ordered his flunkies in the House  and the Senate to do just that. ..sabotage military aid to Ukraine.. Even old time GOP hawks clicked their heels and saluted their dear leader.

NATO feels that it cannot keep Russia at bay because the US is the arsenal of the West, and the gap of sucth a loss they cannot fill in time to stave off the Russian bear's invasion of the Baltics and Poland.  Germany is just opening new facilities to manufacture weapons now.

What a bunch of fools the isolationist wing of the MAGA movement is as they follow their leader down a destructive path

Mike Turner's ill-timed political maneuver on the same day Navalny dies only serves to remind those who seem to be unable to understand who America's enemies are or not: He may have intended to try to blame Biden for being asleep at the national defense wheel while the MAGA isolationists want to take America's hands off the wheel entirely with the vote on Ukraine aid is on the table at the same time.

At the same time, Speaker Mike Johnson Tuberville's Ukraine aid. The House goes in recess and leaves the bill in limbo. Perhaps, he too, will face reality, but for now, he cares nothing about the security interests of the US as he echoes the American Firsters of the 1930's. case you forgot:

A lesson for those who lust for a "strong leader" to replace democracy

 A reminder. This is what happens in a dictatorship when some dare go against the strong leader, It is not just a single opposition leader who loses his life, it is a large body of Russians themselves who have no power to protest what they see as the corruption of their "strong leader". The advantage of a democracy, you can object and complain without losing your head, life, or hope or the power to change the strong leader's behavior. No wonder Trump is silent on Navalny's death This comes at a sensitive time for Trump who is fighting to get immunity from prosecution for crimes committed while in office. The reason: full immunity would give Trump the license to kill, cheat, and steal.....The kill part is the key word here that Navalny's death reminds us it is why autocracies are bad stuff.. The appeals court got the point; let's see if anyone else does, including the Supreme Court
