Sunday, December 6, 2020

CNN's Fareed Zakaria's proposals for election reform, good and necessary


On CNN  GPS today December 6, 2020, and in his published opinion piece in the Washington Post, Zakaria opined that Donald Trump's elections laid bare weaknesses in our election system, and to protect democracy from future attempts to attack democracy, we must take measures. I endorse all of them and Colorado can be the model for reforms mail in voting procedures since we have done it so successfully for many years. Zakaria:

. Independent, nonpartisan boards should be established to manage elections rather than partisan officials.

 Standardized rules should be set about voter registration, mail-in voting, ballot challenges,  the reporting of results.

 Candidates should have to disclose their tax returns

Winners must be required to place any of their businesses or assets into genuine blind trusts.

Shorten the lag time between the election and swearing-in of the new president.

(Felicia Muftic was a former Denver election official)_

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