Monday, March 20, 2023

America a third world country?

 Aside from the decline in longevity and our ranking near the bottom in such measures of infant and maternal mortality,  we will look like a banana republic if the militias take to the streets and Trump is indicted and charged with crimes. He has called for violence if he is indicted. This is what despots and dictators do and what he could expect him to do if he wins in 2024.

The attempt by the GOP in the House  and in some southern state legislatures to prosecute the prosecutors of Trump or political opponents is also a sign of deterioration into the third world. The key to a successful demoracy is an independent judiciary and the officers of the court and the first turning a once functioning democracy into a semi-autocratic state where the rule of law does not pertain to the rulers or their favored supporters is the replace the judiciary with their flunkies or to control their appointees and their rulings.  That happened in both Turkey and Hungary.  If you want to see such an effort in progress, look what Netanyahu is attempting to do in Israel.  If there is one single reason not to elect Trump to a second term, this is it.  He has made his intent hardly secret by words and deeds to ignore the rule of law and to cripple the independence of prosecutors who threaten his power and his willing followers in the House as statehouses have taken their cue.  

Here's why Netanyahu's court overhaul had Israel teetering on the brink : NPR

How Erdoğan and Orbán pulled off the modern coup - Shout Out UK

Legislative Assaults on State Courts — June 2022 | Brennan Center for Justice

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