Monday, May 6, 2024

Shocked that Trump only to respect the outcome of the 2024 election if he wins?

 Shocked that Trump will only respect the outcome of the 2024 election if he wins? If you are not, you should be.  Shocked that Trump threatens violence again? He promised it, too, beginning in 2019, and he delivered. Be ready, America. He must think he is going to lose again and is giving his excuse in advance, preparing his supporters for another January 6...violence and all.

You should not be shocked if you were awake during January 6. He told you as early as April 2019 he was coup coup crazy.  Shocked that he would use political violence to stay in office even if he lost the election?  Shocked that he would invent the reason for any of this was the election was stolen from him because of widespread fraud? You shouldn't be. He was telling you that as early as 2019 and the summer of 2020. He is telling you the same again in 2024. He meant it then, and he means it now. If you did not believe the predictions beginning in 2019, believe it in 2024 and be ready. 

In April 2019,  Trump tried to claim the Mueller report of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign and the following impeachment in which Trump revealed his view of coups; it was the way governments function and his "you do it to me; I'll do it to you".  The rule of law meant nothing to him in 2019 any more than it means anything to him in 2024.

" For a prototype wannabe dictator that he is, a coup fits Trump’s view of government that exists for the purpose of putting him in power and keeping him there and a disdain for the rule of law, any investigations into his suspected wrongdoing, and the remedies holding him accountable that are written into our Constitution.  

The writers of our Constitution had a firm grasp of both English and world history and knew when tyranny reigned to the point of being unbearable or the king went off the rails into the land of incompetence, regime change was by a coup and sometimes a bloody one of palace intrigue and military force or civil war. The Game of Thrones is not all fiction.  Usually a coup d’état in modern times, especially in the recent past in South America, Turkey and Egypt, means the military steps in and ousts the person on the throne or presidential office. To avoid such bloody regime changes and to give the people’s representatives a voice in a democracy, our founders devised the impeachment process that is the law that rules.  The House would indict (impeach) and the Senate would convict. They laid out the rules and process, that would remove the president and others before the next election was held. Later the Constitution was amended to provide for removal with consent of cabinet members and much more. The FBI and the Office of Legal Counsel also had rules that prevented indicting a sitting president of a crime and Special Counsel Robert Mueller also followed that rule.  Trump’s appointed Attorney General Bill Barr was of a controversial and not widely accepted opinion that a president could not be convicted of obstructing justice since he was the head of justice and had the right to fire whomever he pleased. Those who disagree say a president could not get away with that if he had a “corrupt” intent, such as keeping himself in power.

October 20, 2020, on the even of the election, the use of violent militias were already feared. . I wrote
He will be claiming victory and assert every vote cast by absentee or by mail is a fraud. Do not be a sucker. What then happens, at best, is the mother of all constitutional crises as the issue lands in the Supreme Court. What then if he refuses to leave the Oval Office if a court decision goes against him?  Lawrence O'Donnell, an old Washington hand, an MSNBC host, in his tweet, July 31,2020 .has the easiest scenario. The Secret Service would just usher him out the door. Trump would be treated as a trespasser and will be evicted.  According to constitutional law professor Lawrence Tribe, if there is not a determination of a winner by inauguration day, Nancy Pelosi becomes president because she is next in line and the secret service would carry out the Constitution's requirements. (O'Donnell did not envision the violence Trump would use, however)
 There are some violent scenarios out there, but let us pray for the most peaceful way so we would still maintain our democracy. by harnassing, and honoring the provisions of the Constitution and law. There are predictions that right-wing groups would try to use violence to keep Trump in power.    Some of these violent movements are also promoting a civil war. Worse would be if Trump tried to do whatever it takes to stay in power, peaceful or not. That is how most modern wannabe autocrats seized power, abusing the intent of their constitution and using and intensifying unrest on the streets to gain public consent to become an autocrat. The result has been the rule of a person, not the rule of law,  who tells you what the law is and how you are to comply or else (from losing your job to losing your life) and their constitution or laws were to  ignored.

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