WELCOME TO THE BLOG This blog reflects my views of current political issues.. It is also an archive for columns in the Sky Hi News 2011 to November 2019. Winter Park Times 2019 to 2021.(paper publishing suspended in 2021) My Facebook page, the muftic forum, posts blog links, comments, and sharing. Non-political Facebook page: felicia muftic. Subscribe for free on Substack: https://feliciamuftic.substack.com Blog postings are continuously being edited and updated.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Who Speaks for the Poor column published today on www.skyhidailynews.com
Print version of the blog posting "who speaks for the poor" published in the www.skyhidailynews.com today.
Monday, April 14, 2014
US wins world PR polls; grab your passports and get a different perspective
(A version of this posting appears in the print edition of the www.skyhidailynews.com May 9 2014)
President Obama may not have won the world’s chest thumping
award, but he polling near to where he stood
when he was first elected and
Obama has a much higher favorable rating than did his predecessor,
George W Bush . As standing in the world goes, per Gallup’s poll of 137 countries, US leadership had the highest approval
ratings of five global powers (Germany, China, The European Union..and at the
bottom, Russia). Good PR counts for something. Credibility and respect from the
rest of the world ‘s streets affect how
their leaders behave.
“ Feckless”, “ leader from behind”,” weak”, “ “diminishing
US power”, “ carrying a soft stick, but speaking loudly” are epitaphs slung at Obama. A Pew Research Center
poll, November 2013, found that “ 80 percent of Republicans (and 56
percent of Democrats) said they believe that the U.S. is less respected by
other countries than in the past.”
Americans want less global involvement, world perception of US leadership did
take a dip, but it improved in 2013.
The Gallup
poll found “ median approval of
U.S. leadership across …. 130 countries stood at 46%, up from 41% in 2012” It
was 49% at the beginning of Pres. Obama’s presidency . George W Bush polled in the 25% approval range in 2008. The lowest opinions of the US are held currently in the middle East, but Asia and Europe
improved the most from 2012.
A survey of global attitudes released by Pew in July 2013
found that “half or more of those surveyed in 2013
expressed a favorable opinion of the U.S. in 28 of the 38 nations polled. That’s markedly better
than under Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush. In its 2008 poll, Pew found only nine of 23
nations polled reported half or more residents with a favorable opinion of the
Why? There are plenty of reasons why Pres.
Obama’s popularity should continue low in the middle East. He got Bin Laden, pulling
off a sneak incursion into Pakistan. He urged Western style democracy but did not
do much to back movements in Egypt and elsewhere and he appeared powerless to
shape the results. Gitmo was not closed down. Helping Syrian rebels was a well intentioned beginning, but it was
too late: Al Qaeda affiliates hijacked it from
the moderates. Ben Ghazi never
landed in Obama’s lap, but the messaging was bungled .
Obama’s threat of sanctions to
stop Russia from keeping Ukrainians from choosing their own destiny have not yet been backed by Europe enough to be effective (Germany may
change that, per recent Bloomberg News reports) .Snowden disclosed US spying. Our
relations with Russia fell apart. Still, per Gallup polls, improvement came
because of our success in helping Myanmar open up to democracy and our
improving relations with Iran.
A common
thread of these successes and failures illustrate President Obama’s oft stated intent of working through alliances, pulling out of
past conflicts ,giving diplomacy a chance first, quietly using the military and
covert big sticks, and letting emerging democracies shape their own destinies.
These policies have at least won him the world’s PR war.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
3 ideas I like to reduce health care costs...from a conservative source
Three ideas I like...from a conservative source, Fiscal Times
All make sense...but the drug patent restrictions will be lobbied to its death. The malpractice concept of arbitration or some way around expensive mal practice suits have long been advocated by some in the American Medical Association. However, that, too, may get strong lobby push back from trial lawyers. None of this will be easy, but it is worth the effort.
