Monday, October 7, 2024

Should we expect violence if Trump loses in November? Yes

Should we expect violence if Trump loses in November?  My belief: yes. Trump has a record of supporting political violence before and after January 6.  In the past few days, Trump and his media allies have increased their hyped up lies in such dire tones it looks like they are rallying supporters to commit violence if Trump loses on Nov. 5. Among them are trying to pin the blame on Democrats for attempts to assassinate him (The Butler attempt was a registered Republican; the one in Florida, a Democrat, but mental illness has not been discounted in either). It is particularly rich as more evidence comes out in the just court-released January 6 indictment that Trump stood by while the January 6 mob tried to lynch VP Pence, with a "so what"response to the warning from his own staff. Trump has a long history of supporting violence to get his way even before January 6, praising the January 6 rioters as patriots, and Trump and his allies have been threatening it again in advance of Nov. 5. 

I have a hard time getting my head around public polls that show the race is tight.  The race appears to be coming down to one-half of the electorate full of hate and fear and the rest of us in the other half.   I fear I have been overestimating the rationality and intelligence of the American people in the face of America's changing racial demographics.    It is hard to imagine that half the country is OK with a candidate who lies to make a political point, leaving even governors, mostly Republicans, of Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee calling Trump and Vance. calling out those lies of  "  Haitians eating pets" and "FEMA only delivers Helene aid to immigrants" idiocy.  I also wonder if a dictatorship sounds good to some since it is "their" dictator or one who advocates that political violence will get the job they want done if voters do not do it for them.

 My only thought reassuring me if Trump is elected is that the country would not be coming totally unglued in "chaos," violent or not, is that there will be a Democrat-controlled House. Just maybe state elections could defy predictions and have a squeak of a Democrat majority Senate. The issue of abortion and women's health would be the determining factor in those state-by-state races.  The Supreme Court is in Trump's pocket, but the lower courts are diverse and unpredictable.  We've seen in these past four years how long and slow that process is as appeals and responses, trials, and hearings seem to take forever.

Biden says he doesn’t have confidence in a peaceful transition of power if Trump loses | CNN Politics     Documented history of Trump's call to violence 2020-2024

He calls Harris a “fascist” i almost every public appearance — for instance, he said on August 26 in Virginia that “we have a fascist person running who’s incompetent.” He used similar rhetoric on August 23, August 17, and August 3 in campaign appearances. i

From an earlier blog posting this summer:Earlier this year, he claimed Biden was running a “Gestapo administration,” referring to the genocidal Nazi secret police. He parroted the language of some of history’s worst tyrants by calling his political opponents “vermin” and by warning that immigrants were “poisoning the blood” of the United States.

And when he refused to concede that he lost the 2020 election, Trump called supporters to Washington, DC, and told them to “fight like hell” or they wouldn’t have a country anymore. Then his supporters smashed their way into the US Capitol, to try to thwart the certification of Biden’s victory. Trump has since called those arrested over the events of January 6, 2021, political prisoners and said he’d look at pardoning them if he wins back the White House in November.

Even now Trump is warning he will only accept the result of this year’s election if he deems it fair and has warned he will seek to jail officials and political opponents if he wins back power.We heard this before in October 2020;    It will be Trump's definition of legal and legit, of course.  Courts did not count then but they have the Supreme Court compliant now. 

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