Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Project 2025 and Christian Nationalism raises the question: Should we become a theocracy?

Project 2025 and Christian Nationalism raise the question: Should we become a theocracy?

The BBC  has the best, most objective short summary of Project 2025.  Project 2025: The Trump presidency wish list, explained (  copy and paste in your browser if it does not link. The BBC errs regarding women's reproductive rights.  It is as dire a plan as possible. Go to page 428 of the site of the full text and copy and paste the URL if it does not link.  Much more follows the link on other issues 

(Update 7/26.2024: 
The writer of Project 2025 has ties to Opus Dei, called by some a radical Catholic group:Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei | US news | The Guardian 
 Update: 7/30/2024: The ideological publishing stopped; Trump denies connection; the recruiting and screening of applicants to replace civil servants with right-wing Christian ideologues continue; the blueprint for any future president to use is available. )

Kamala Harris is a Baptist with diverse roots. per the Associated Press".A Baptist married to a Jewish man, she’s inspired by the work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and influenced by the religious traditions of her mother’s native India as well as the Black Church.'She’s had the best of two worlds,” says her longtime pastor, the Rev. Amos Brown, who leads Third Baptist Church in San Francisco, "

Donald Trump lists his affiliation as Presbyterian.  I am one, too, but he needs to review his catechism.

JD Vance became a Catholic in 2019. J. D. Vance’s Radical Religion | The New Yorker   )

Kamala Harris Beating Donald Trump With Key Group of Christian Voters: Poll (
If you thought Trump would try to replace all civil service employees with partisan loyalists, he tried when he was president and failed because of legal constraints. Now he has the greenlight given by the Supreme Court in their immunity decision to use criminal means to implement such laws that are within his official powers. (The fight to stop Schedule F, a cornerstone of Trump's 'retribution' agenda, is underway ( He is ready to do it on day one of 2025; the plans are already funded and ready to go... on day one. Trump plan to gut civil service triggers pushback | Reuters

I saw a posting saying that even though God and other Christian-related words do not appear in the Constitution, the signers of our historical documents used the term to date it: "in the year of our Lord." That is how date was expressed in those days. That was not a sign of those agreeing to permit a theocracy.  Now, please show me where the intent of the First Amendment was to establish a national religion or church, . You can't, and it was on purpose. Jefferson advocated the Age of Reason when men had the freedom to come to their own conclusions. Madison because religion had caused centuries of bloody wars in Europe and England and did not want to repeat that. 

He tried it in his first term and failed. He is ready to do it in a second term.. (The fight to stop Schedule F, a cornerstone of Trump's 'retribution' agenda, is underway ( He is ready to do it on day one of 2025; the plans are already funded and ready to go... on day one. Trump plan to gut civil service triggers pushback | Reuters.

The GOP's embrace of Project 2025, geared to go into practice on day one of a Trump presidency, has as its intent to establish a theocracy in America in practice, if not calling it in form.     From the piece with which I agree: "Project 2025 operationalizes the tenets of white Christian nationalism on such issues as climate change, education, immigration, systemic racism, and abortion. Contrasting the scholars' policies with the bishops' positions on such high-profile concerns reveals what makes the Republican game plan so dangerous.

Christian Nationalists are jumping the gun: While the issue of posting the ten commandments in schools are being fought, Oklahoma has just one upped this: They order the Bible to be taught in classrooms.  MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Oklahoma to require teaching of the Bible in Classrooms. OMG

The agreement of two adversaries on that issue is not the only reason, but experience as colonies showed the danger of having a national religion. There was already a great deal of diversity, and where a colony attempted it, it was unwise and created problems more often than not.  For example, Massachusetts was so puritan-dominated that a group led by Roger Williams split off and founded Rhode Island.   

For more, go to:

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