The GOP's post election hand wringing has two faces: One is to soul
search why they lost the Latino, women, and youth votes. The other is
more sinister and under the radar: a move supported by the Republican
National Committee to rig the mechanics of our elections to make it
easier for the GOP to win in 2016.
If you are one of those
Americans frustrated by Congress‘ inability to compromise and angered by
a minority in the House that just says “no”, then fasten your seat
belts. The strategy cooked up by the RNC is an attempt to thwart public
will at the presidential election level. They plan to do it by changing
long standing Electoral College rules that allocate electoral votes at
the state level. The repercussions would be many, from diminishing the
importance of swing states in elections, to increasing the likelihood
that presidents would be elected who did not get the majority of the
popular vote, and institutionalizing gridlock on the national level for
Republicans have succeeded in the past four years in
seizing control of more state legislatures and governorships even in
states that often vote Democratic in presidential elections. This has,
allowed them to gerrymander districts in 2011, drawing lines to make
them homogeneous and safe for more Republicans. Now about 158 of the
234 Republicans in the House of Representatives come from “safe”
districts, thanks to recent redistricting and gerrymandering. It worked.
Democrats failed to regain control of the U.S. House of Representatives
in 2012, even though Democratic candidates for Congress won 1 million
more votes than Republicans.
Building on their safe district
strategy, the RNC has launched a coordinated effort, to change the
winner take all Electoral College votes in six states where the GOP
controls state houses, but that voted for Pres. Obama in 2012. The plan
is to have Electoral College votes be allocated by Congressional
district. For example, in Virginia, in 2012, Pres. Obama won the popular
vote and took all 13 electoral college votes. If the electoral college
votes were allocated by the winner in each separate congressional
district, Mitt Romney would have won 9 of Virginia's 13 electoral votes
in spite of his losing the popular vote.
Only two states have
ever opted for proportional votes. Most have not because a large block
of votes garners more power and attention for state interests in
Washington than splitting themselves into smaller bits and it is a
leading reason why the electoral college system has not been changed. It
also may explain why attempts in the Virginia legislature to pass such a
scheme were killed last week when the Governor and major GOP
legislators withdrew their support.
One complaint about the
Electoral College is that the winner is not always the same as the
winner of the national popular vote. It has happened four times in 44
presidential elections, but in using the Virginia example ,it is easy to
see how the distortion could actually be much worse.
Another up
side of requiring a Presidential candidate to win the popular vote
statewide in order to win all of the Electoral College votes requires
them to appeal to a wider range of interests and it forces moderation
and compromise. For example, a candidate that only needs to win an urban
district could ignore rural needs so there is less reason to
compromise. Worse, if they do compromise, they could inspire a more
purist primary opponent. When they get to Washington, the pressure is
not to compromise so gridlock is set in concrete.
Swing state
Colorado will escape the controversy since Democrats control both Houses
and the governorship and commissions and courts thwarted gerrymandering
in 2011. However, keep your eyes on RNC targeted Michigan, Wisconsin,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida state legislatures.
(My column in the Sky Hi Daily News today)
For more, visit
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