Sunday, September 29, 2024

Nutty and diversionary:"Biden caused Russia's invasion of Ukraine" and Vance proposes appeaseming Putin

Nutty and diversionary:"Biden caused Russia's invasion of Ukraine" and Vance proposes appeasing Putin

Expect Ukraine to be on the table in the upcoming VP candidate debate. JD Vance has been laying the groundwork for his Sudetenland-like peace plan for Ukraine. " During an interview on the Shawn Ryan Show podcast on September 11, Vance said, "Ukraine retains its independent sovereignty, Russia gets the guarantee of neutrality from Ukraine—it doesn't join NATO, it doesn't join some of these allied institutions. That is what the deal is ultimately going to look something like." Zelensky bit back: go read the history of World War II and appeasement.    

Vance is considered the leader of the America First movement, advocating isolatiionism and appeasement of Russia.

For more on Sudetenland and appeasement, go to

In addition to repeating history, , MAGA has been trying to rewrite history, blaming Biden for Putin's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. That is diversionary and nuts. It is a way to divert attention from the more important question: What"deal" would Trump hand Putin if Trump won in 2024 on day one of swearing in. 

 But if pointing fingers is the diversionary game  MAGA is playing, then blaming Biden is nutty BS. Putin had been trying to take over Ukraine for years, and Trump had been Putin's useful idiot.. No wonder Putin misjudged the extent of US support for Ukraine. Trump in the White House had been using Ukraine for his own purposes, blackmailing Zelensky to find dirt on Hunter Biden so he could rant about the Biden crime family (failed to connect Pres. Biden), slap on the hand for Russia's grab of Crimea from Ukraine a minimum opposition to Russia's little green men and warfare in eastern Ukraine, and weakening NATO and American alliances to undermine its ability to respond. In fact, there is evidence Putin had made the decision to invade Ukraine with the Russian army as early as March 2021,   a year earlier.  Biden had let Putin know the US would strongly support Ukraine if Russia invaded in a warning made in advance to Putin on February 12, 2022, that Putin chose to ignore. Instead, Putin began the invasion on February 24, 2022, when he thought he would take over the capital, Kyiv, in three days. He never reached that goal thanks to Ukraine's resistance and US and NATO aid.

Biden's support of Ukraine was and is based on national US national security interests and is not charity.  It is necessary to stop the Russian takeover of NATO allies in Eastern Europe.  That would be a bloody test of NATO's military resolve,  drawing the US into putting boots on the ground.  

 Harris's view of Trump negotiating with Putin, Trump is so smitten by Putin's flattery, "Putin would eat Trump for lunch".  700  national security and former military brass recently endorsed  Harris because they do not think Trump is fit to be commander and chief and should not be trusted to support US national security interests.

 But if pointing fingers is the diversionary game  MAGA is playing, then blaming Biden is nutty BS.  In fact, Putin had made the decision to invade Ukraine a year earlier. There is evidence that after years of annexing Crimea and fighting in the Donbas region, and abortive attempts at negotiations, Putin made the decision in March 2021 when Ukraine shut down his pro-Russian media outlet in Ukraine. Subversion and propaganda, the stalemate in Donbas were not working for him and his goal to absorb Ukraine into mother Russia.  Biden saw a full takeover of Ukraine would green light Putin to invade Poland and the Baltics regardless of their membership in the mutual defense treaty of NATO. Appeasement would not stop Putin's goals to weaken NATO so he could reconstruct Russian control of their former satellites.  Biden's support of Ukraine as the way to stop the Russian takeover of Eastern Europe coincides and directly tests NATO's military, leading to WWIII.  

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