Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Trump the conman is selling consumers a bag of hot air

 Trump, the con man, is selling consumers a bag of hot air. Trump has no plans to lower your prices, but he does have a plan to raise them by 20%. In the last two years of Trump, we had COVID-19, the worst economy since the Great Depression, and Biden got us back to near normal. Harris has a plan to lower families' cost of living and prosecute price gougers.

You have got to hand it to Trump, the salesman of everything from golden sneakers to "Elect me; only I can fix the economy," and the sad thing is that so many are buying it.  Fix what, fix how?  Let's see what people want fixed. Prices?First, a reality check: The last two years of Trump's term was a disaster... the worst economic crash since the Great Depression thanks to COVID.  The first two years of Trump were coasting on the prior Democratic administration with figures similar to what he got handed when he took over. 

 COVID-19 ended, and Biden got handed supply chain backups around the world and pent-up demand.. The old supply and demand impact caused inflation and Ukraine-related oil shortages, causing world prices to soar..and fixing that mess is what he did in 3 and a half years. Thanks to Biden cranking up oil production and alternative sources, we have no crude oil shortage now so Trump's hot air of drill baby drill is just that: fixing something that ain't broke when gas prices at the pump have already come down.. What about grocery prices? He's got no plan to fix that, either.  What do the gullible think? He can waive a magic wand and zap, back to the good ole days? Of course he does not have the power to dictate prices. Where's his plan? Nothing. Nothing at all.

Except: he's got a great plan to make much of whatever you buy at Walmart 10 to 20% more expensive if it's imported.  Look at your clothes labels. You may be shocked how many are imported and and imagine what you bought is 20% more expensive.  Like your winter fruits and veggies from south of the border? Add another 20% to that. That is the tariff effect, and the Trump con man tells you you will not pay it? What a joke: an importer has to pay it when it lands here, and to make a profit, he'll have to make it up somewhere, so he just increases his price to the retailer or distributor for you to pay. (That is what Harris folks call sales taxes to you. Just as well be one; the effect is the same)  Get a grip on yourself: the company importing pays the tariff and just considers it an added cost recovered by raising prices to the retailer or US distributor.  Even big ticket items like electronics and cars will go up, and you get to pay the bill. Toyota, Honda, etc, will just raise their cost to you even for parts that are imported. Without competition from imports, our own producers will be able to raise their prices, too, and gouge away. Then, to add insult to injury, he will sell you a concept for health care, no plan, just a concept. That's just for starters.   At the same time, he signs Project 2025's plans on Day one. https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/democrats/2024/8/how-project-2025-s-economic-policies-hurt-families  Trump says he has not read Project 2025, so believe the con man. He does not have to read it. He just has to sign off on the executive orders and replace thousands of government workers with those who passed the Heritage Foundation ideological litmus test.

In the meantime, Harris has the plan to fix a lot of middle-income budget-conscious people's kitchen table expenses and continue to improve on what Biden has accomplished...and they are not hot air. The highest employment rates in 50 years. Everyone has a job if they want to work; normal economic growth and wages are rising higher than inflation. Big pharma fought, and prescription drug prices lowered. Immigration illegal border crossings are fewer than when Trump left office. The crime rate is lower than in Trump's years. Rip-roaring Wall Street. No oil shortage, and we are now nearing energy independence. Fixed a bunch of bridges and roads, retooled more rust belt with 21st-century industry, and lowered gas at pump prices closer to what they were.. Russian aggression checked. Fed cut interest rates 9/18 as inflation licked.. That is Biden's handoff to Harris.  

Harris has a plan, not concepts, but a plan to lower costs in many different areas that are weighing down those in middle-income, budget-sensitive families. These are not ones based on lies and vague concepts. but in reality. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/16/kamala-harris-economic-policy.html

Note: econ 101. No or low tariffs help US consumers and the economy. High tariffs may protect some industries and jobs, but not if an angered country like China retaliates and puts their high tariffs on our agriculture exports to them. That is what happened in the Trump administration and Trump had to pour subsidies to farmers to pay them for their lost exports.  https://taxfoundation.org/blog/tariffs-trade-war-agriculture-food-prices/      



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