We Can Find Consensus on Health Care Cost Reforms - Yahoo News
All make sense...but the drug patent restrictions will be lobbied to its death. The malpractice concept of arbitration or some way around expensive mal practice suits have long been advocated by some in the American Medical Association. However, that, too, may get strong lobby push back from trial lawyers. None of this will be easy, but it is worth the effort.
We Can Find Consensus on Health Care Cost Reforms - Yahoo News
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Medicare visions: A skunk in the GOP's woodpile
“Did you hear that Obamacare is taking away billions from
Medicare?” my husband exclaimed, with a tinge of panic in his voice.
“Where have you been? I have heard that one repeated every
year since Obamacare was proposed”, I, the family consumer advocate, retorted. “Look, I said, we both are one of
28% on Medicare Advantage that combines Medicare and Medigap. But
most likely we will see no change, Medicare Advantage will continue. At least
that is what a survey made by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) found. Regardless,
our Medicare benefits will not change, either.”
“ Won’t our Medicare Advantage premiums go up?” he countered.
“ I am not sure
because as KFF reported, there are many elements that go into determining
costs.They only went up a tiny bit this year, like in past years.. What I am sure of is that the Medicare
Advantage insurance providers had been raking in more from the government than it cost for government to administer Medicare . Those excessive
subsidies were cut . Even Rep. Paul Ryan, the GOP House guru on budgets, kept
cuts to Medicare Advantage in his 2012 planning.
Besides, did you notice you had lower co-pays
for your prescriptions, and no copays for checkups and cancer screenings? That was one
of the Obamacare benefits to seniors,
closing the donut hole, and repeal would
put us back to where we were before.
“ Medicare patients were
getting charged for repeat tests and unnecessary readmissions . Now hospitals have to share test records
electronically and since 2012 they had
to pay penalties for excessive readmissions.
Readmission rates have taken a dive. That cuts costs to Medicare.
“In fact, Congress’
own independent Congressional Budget
Office predicted all of these measures
will add a decade of life to Medicare. Those who want to repeal Obamacare will just be making the time sooner when we must do something to prop Medicare up.
Hubby: “So what happens when Medicare goes broke…shouldn’t
we make some changes now? What about privatizing Medicare and making people pay
more for premiums, giving them money to go buy their own insurance, and cut out
government administration?
“ There’s a skunk in that woodpile”, I answered. “Ryan’s newest plan (passed by the House this April);
DOA in the Senate) would have given seniors of a choice between keeping
Medicare and vouchers (premium support) and not guarantee any of that would
keep up with inflating medical costs, increase the retirement age, and the
wealthy would not qualify for benefits.
We know from Obamacare, even private insurance had sticker shock. Health
insurance companies are allowed by law to collude to set prices and benefits,
making free market competition no
guarantee of lower prices. Ryan claims savings (meaning cuts) to Medicare would
be $129 billion over 10 years.
“Privatizing Medicare is not the only way to go. Simpson Bowles deficit
reduction Commission proposed keeping
Obamacare and government provided
Medicare that would keep up with costs. Like Ryan’s, though, they would
increase the retirement age and not provide benefits to the wealthy.
“ Don’t worry, though, no politician would ever make changes
affecting those already having Medicare or near retirement age; they want your
Sources tapped for the comments above:
Washington Post, February 27,2013, “Health law’s rules help
hospitals cut patient readmission rate”
Who speaks for the poor? Not the GOP; not the loudest are the Democrats; bless the ones that do.
When Rep.
Paul Ryan first proposed weakening the social safety net in a budget proposal
in 20,12 ,the Catholic Bishops called it “immoral”. That was
even before Pope Francis reset priorities of the Catholic Church to care about
the poor. Ryan’s newest budget passed by the House this month (and DOA in the
Senate), reduces food stamps by $125 billion and restricts access of
the near poor to health care by repealing Obamacare and reducing Medicaid.If
his first proposal was immoral, the 2014 version is beyond immoral. Who
is speaking for the poor these days?,
Not The GOP,
many of whom oppose even raising the minimum wage, so low now even full time
workers live in poverty. Not Republicans who support laws making
it harder for the poor without affordable and easy access to drivers’ licenses and
birth certificates or convenient voting hours to raise their voices .Not the GOP
House members including the GOP Colorado Representatives who voted for Ryan
budget this month, that would have cut food stamps while cutting taxes for the rich.
