RFK Jr for many years made his living promoting the dangers of vaccinating your kids. He is now most likely to be confirmed as head of HHS. I ran across this exchange from an anti-vax advocate today. will remove the name this Facebook exchange and my response to her line that it was a matter of my choice. "By all means tho it’s a choice and you have the freedom to choose. Keep getting boosted if that’s your choice" , as she continued: "Not to mention the heinous amounts of corruption and fraud within the CDC/NIH/HHS etc etc."
My response: Paranoid delusions or could you cite your evidence? This one is very dangerous to the health of our children...so be precise.": Etc etc is not evidence. And keep your kids away from others. Stop advocating false information,
From the World Health Organization, if you do not trust US sources.".Measles is a highly contagious viral disease. Despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine, measles remains an important cause of death among young children globally, and can also lead to serious adverse outcomes such as blindness, pneumonia and encephalitis. Polio can be prevented through immunization. Polio vaccine, given multiple times, almost always protects a child for life."
Recommending that kids not get vaccines is not being kind to your own children, much less everyone else with whom they come in contact.
She responded:
"I literally got measles, German measles, chicken pox and mumps as a baby. It was normal. Aussies didn’t vaccinate for those back when I was little. I survived as did pretty much everyone. Also still had measles titers when I got my current job (roughly 38 years later). My mother was a nurse and even took me to a chickenpox party. No big deal.
In fact I even have a children’s book in my possession from 1991 that is about Chicken Pox and how it’s just another illness that you can EASILY recover from.
Also there is new data that recovering from these same childhood diseases in their natural form actually strengthen the heart. Since these have been “irradicated by herd immunity” heart diseases have skyrocketed."
My response:
Personal experience is not scientific evidence. Provide the link to the evidence that the "skyrocket" was caused by vaccines....source and credentials. I'm waiting.
There is also new evidence found that links autism to viruses. , not vaccinations: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10311578/
Not in the dialog, but a comment. Personal experiences and anecdotes are not the same as scientific evidence. Observations can certainly lead to scientists proving or disproving such conclusions. Belief is not a science.. Science is always changing conclusions as more evidence and studies emerge, but it is a method of testing through accepted protocols theories...based on facts, data, and tests. All that glitters is not gold...nor does it always stand up to an acid test.
Here is an image I remember as a child when I was put in lockdown every summer so I did not look like this. I am so glad my children never had to face the horror and fear of polio. 2550.jpg
And now, polio is nearly extinct thanks to vaccines: Polio's Last Stand: The Global Fight for Eradication and RFK Jr is in the hot seat for fear he tends to revoke it. RFK Jr.’s road to confirmation after calling for the polio vaccine to be revoked
Note the Rotary Club logo. It has been the mission of Rotary International to wipe out polio worldwide, a
vaccination project organized and mostly funded by thousands of Rotarians for over 25 years. We succeeded beyond our dreams. 99% gone. Little known it was begun by Denver Rotary members who had survived polio in childhood with lingering effects. I am proud to be part of such an organization.

Fact-checking Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on Vaccines, Autism, and Covid-19 | The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
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