In the winter of 1995-1996 there was a death with repercussions lasting a
decade. The deceased was the Newt Gingrich Republican Revolution.
was a self-inflicted wound. The weapon used to commit suicide was the
shutting down of government for days, used as a GOP bludgeon in
arguments over the budget. So angered were the voters that in the next
election cycle, Bill Clinton was re-elected easily.
In 2011, the
GOP used the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip again and the economy
took a measurable dip. In 2013, the debt ceiling, continuation of the
resolution to fund government, sequestered spending cuts, and raising
the debt limit unite in a perfect storm of entangled issues in March.
The GOP should know from past experience if they overplay their hand,
they risk a public backfire and a dent in economic growth.
compromise avoiding the fiscal cliff on Jan. 2, also delayed debate on
sequestered spending cuts for 60 days. The GOP is threatening to use
disapproval of raising the debt limit and shutting down government as
bargaining chips to get their way. They think they have a hot one, too.
Hot, indeed.
What they may have done is set up the possibility
of some of the most important Supreme Court decisions of the past 125
years, addressing the fundamental question of the separation of powers.
Just how far does the GOP want to take their “leverage?” Are we now
headed for a constitutional crisis, too? Do they really want to default
on our loans if we do not raise the debt ceiling and imperil the
economy to get their way over the debt ceiling? A wiser Newt Gingrich
called this strategy a “dead loser” last week. Or is this just more
brinkmanship bluffing?
While not precluding reduction in spending
or more revenue enhancement, the president made it clear in remarks
Jan. 2 he would not allow the GOP to use the debt ceiling to get their
way on future spending cuts. The president staked his legal claim that
Congress voted for the expenditures and he had the obligation to pay
bills as they came due. That is indeed a major constitutional issue the
Supreme Court could decide: Can Congress keep him from his duty as the
executive branch to pay bills Congress had already authorized?
president could also choose to tap the 14th Amendment, daring the GOP
sue him and throw the issue to the Supreme Court. The president could
continue to make good on payments on bonds (treasury notes) even if
Congress forbids him from doing it. At issue is the 14th Amendment to
the Constitution regarding the executive's power to pay bonds as they
came due. Legal experts are divided so the outcome could be risky for
both parties.
The question is not whether the debt problem should
be tackled: Both the GOP and the Democrats know it must happen to avoid
a credit rating downgrade or future economic problems. The issue is
how. That “entitlements” need trimming is also acknowledged by both
sides of the aisle and the Pentagon budget also needs close scrutiny.
It is a matter of coming up with ways acceptable to a bipartisan
coalition large enough to get it through Congress.
The GOP is
laboring under a questionable belief they have the public mandate
because they were re-elected to be the majority in the House. Some 2011
gerrymandering resulting in more safe districts for conservatives may
have been greater factors. Public opinion polls in November 2012 showed
more than 60 percent supporting balanced taxing and cuts. Public
opinion also counted in the mid-90s when the GOP shut down government
and the Republicans paid the price in the next election.
This is my column that appeared in the today
For more, go to

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