Growing up in Oklahoma in the 1950’s, I heard many rationalize opposing
government assistance by blaming
the poor themselves, opining African
Americans were lazy or undeserving.. Racist
attitudes coloring opposition to welfare
still linger into recent times per a study of many public opinion polls reviewed by Arizona
State University.
Pres. Johnson’s War on Poverty and
civil rights legislation were the reaction to the injustice and fueled by the long hot summer riots of the
late 1960’s . America learned that the poor could get attention even if they
did not have a political voice. But there were also abuses as some gamed the
new welfare system .
check: Welfare reform in the 1990’s put
more to work. Those left receiving food stamps now, per the US Department of
Agriculture, are mostly kids (47 percent are under age 18)and elderly
(8%). . Three-quarters of food stamp recipients are families with children.
The charity community is doing
what they can , but sometimes the food bank cupboard is bare..Hunger plagues 1
out of 5 kids who do not know where the next meal is coming from and government
through school lunch programs and food stamps make up part of the difference.
Many of the states with the largest number of poor have
state houses dominated by the GOP yet whose budgets are the most
dependent on federal money for social programs. They have the greatest
need and the least will to provide .Leaving states to use their own
resources with federal block grants masking diminished federal
contributions to Medicaid, as Ryan’s budget does, would further divide
this country between the have and have nots..
Even the Democratic
Party has focused priorities on issues supporting the middle class.
The voice of the poor was further overwhelmed by recent
Supreme Court decisions that gave
corporations the same right as individuals to contribute political campaigns (Citizen's United),
and a recent decision (McCutcheon v FEC) that made it much easier for the
wealthy to spread their influence around.
So who is left as the strongest voice for the poor? Some in
the faith community and Pope Francis and
God bless them.
Sources tapped for this blog:
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/1/paul-ryans-final-federal-budget-cuts-5-trillion/ http://www.asu.edu/mpa/Bartels.pdf
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/19/AR2010111906872.html http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/23/us/cnnheroes-hungry-children/
Friday, April 11, 2014
Russia's Ukraine policy's unintended consequence: Europe's energy independence
Whatever the outcome, the Crimea and Ukraine crises have made western Europe
painfully aware that they had become so
dependent on Russian gas and oil , they were unable to react forcefully. Russia
had become the master of their foreign policy souls. A western European
backlash, to seek more energy independence, would mean unintended long term consequences for Russia.
Our family has been dismayed at the return of tense relations with Russia. Post Communism
so many of our east European friends have enjoyed the warming of relations, the
freedom to immigrate or travel, and a much improved standard of living. However, we also have been close hand
observers of Europe’s recent and ever
increasing dependence on Russian gas and oil. One third of Western Europe’s energy comes from Russia and other countries
once in the Soviet sphere of influence depend 100% on Russian oil and gas.
Much of our family is related by marriage and
blood to Austrians and Croatians and over the past 40 years we have made nearly
annual trips to that part of the world. We have observed Croatia’s increasing dependence on Russian energy. In Croatia, my sister in law’s apartment
is heated by its gas. (around 30% of
Croatia’s natural gas is Russian). On
their Dalmatian coast, Russia’s Gazprom has recently bought service stations to fuel the tourist trade.
On a trip through Romania three years ago, we
crossed the Ploiesti oil fields, site of
World War II air battles. Rusting oil refineries and storage tanks
dotted the fields and a large pipeline carrying Russian oil bordered it. “ But why?””, I asked our guide, remembering Romania was once a famous oil producer. “ It
is cheaper to get it from Russia”, he replied.
