Gen. John Kelly, 4 stars, retired, and Gen. Mark Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, retired. Both were quoted in the media, and Kelly had his comments on tape this week. Both agreed that Trump fit the definition of a fascist. The reaction has been varied, including "You gotta be kidding," "No kidding, those kinds of guys do not kid," "They were fired, disgruntled employees," and, unspecified, " Harris is worse.""John Kelly is "low life"and "Hitler did some good things", replied Trump. Harris on 10/24 joined in with also calling Trump a fascist. Harris says Trump 'is a fascist' after official said he praised Adolf Hitler | AP News A group of those also former staff for Trump in the White House signed a letter in support of Kelly's audio and reported statements. ‘This is who Donald Trump is’: Ex-Trump administration officials sign open letter backing John Kelly’s claims Both generals had up-close and first-hand experience in Trump's first term. (Milley was Trump's appointee as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Kelly was Trump's longest-serving chief of staff.) Both served to put the brakes on Trump's worst illegal demands and attempt to defy the law and Constitution. Milley was ordered to use the military against US citizens. He told him, "No", you can't do that because it is against the law (oh? Don't forget he's got immunity now in 2024 from prosecution for breaking the law, remember?)Milley put it in writing in a draft letter of resignation he had sworn to uphold the Constitution, not a person. Milley, quoted in Bob Woodward's book WAR: Trump, was a "fascist to the core." Kelly, on the tape released this week, said Trump "fit the definition' of a fascist," and he was motivated to come out publicly last week because of Trump's repeated statements that he would use the military against his political enemies and opponents who Trump called" the enemy from within.."
What part of the definition of fascists did Trumpt try to match in the past and promises he will match if re-elected. John Kelly comes out swinging against Trump, says he fits 'fascist' definition Per Kelly:" The former general held nothing back, arguing that Trump could fit the bill of a "fascist.""Well, looking at the definition of fascism: It's a far-right authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy," he told The Times".
With Gen. Milley and Gen. John Kelly and Kamala Harris calling Trump a fascist, does that make MAGAs fascists, too? With Trump saying Hitler did some good things, does anyone care? Calling someone a fascist is no longer inflammatory? So take the Gen. Kelly test. You may be a fascist unawares. If you answer yes to what you want, look in the mirror. Kelly's definition: dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy (ie. one race or class is superior to others)
Trump fits all of them, and which part does Harris match (hint:0)? The enabling document: Project 2025Once again, the definition of a fascist and is the kind of a country we will become if he succeeds follows.
Trump only wants yesmen to serve him and no constraints. If he wins the presidency again, neither one, Kelly or Milley, or anyone of their caliber and with loyalty to the Constitution will be around. If Trump wins the presidency again, he will also have immunity if he breaks the law, courtesy of his compliant Supreme Court ruling. If Trump wins the presidency again, he has the blueprint, a manual that shows him how to become a fascist ruler it is Project 2025 that shows the way to do it is by firing those who are not loyal to Trump and replacing them with those who will do as he orders, subverting the intent of the law, without Congress having to send him a piece of legislation to sign.
What part of the definition did Trumpt try to match in the past and promises he will match if re-elected.? Trump fits all of them, and which part does Harris match (0)? The enabling document: Project 2025
Bold print italics from the dictionary ( my comments in parentheses and not in bold)
From Merriam-Webster:
"a movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race (Extolling and preferring his own race is extremely evident and becoming more so. Examples of his devotion to white nationalists, neo Nazi's some fine people, immigrants from Norway preferred, disdain for "s..hole nations", immigrants brown and black with bad genes "poisoning our blood", ..and so much more. The "pride in country" part is not his as he is constantly putting down America which only he can fix.) ....... and advocates.
a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader ("dictator for a day," a government administered by those sworn to loyalty to the leader and not to the law or a constitution. wants generals like Hitler had). Harris pledges to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law).
severe economic and social regimentation (replacing all appointees to cabinet and federal administrative positions with loyalists; continued opposition to a federal Row v Wade type of reproductive health care for women; ignoring and removing Constitutional civil rights protections; doing away with the Federal Reserve and Obamacare, among much more. Harris, in every instance pledging the opposite and a professional history of lifetime support)
and forcible suppression of opposition. (Trump's definition of "the enemy from within" is his political opponents such as Rep. Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. Milley and Kelly are cases in point above in opposing Trump's use of active military to put down opposition demonstrations, executing Milley, delicensing all opposition media, and prosecuting political opponents without any probable cause for wrongdoing but used as threats and harassment. Trump's use of violence, as in January 6, and many prior years of approving of violence to suppress opposition is legendary. Harris is an experienced prosecutor sworn to uphold the rule of law and the rules and regulations governing her actions, a professional lifetime of doing it.)
From the Cambridge Dictionary:
" a political system based on a very powerful leader (that one desire seems to be on every lips of a MAGA)
state control of social and economic life (particularly of women; replacing all appointees to cabinet and federal administrative positions with loyalists to the white nationalist evangelical ideology as screened and vetted by Project 2025; continued opposition to a federal Row v Wade type of reproductive health care for women; ignoring civil rights; doing away with the Federal Reserve and Obamacare, keeping tax breaks for the very rich, among much more. Harris in every instance, pledging the opposite)
and extreme pride in country and race. (Repeated from above that one extolling and preferring his own race is extremely evident and becoming more so.) . The "pride in the country" part is not his; he is constantly putting down America as a failing, weak nation, so only he can fix it. One of his fixes stopping wars by appeasement of our enemies and adversaries, giving them "what the hell they want and destorying NATO and other defense alliances) Harris, multiracial herself, is the opposite, in about every way'
with no expression of political disagreement allowed. (Using military to put down civil demonstrations; delicensing all opposition media, as noted above).
Trump calls John Kelly a "lowlife" after Hitler praise revelations
Trump adds to his enemies list...the enemies from within..leaving no doubt what he meant in spite of JDVance's attempt to deflect and clean up.
Short form based on above of a fascist:
- a movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race
- a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial,or very powerful leader
- and forcible suppression of opposition use of active military to put down opposition demonstrations
- delicensing all opposition media
- prosecuting
political opponents without any probable cause
- state control of social and economic life (particularly of women.keeping tax breaks for the very rich,
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