That viewpoint is changing, however. Romania is 25 to 35%
dependent on Gazprom gas, but it has 15 years worth of gas reserves itself, which
it will soon begin tapping . Their
energy prices will rise, but they have already planned to take advantage of
lower consumption to gain more energy independence.
SETimes (http://www.setimes.com) shed more light on
the dilemma facing Europe using oil and
gas policy to bridle Russian ambitions. Boycotting Russian oil and gas could backfire on them. Gazprom
is the sole provider of their energy for Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria,
Finland, and the Baltic states. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo,
Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia also are strongly dependent on
Russian gas.
Petro policy can also
backfire on the Russians. 53% of Russia’s annual gas export pipelines cross the
Ukraine. Control of the Ukraine is critical to them.. But any loss of Western markets could seriously damage the Russian economy fed heavily
by petro income and diminish Putin’s domestic support..
In June the EU will present a plan for reduction of energy dependence on Russia, including
developing more renewables and their own
shale gas, increase imports of liquified
natural gas from Qatar and the US, improving
pipeline infrastructure within the EU and reviving eastern European gas fields. While the plans will take time to realize,
just the threat of implementation being formalized now should give Russia some serious second
thoughts as they ponder the long term unintended
consequences of their recent policies.
A version of this was published in the www.Skyhidailynews.com today...print and on line.
Note: April 16, 2014; FiscalTimes thinks that unlike in the past, Europe this time will actually take action to establish an EU energy policy and that they can call Putin's buff because they have large reserves of gas after a mild winter. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2014/04/10/How-Europe-Could-Finally-Call-Putin-s-Bluff
From SETimes April 16
A version of this was published in the www.Skyhidailynews.com today...print and on line.
Russia’s unintended Ukrainian fallout | SkyHiDailyNews.com
Russia’s unintended Ukrainian fallout | SkyHiDailyNews.com My column published April 18, 2014
Note: April 16, 2014; FiscalTimes thinks that unlike in the past, Europe this time will actually take action to establish an EU energy policy and that they can call Putin's buff because they have large reserves of gas after a mild winter. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2014/04/10/How-Europe-Could-Finally-Call-Putin-s-Bluff
From SETimes April 16
Kremlin threatens gas supplies to Southeast Europe
Several nations receive Russian gas via Ukraine. In other business news: Albania's credit rating sees improvement and Turkey's military spending surpasses Canada.
The EU says Russia should not politicise its contractual shipments of gas. [AFP]
In a letter to several Southeast European nations, Russia's President Vladimir Putin threatened to shut off gas supplies to Ukraine. The letter, which is intended to increase pressure on Kiev as Kremlin-backed troops stir insurgency in eastern Ukraine, warned of action unless Ukraine starts repaying its debt and unless the EU agrees to joint talks with Russia on the country's economic future. The European Commission responded in a statement and said it expects suppliers to stick to their commitments. The letter was sent to 18 European heads of states that depend on Russian gas transit via Ukraine, includingBulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Macedonia, Moldova,Serbia and Turkey.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Shameless and deceptive anti Obamacare ads flood Colorado
Indeed, an anti Senator Mark Udall ad running in our market says Obamacare ( ACA) is “about people”, but the” people” referenced in the ad are not about the 7.1 million who signed up for private insurance through federal and state ACA exchanges , or in
Colorado 277,149, who signed up as of
March 31 for either commercial health insurance or Medicaid’s expanded
version. The anti Udall ad shamelessly exaggerates the numbers as "millions and millions" who could not sign up after their insurance policies were cancelled . The GOP mantra,”repeal Obamacare” , means that coverage would be taken away from those “people” for whom it worked to get covered, especially nasty for the 9 .3 who never had health insurance before.
A Rand Corporation's study reported in the LA Times, March 30, 2014 (Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people), found that 4.5 million previously uninsured adults signed up for state Medicaid programs which were expanded to include more by the ACA, 3 million young adults took advantage of the ACA provisions allowing them to stay on their parents' insurance.. 9.5 million who got insurance thanks to ACA provisions were previously uninsured.
The ACA made it possible for at least 15 million to get insurance. if one adds the 7.1 million plus who bought insurance through the state and federal exchanges, exchanges, the 4.5 million who got Medicaid thanks to its expansion, and the 3 million young adults who now could stay on their parents' plans, 15 million is a number in the ball park.
A Rand Corporation's study reported in the LA Times, March 30, 2014 (Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people), found that 4.5 million previously uninsured adults signed up for state Medicaid programs which were expanded to include more by the ACA, 3 million young adults took advantage of the ACA provisions allowing them to stay on their parents' insurance.. 9.5 million who got insurance thanks to ACA provisions were previously uninsured.
The ACA made it possible for at least 15 million to get insurance. if one adds the 7.1 million plus who bought insurance through the state and federal exchanges, exchanges, the 4.5 million who got Medicaid thanks to its expansion, and the 3 million young adults who now could stay on their parents' plans, 15 million is a number in the ball park.
Ads have already begun in Colorado, tying Udall to Obamacare
(ACA), attempting to bring attention to the fewer who drew the short stick
instead of the far more who benefitted. One, against Obamacare, sponsored by the Koch
Brothers, was very deceptive,. That one featured
an angry woman who lost her individual insurance and was suffering, though that
she could find alternatives was never even suggested.
The “about people ad”
is a good example of hyping the ACA shortcomings, claiming “millions and millions” lost their insurance
and could not get a replacement. The Washington Post fact checker hit that one hard. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/wp/2014/03/25/new-anti-obamacare-ad-makes-misleading-claims-video) Per a
recent survey by the Rand Corporation, fewer than a million people who had health plans
in 2013 cancelled are not uninsured now. the Rand survey reported in the same LA Times article
above. "We are talking about a very small fraction of the country"
who lost coverage, said Katherine Carman, a Rand economist who is overseeing
the survey.
http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-obamacare-uninsured-national-20140331,0,5472960.story#ixzz2xkg9oyA7 That is certainly a negative for those in that predicament, but it is not the “millions and millions” the ad claims.
http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-obamacare-uninsured-national-20140331,0,5472960.story#ixzz2xkg9oyA7 That is certainly a negative for those in that predicament, but it is not the “millions and millions” the ad claims.
Most deceptive was the claim in the ad that Obamacare forced persons to pay more for less coverage . Come, come. T he reason those who had
individually purchased catastrophic policies got the discontinue notices was because it did not offer enough coverage
Obamacare deemed basic.
It is such a shame hospitals will see cuts to government
subsidies, whines another ad, implying reduction in Medicare services to your parents and
grandparents. Here’s why that line is so deceptive : so many more will now have
health insurance, uncompensated charity care
hospitals must cover is less; and that
hospitals will be held to higher standards, such as reducing readmissions due
to sloppy infection prevention practices and unneeded, repetitive tests.
In fact, The Congressional Budget Office projects that a
decade has been added to the life of Medicare due to the cost saving measures.
Of course, no benefits are being cut by Obamacare and traditional Medicare is
preserved. Even Medicare Advantage
serving 28% of seniors is projected to continue. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2013/aug/19/will-obamacare-hurt-medicare-advantage/
Expect future ads to claim Obamacare “is” not working
because “in the future” premiums will soar as insurance companies drop out for
lack of customers or not enough healthy sign up, causing a “death spiral” Those are scare tactics. The ACA foresaw that and insurers will be
subsidized to keep policies low until the free-riders feel the pain of ever
increasing penalties in the next couple of years. The Congressional Budget
office estimates it will take three years for all qualified to sign up. Even if
young, invincibles fail to constitute
40% of the sign ups, mid 20%s will still be enough for the “death spiral” not
to happen, per the Kaiser Family Foundation. (latimes.com/business/hiltzik: March 31, 2014, "Obamacare numbers coming in huge: Here's a guide to GOP excuse-making) .
From Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF.org...Metrics are mostly wrong)
"How about the percentage of young people? Everyone seems focused on that. Young people benefit the risk pool because they are healthier, but it’s really the percentage of healthy people that make or break the risk pool. Even if enrollment of young adults stays where it is – at about one-quarter instead of 40%, which our analysis shows they make up among potential enrollees – premiums would only increase by two to three percent. Though even that isn’t quite right, since many insurers expected this and already built it into their premiums. Nevertheless, news organizations continue to hammer enrollment by young adults as if it were the sole make-it or break-it factor to the health of the risk pools and, in some news reports, the law. There are no data yet on the overall health of enrollees because the law no longer allows insurers to collect that data in order to exclude people with pre-existing conditions from coverage."
For a very comprehensive fact check similar to this, go to http://news.yahoo.com/millions-lost-insurance-214739724.html published 4/11/2014
From Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF.org...Metrics are mostly wrong)
"How about the percentage of young people? Everyone seems focused on that. Young people benefit the risk pool because they are healthier, but it’s really the percentage of healthy people that make or break the risk pool. Even if enrollment of young adults stays where it is – at about one-quarter instead of 40%, which our analysis shows they make up among potential enrollees – premiums would only increase by two to three percent. Though even that isn’t quite right, since many insurers expected this and already built it into their premiums. Nevertheless, news organizations continue to hammer enrollment by young adults as if it were the sole make-it or break-it factor to the health of the risk pools and, in some news reports, the law. There are no data yet on the overall health of enrollees because the law no longer allows insurers to collect that data in order to exclude people with pre-existing conditions from coverage."
For a very comprehensive fact check similar to this, go to http://news.yahoo.com/millions-lost-insurance-214739724.html published 4/11/2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Now that 7 million signed up for Obamacare, what should Democratic candidates be saying now
Now that 7 million have signed up for Obamacare, it is time that Democrats stop running away
from the issue and stand up to their voting record. My suggested talking points for Democratic
candidates in swing states and districts:
“15 million now have affordable health insurance, whether
signing up through the exchanges, by Medicaid expansion, or buying it through their
insurance agent. 9 million of those never had health insurance before. This is
the beginning and it may take three years for everyone else to join in, but the
GOP wants to take it away from you now. That’s what happens if they get their
way to repeal the whole law. They want
you to return to the days when you could go bankrupt or lose your home over
medical bills you could never pay.
“I know there are some rough edges to the law and we need to
go back and fix those, but you need to know what principles, essential benefits
required to be covered by insurance, and
parts of the law I will fight to keep
for both those who get their insurance through their employers and those who do
Pre existing conditions must be covered
Kids must be able to stay on their parents’ plan
until they are 26
Lifetime caps on coverage must be eliminated
Women cannot be charged more than men; women’s
reproductive health must be covered
Insurance cannot be dropped when you get sick
We cannot charge co-pays for cancer screenings…including
mammograms, prostate, and colon screenings
All insurance should be required to cover essential services such as: ambulatory patient
services, emergency services, hospitalization, and newborn care, mental health and substance
use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment, prescription
drugs, rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices, laboratory
services, preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management ,pediatric
services, including oral and vision care
80% of premiums must be used to cover benefits
Providers, hospitals should be rewarded for
efficient, good service, but they should not be rewarded for repeat admissions,
duplicative tests
10. Premiums must be kept affordable based upon income levels, and available for those near poverty who cannot afford to pay for private insurance .
11. The financial sustainability of the program must be preserved and not undermined.
10. Premiums must be kept affordable based upon income levels, and available for those near poverty who cannot afford to pay for private insurance .
11. The financial sustainability of the program must be preserved and not undermined.
If there are better ways to achieve these goals, I am open
to them.”
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